Tertullian : Codex Gorziensis (G) (original) (raw)

Codex Gorziensis (G)

In the preface of the third edition (1539) of Tertullian, the editor, Beatus Rhenanus, states that he had obtained a collation of a manuscript which was the property of the abbey of Gorze, near Metz in Lorraine in France. He records that the collation was made for him by the monk Hubert Custine 4, and transmitted by the Messinian jurist, Claude Chansonette; and he adds readings from the Gorziensis in the footnotes of the edition.

More recently Pierre Petitmengin 3 has discovered a copy of the collation, made by Rhenanus himself. It seems that he transcribed this collation himself into his own copy of his second (1528) edition, which is extant at Sélestat, Bibliothèque humaniste, K 1040a. But he did not transcribe every note, as can be shown from notes attributed to G in the 1539 which are not in K1040a.4

The codex contained works found in the Corpus Cluniacense.

The relationship of G to other members of the family was determined by J.-C. Fredouille1, who showed that it belonged to the alpha-branch of the family, and was a descendant of the Montepessulanus (M). From the variants in the text of Adversus Valentinianos, he believed that it was a direct copy of M. F. Chapot while compiling the variants of Adversus Hermogenem found that for this work also this seemed to be correct.2


1. Jean-Claude FREDOUILLE,Tertullien : Contre les Valentiniens, Sources Chrétiennes 280 (1980), p.56-8, Critical edition in French with detailed introduction. Contains an analysis of the Corpus Cluniacensis. (Checked)

2. Frédéric CHAPOT, Tertullien : Contre Hermogene, Sources Chrétiennes 439 (1999), pp.54-5. French critical edition with Latin text, and French translation and notes. Checked.

3. Pierre PETITMENGIN,Tertullien entre la fin du XIIe et le début du XVIe siècle, in M. CORTESI(ed), Padri Greci e Latini a confronto: Atti del Convegno di studi della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino. Firenze: SISMEL (2004). pp. 63-88. Checked.

4. F. Chapot, _Dans l'officine d'un philologue. Beatus Rhenanus éditeur de l'_Adu. Hermogenem de Tertullien (Bâle 1521, 1528, 1539), in Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547): lecteur et éditeur des textes anciens, Turnhout (2000), p. 274. Checked. (Details from Petitmengin 2004 p.73 n.40)

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