Tertullian : Codex Vaticanus Latinus 189/192/193 (original) (raw)

These three 15th century Italian manuscripts form a complete set of the beta (Hirsau) branch of the Corpus Cluniacense, derived from F1, and include also the Apologeticum, derived from the alpha branch Ms. N9. As such, its independent witness to the text is nil, since all it can offer is further copyist errors.

The three volumes were intended as a set, as can be shown from the fact that they all have the same size, format, script. Vol 1 : Vaticanus Latinus 189. Vol 2: Vaticanus Latinus 192. Vol 3: Vaticanus Latinus 193. However, the 3 volumes must always have been separate, as each has an separate index on the _folio de garde_written in the same hand as the rest of it, which lists the contents of that volume only 2. The 3 volumes appear in the inventory of Cervini, begun under Pope Paul III (died 1549) and completed under Julius II (died 1555) 3.

The three volumes were written by a scribe in Florence who seems to have specialised in Tertullian 5, plus Budapest Bibl. Univ. lat. 10 and British Library Add. 16901 4.

The 3 volumes of the set all show annotations which may be the same, and may be the hand of Cardinal Jean Jouffroy, suggesting that he owned it. They do not figure in the list of 49 of his manuscripts given by A. Lanconelli, based on the research of Cardinal Mercati; but see A. Manfredi. Jouffroy certainly had access to a copy of Tertullian's works, however 4.


Vat. Lat. 189.

29.5 x 20cms, parchment. 15th century. Written in Italy, judging from script and construction. Decorated initials. Contains:

De carne Christi
De resurrectione carnis
De corona militis
Ad martyras
De paentitentia
De virginibus velandis
De habitu muliebri
De cultu feminarum
Ad uxorem libri duo
De persecutione
Ad Scapulam
De exhortatione castitatis

This volume carries the number 116 of the Cervini inventory.

Vat. Lat. 192.

29.5 x 20cms, parchment. 15th century. Written in Italy, judging from script and construction. Contains:

Adversus Marcionem in 5 books
Adversus Judaeos
Adversus omnes haereses
De praescriptionibus haereticorum
Adversus Hermogenem

This volume carries the number 117 of the inventory of Cervini.

Vat. Lat. 193.

29.5 x 20cms, parchment. 15th century. Written in Italy, judging from script and construction. Contains:

De patientia dei
Adversus Praxeam
Adversus Valentinianos
De monogamia
De pallio

This volume carries the number 118 of the inventory of Cervini.


1. Emil KROYMANN, Die Tertullien-Ueberlieferung in Italien, Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 138 (1897 or 1898) 3rd booklet (34 pages). also in English translation. p. 3

2. Pierre PETITMENGIN,Le Tertullien de Fulvio Orsini, Eranos 59 (1962), pp.116-135. Checked. p. 121, note 23.

3. Pierre PETITMENGIN,Le Tertullien de Fulvio Orsini, Eranos 59 (1962), pp.116-135. Checked. p. 122, note 25a.

4. Pierre PETITMENGIN,Tertullien entre la fin du XIIe et le début du XVIe siècle, in M. CORTESI(ed), Padri Greci e Latini a confronto: Atti del Convegno di studi della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino. Firenze: SISMEL (2004). pp. 63-88. Checked.

5. A. DE LAMARE, New research on Humanistic scribes in Florence, in Miniatura fiorentina de Rinascimento 1440-1525 un primo censimento, a cura di A. Garzelli, I, Firenze (1985), p. 547 "the Tertullian group) and vol 2 (ill. 366). Not checked. (Details from Petitmengin n. 61).

6. A. LANCONELLI,La biblioteca romana di Jean Jouffroy, in Scrittura, biblioteche e stampa a Roma nel Quattrocento. Aspetti e problemi, Città del Vaticano (1980), pp. 276-294. Not checked. (Details from Petitmengin n. 62).

7. A. MANFREDI,I codici latini di Niccolò V. Edizione degli inventari e identificazione dei manoscritti, Città del Vaticano (1994), pp. 152 and 289. Not checked. (Details from Petitmengin n. 62).

8. C. MÄRTL,Kardinal Jean Jouffroy († 1473). Leben und Werk, Sigmaringen (1996), pp.285-297. Not checked. (Details from Petitmengin n. 62). Apparently on p.203 it says that Jouffroy used Tertullian in his unpublished dialogue on the cardinalate, written in 1467.

9. Heinrich HOPPE,Quinti Septimi Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticum, CSEL 69, Vienna (1939). Checked

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