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The FictionMags Index

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Western Story Magazine [v76 #4, March 10, 1928] (Street & Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF, from ToC] 3 • Violence Valley • Johnston McCulley • na 36 • Another Beauty Spot Consecrated • Anon. • nf 37 • Sure Is Shootin’ • Roland Krebs • ss 41 • A Walking Fish • Anon. • nf 42 • Tragedy Trail [Part 3 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 63 • Shorty and the Lion [_Shorty_] • Ray Humphreys • ss 68 • Birds of the West and North America: The Nuthatch • Anon. • nf 69 • Riders of the Grande Ronde [Part 7 of 7] • Robert Ormond Case • sl 90 • A Modern Stampede • Anon. • nf 91 • Hawaiian Cowboys and Cows • Clem Yore • ar 94 • An Outdoor Prayer • Clarence E. Flynn • pm 95 • Feet First • Frank Triem • ss 103 • A “Lost” Arctic City • Anon. • nf 104 • Never Too Late to Fight • F. R. Buckley • ss 115 • Brand of the Diamond M • Harley P. Lathrop • ss 122 • Dad Simms Reaches Bedrock [_Dad Simms_] • Frank Richardson Pierce • ss 128 • A Pheasant Fooled • Anon. • nf 129 • Famous Western Story Writers: F.R. Buckley • D. C. Hubbard • ar 130 • Miner’s Potlatch • John A. Thompson • cl 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • A Dog’s Devotion • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v77 #3, April 14, 1928] (15¢, 144pp, pulp); Details taken from dealer’s catalogue on ABEBooks.

Western Story Magazine [v77 #5, April 28, 1928] (Street & Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF, from ToC] 3 • The Gun Tamer [Part 1 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 23 • Some Facts About Trees • Anon. • nf 24 • Bird Crazy • Ray Humphreys • ss 33 • An Oregon Bird Refuge • Anon. • nf 34 • The Trail to Revenge • Johnston McCulley • na 66 • Birds of the West and North America: The Wandering Falcon • Anon. • nf 67 • With Bared Fangs • Kenneth Gilbert • ss 76 • Indian Scouts • Anon. • nf 77 • Pages from the Old West: The Pride of Lawyer Blaine • Larry Reddington • ar 84 • Thunder Brakes [Part 4 of 5] • Cherry Wilson • sl 106 • Famous Western Story Writers: George Owen Baxter • D. C. Hubbard • ar 108 • The West Yields a New Tomato • Anon. • nf 109 • Beaten Gold • Seth Ranger • ss 115 • A Folk-Song Festival • Anon. • nf 116 • Tubby Saw Wood • Frank Richardson Pierce • ss 125 • A Little Log House in the Hills • Hugh V. Haddock • pm 126 • Indian Giver • Frank Triem • ss 132 • Are Chickens Live Stock? • Anon. • nf 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • The Transplantation of Deer • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v77 #6, May 5, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 1 • Longhorn Law • Walt Coburn • na 36 • America’s Northernmost Railroad • Anon. • nf 37 • Wolf’s Brand • Harrison Conrard • ss 47 • Birds of the West and North America: The Red Flamingo • Anon. • nf 48 • The Gun Tamer [Part 2 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 68 • A Steer Runs Amuck • Anon. • nf 69 • Dogged • Howard E. Morgan • ss 79 • Thunder Brakes [Part 5 of 5] • Cherry Wilson • sl 98 • A Tenderfoot Gets His Wolf • Anon. • nf 99 • Red Raiders: Victoria, the King Philip of the Southwest • A. B. Searles • ar 102 • Sentenced to Hang Seven Times, Western Pioneer Still Lives • Anon. • nf 103 • Shorty’s Lynchin’ Bee [_"Shorty" McKay_] • Ray Humphreys • ss 112 • Dog on Trial for Life • Anon. • nf 113 • Free Grass • Adolph Bennauer • ss 123 • Alaska Again Shaken by Earthquake • Anon. • nf 124 • Sunset on Mount Shasta • James Edward Hungerford • pm 125 • The Rod Rider • Hugh F. Grinstead • ss 132 • The Problem of Indian Education • Anon. • nf 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v78 #1, May 12, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 3 • The Hooded Buckaroo • Seth Ranger • na 39 • Birds of the West and North America: The Golden and Cape May Warblers • Anon. • nf 40 • Musky, the Mighty • Kenneth Gilbert • ss 49 • Discovery of Aboriginal Canal • Anon. • nf 50 • Three on the Trail [Part 1 of 6] • Max Brand • sl 74 • Wild Horses Doomed by the Cold • Anon. • nf 75 • Shorty and the Dumb Belle [_"Shorty" McKay_] • Ray Humphreys • ss 83 • Making the North Safe for Our Fur Bearers • Anon. • nf 84 • Red Raiders: Roman Nose and the Charge of the Cheyennes • A. B. Searles • ar 88 • The Gun Tamer [Part 3 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 110 • The Buffalo’s Return • Anon. • nf 111 • Hot Dogs! • Roland Krebs • ss 116 • What Part of the Reindeer Do You Like? • Anon. • nf 117 • A Man Afraid • Howard E. Morgan • ss 123 • Famous Western Story Writers: Seth Ranger • D. C. Hubbard • ar 125 • Tongue-tied Bandits • Austin Hall • ss 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • The Damaging Beaver • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v78 #2, May 19, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 3 • Coward of the Clan • Peter Henry Morland • na 47 • Texas Roses Going to Waste • Anon. • nf 48 • Bad and Mad • W. C. Tuttle • ss 53 • Three on the Trail [Part 2 of 6] • Max Brand • sl 73 • Four Pioneers Rewarded • Anon. • nf 74 • A Cage of Glass • Frank Richardson Pierce • ss 78 • The Forest that Never Was • Anon. • nf 79 • The Gun Tamer [Part 4 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 98 • One Use for Wood in Washington • Anon. • nf 99 • Two Great Big Guns • Ray Humphreys • ss 108 • Famous Western Story Writers: Peter Henry Morland • D. C. Hubbard • ar 109 • Solution of the Age Riddle of Wood • Anon. • nf 110 • Sap and Fish • Roland Krebs • ss 116 • The Indian Feast of Guadalupe • Anon. • nf 117 • Red Raiders: Black Hawk, Victorious Though Vanquished • A. B. Searles • ar 120 • The Southwest Turns to Dairying • Anon. • nf 121 • Open Water • Seth Ranger • ss 127 • Buried Guns • Dee Murto • ss 132 • Contentment • Hastings L. Herring • pm 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 138 • The Wild-dog Menace • Anon. • nf 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v78 #3, May 26, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 3 • The New-timer • A. E. Apple • na 45 • Birds of the West and North America: The Ivory-billed Woodpecker • Anon. • nf 46 • Bagging the Snipers • Roland Krebs • ss 52 • Must Burbank’s Garden Go? • Anon. • nf 53 • Three on the Trail [Part 3 of 6] • Max Brand • sl 73 • A Recollection of Pioneer Days • Anon. • nf 74 • The Sealing Kid • Frank Richardson Pierce • ss 85 • Vast Industrial Undertaking in the Saguenay Valley • Anon. • nf 86 • The Silent Cuss • James Edward Hungerford • pm 87 • The Gun Tamer [Part 5 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 107 • Red Raiders: Little Crow, the Scourge of Minnesota • A. B. Searles • ar 111 • Grandpa Off the Job • Dee Murto • ss 120 • Pages from the Old West: The Iron Breed • Larry Reddington • ar 123 • ’Dobe Dollars • Harley P. Lathrop • ss 132 • Indian-inspired Art • Anon. • nf 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 138 • Terror of Wolves • Anon. • nf 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • Cold Truths About the Arctic • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v79 #5, July 21, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 3 • Wasted Salt [Part 1 of 6] • George Washington Ogden • sl 24 • The Bully of Riley’s Run • Howard E. Morgan • ss 34 • Lost at Red Dog • Kenneth Perkins • na 63 • How a Miner Won His Grubstake • Anon. • nf 64 • Last River • Robert Ormond Case • ss 73 • Birds of the West and North America: The Mourning Dove • Anon. • nf 74 • The Brass Man [Part 5 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 94 • The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes • Anon. • nf 95 • Famous Western Story Writers: Kenneth Perkins • D. C. Hubbard • ar 96 • The Talking Dog • Anon. • nf 97 • You’ve Got to Have Water • Frank Richardson Pierce • ss 108 • Not for Sale • Marshal South • pm 109 • Shorty Plays the Jack [_"Shorty" McKay_] • Ray Humphreys • ss 116 • The Sultan Stallion • Anon. • nf 117 • Nick Carter Shows the Way • Austin Hall • ss 125 • Show Off and Show Up • Frank Triem • ss 132 • The Passing of a Town • Anon. • nf 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • Hardy Women of the Northwest • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v79 #6, July 28, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 3 • The Panhandle Wrangler • Robert Ormond Case • na 37 • Birds of the West and North America: The Wood Duck • Anon. • nf 38 • White Mask and Black Heart • Johnston McCulley • ss 45 • Making them Feel Blue • Anon. • nf 46 • Wasted Salt [Part 2 of 6] • George Washington Ogden • sl 67 • Kansas Provides a Janitor’s Job • Anon. • nf 68 • Thunderbird Rides High • Kenneth Gilbert • ss 77 • Get Your Goat - But Make It Angora • Anon. • nf 78 • The Brass Man [Part 6 of 6] • George Owen Baxter • sl 97 • Slow Motion Shots • Frank Richardson Pierce • ss 107 • Famous Western Story Writers: Robert Ormond Case • D. C. Hubbard • ar 109 • What’s Mine’s Mine • Ray Humphreys • ss 115 • The Prairies Blossom Forth • Anon. • nf 116 • When the Wanderlust Calls with the Dawn • Hugh V. Haddock • pm 117 • Now or Never • Howard E. Morgan • ss 124 • Paper Wrappings for Lumber • Anon. • nf 125 • Up to His Neck • Austin Hall • ss 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • The World’s First Horses • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl

Western Story Magazine [v80 #2, August 11, 1928] (Street and Smith Corporation, 15¢, 144pp+, pulp); [RF] 3 • Greenwood Gold • Hal Waldo & Jackson Gregory • nv 25 • The Sax Appeal • Roland Krebs • ss 30 • Birds of the West and North America: The Screech Owl • Anon. • nf 31 • Six-guns and Soap • Johnston McCulley • nv 59 • A Geology Tour of the Far West • Anon. • nf 60 • Raining Bears • Austin Hall • ss 68 • Horses for Sale • Anon. • nf 69 • Pillar Mountain [Part 2 of 6] • John Frederick • sl 90 • The Cabin in the Valley • Floyd T. Wood • pm 91 • The Bird in the Bushes • Ray Humphreys • ss 98 • Paintings of the Blackfeet Indians • Anon. • nf 99 • Wasted Salt [Part 4 of 6] • George Washington Ogden • sl 117 • The Treasure House of Mexico • Anon. • nf 118 • Due to Hang • Leslie Gordon Barnard • ss 127 • The Rotary Habits of Cows • Anon. • nf 128 • Ghost Guarded • Frank Triem • ss 133 • The Round-Up • The Editor • ed 136 • The Hollow Tree • Helen Rivers • cl 139 • Where to Go and How to Get There • John North • cl 141 • Some Old Men of the West • Anon. • nf 142 • Missing • Anon. • cl