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The FictionMags Index

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Modern Weekly

Modern Weekly [No. 96, February 18th, 1928] ed. Anon. (Amalgamated Press, 2d, 877-938pp, 6.5" x 9"); This issue is labelled the “Bride Number”. [PSP] 877 • Like Anita Elson’s • Lola de Laredo • ms879 • “Monday’s Child” • Doris Amy Ibbotson • ms880 • The Foolish Virgin [Part ? of ?] • Kathleen Norris • sl; illus. Gale883 • To Any Bride! • Berton Braley • pm887 • Fay Plans a Trousseau! • Fay • ms892 • Men I Like to Dance With • June • ar894 • Beauty for the Bride • Anon. • ms895 • What a Kitchen Can Be • Annette Adams • ar897 • Dress Difficulties! • The Readers • lt898 • The Younger Set • Anon. • ms902 • The Worst Boy in the World [_Youth in These Days!_] • Katharine Brush • ss; illus. W. H. Walton913 • Make Your Own Logs? • Anon. • ms921 • Trixie Shuns Sentiment! • Berta Ruck • ar926 • What’ll I Do? • The Readers • lt928 • Bridal Beauty! • Anon. • ms

Modern Weekly [No. 103, April 7th, 1928] ed. Anon. (Amalgamated Press, 2d, 1241-1292pp, 6.5" x 9"); [PSP] 1241 • Royalty at Play • Anon. • ar1244 • Gift of the Desert [Part ? of ?] • Zane Grey • sl (r)1251 • My First Big Chance • Margaret Bannerman • cl1253 • Isn’t It Annoying When You’ve Just Missed The Post! • Anon. • ms1255 • The Younger Set • Lolita • cl1257 • Fay and the New Wool Craze! • Fay • ms1260 • Tinting and Dyeing Secrets! • Anon. • ms1261 • ‘Cute’ Curtains • Anon. • ms1264 • Dress Difficulties! • The Readers • lt1266 • Sir Betsy • Lynn Montross • ss; illus. P. Walford1270 • What She Dreams! • Hilary Brown • pm1277 • Delicious Things You Can Make With a Packet of Prunes! • Anon. • ms1280 • Amateur Theatricals • Lillian Gard • pm1282 • Girls Men Marry! • Anon. • ms1290 • What’ll I Do? • The Readers • lt1291 • To Be Wise is To Be Beautiful • Anon. • ms

The Modern Weekly [No. 133 (New Series), August 29th, 1936] ed. Anon. (Amalgamated Press, 2d, 73-112pp, 7.5" x 10.5"); [PSP] 73 • Personality Parade • Anon. • cl74 • Meeting His Mother • Godfrey Winn • ar76 • Undemonstrative! • M. C. • pmGood Manners: ___ 76 • Sorry You’ve Been Troubled! • Barbara Hedworth • cl77 • The Gayest City • Muriel A. King • ss81 • Furnish Your Bed-Sitting Room with Antiques • Anon. • ms83 • A Fir-Cone Cushion • Anon. • ms84 • So You’re Going Away—in September • Anon. • ms86 • Star Stuff [Part ? of ?] • Annabel Lee • sl91 • It’s Good With Tweed! • Anon. • ms97 • Scotch Eggs • Irene Harrison • ms103 • “Romantic Summer Night” • Carol Lynne • ms106 • The Rising Generation • Jane • ms108 • Busy Housewives’ Brainwives • The Readers • lt110 • From One Who Knows • Mrs. Modern • cl112 • Postscript • The Editress • ed

Modern Woman

Modern Woman [September 1949] ed. Kay Smallshaw (Newnes, George, 1/-, 144pp, 5.5" x 8"); [PSP] 36 • Pride • Margaret Pulsford • ss; illus. Showell43 • What Is the Secondary Modern School? • Antonia Ridge • ar; illus. Robert Kennedy48 • The People I Meet • Olive Shapley • cl52 • Report on Jane M. • George Glenwood • ar55 • Dishpan Reflections • Irene Norman • pm56 • The Witch Ball • Susan Muir • ss; illus. Hutton62 • Shopping for Furniture? • Michael Sheridan • ar68 • Good-Looking Schoolgirl • Jane Howe • ar72 • A Model Twin Set, Designed in Paris, for You to Knit • Anon. • ms74 • Ready for the Rain • Elizabeth Troy • ms76 • Back-to-School Clothes • Elizabeth Troy • ms80 • Man-Size Meals • Edith A. Browne • ms83 • To Rise or Fall • Sheila Penny • ms86 • Scrapbook of a Star: Robert Donat • Mary Benedetto • bg92 • When Life’s Difficult • Ray Allister • cl95 • Creeping Like Snail • Pearl Binder • pm97 • Dr. Elizabeth Advises You • Anon. • ms100 • Full Steam Ahead • Anne Fisher • ms104 • Sailor, Take Warning • William A. Krauss • ss; illus. John Canning123 • The Children’s Page • Aunt Peggy • cl124 • Cacti and Succulents for the Indoor Garden • Ernest Chaloner, F.R.H.S. • ms127 • Your Guide to Good Reading • Stevie Smith • br130 • A Career with a Future: the Dental Surgery Assistant • Grace A. Rees • ms142 • A Staff College for Nurses • Anon. • ms144 • To and from the Office by Covent Garden • The Readers • lt


Monsieur [v 1 #3, July 1957] (50¢, quarto); Information from EBAY auction.

Monsieur [v 2 #2, May 1959] (50¢, quarto); Information from EBAY auction.

Monsieur [February 1963] (50¢, quarto); Information from EBAY auction.

Monsieur [February 1963] (50¢, quarto); (second Feb ’63 issue?) Information from EBAY auction.

Monthly Magazine of Fiction

The Monthly Story Magazine ; The Monthly Story Magazine was founded May 1905, and became The Blue Book Magazine from May 1907.

The Monthly Story Magazine [February 1906] (pulp); [DP:2260]

Mother Jones

Mother Jones [April/May 1986] ; Information from EBAY auction.

The Mother’s Magazine

The Mother’s Magazine [v 3 #12, Christmas 1908] (80pp, cover by Glen Cheffer); Information from EBAY auction.

The Mother’s Magazine [August 1917] ; Information from EBAY auction.

The Mother’s Magazine [September 1917] (93pp); Information from EBAY auction.

The Mother’s Magazine [March 1919] (60pp+, 8½" x 11½"); Information from EBAY auction.

Mother’s-Home Life

Mother’s-Home Life [February 1926] (37pp, cover by Will E. Livezey); Information from EBAY auction.

Mother’s-Home Life and The Household Guest [November 1936] (12pp); Information from EBAY auction.

Movie Action Magazine ; Movie novelizations illustrated with photos; author names obtained from S&S pay records, Syracuse University Library. [JL]

Movie Action Magazine [v 1 #2, December 1935] ed. John L. Nanovic (Street & Smith Publications, 10¢, 128pp+, pulp); [JL]