Fonthill Abbey, Beckford, follies and folly towers at (original) (raw)

Follies Home PageThis 3D model of Fonthill Abbey has been drawn using existing plan and cross sectional drawings that are freely available on the web.
I consider it to be a fair representation of what the original structure looked like.
Some area's are not recorded in contemporary prints or plans,
so in these instances I have drawn in windows or estimated the height of structures, based on surrounding area's that had been recorded.

Fonthill Abbey

Fonthill Abbey looking from a north west position.

The far left is the 'Lancaster Turret' and the 'Sanctuary' with the 'Oratory' at the far tip. This is joined to the main tower by 'King Edward's Gallery'.

To the rear can be seen the big twin turrets above the 'The Grand Drawing Room'. This wing also contains the 'Great Dining Room', the 'Crimson Drawing Room', and the 'Crimson Breakfast Parlour'

Moving to the right we have the main western entrance,

To the far right are the two smaller turrets belonging to the 'Yellow Withdrawing rooms', and the southern and west cloisters.

The model was created using Rhino 3D, (Rhinoceros NURBS modelling for Windows, version 3), this was then rendered using 'Flamingo' version 1.1. The finer detail on the model, tracery, glazing bars etc, has been omitted simply on the grounds of file size. The Rhino file for this model alone is around 103 megs. Render time using an Athlon XP2400 processor was 38 minutes.

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