Leicestershire Follies, Old John's Tower, follies and folly towers at follytowers.com (original) (raw)
O l d J o h n
This modest two storey castellated tower with an attached arch stands in the 1100 acres of Bradgate Park. It was supposedly built on the site of an old windmill owned by "Old John", who it seems was killed whilst attending the 21st birthday party of the son of the Earl Of Stamford.
An Unlikely Tale
It is reported that at the celebrations, which consisted of a bonfire made around a flagpole, "Old John" was charged with looking after the fire and not to leave it unattended. However the fire got out of control, but the man stood his ground refusing to desert his post.The result being that the flagpole fell down, killing "Old John". Why a bonfire was lit against a wooden flagpole - if ever it was - is not recorded, but the tower was then built as a memorial to the unlucky fellow.
Co-Ords: 452565 311235 / SK 525112
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