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Follies and Folly towers

Follies and Folly towers


Follies and Folly towers

L i n k s P a g e

All Links Last Checked and active at 21:56 GMT on 17th Nov 2004
I endeavour to check them once every four weeks.

(Webmasters:, With 1,116 links in all I needed a good free link tester, I use Xenu- Link Check )

These are a selection of links from my own 'Favourites' folder, arranged under subject matter.

Apart from Follies, my other interests are my Pajero 4WD and my motorbike, so the first link must be to
the Pajero UK site.


If you own a Shogun or Pajero,

a good source of help and advice is just a click away.

Included among them are any links to sites that are run by people who have contributed to this site. These will have a mention of the pictures they have supplied.

There may be some pop-up's on some, but nothing excessive
[ if that alters let me know ] and definitely no adverts or re-directions to web sites that feature females showing their 'stick-out bits' - again, if that alters let me know, specifying the offending link concerned, so I can remove it.


Anaglyphs I did not know what they were either first of all. Find those old red/green 3D specs at the back of the drawer, and check this site out.

M C Escher

Most people have seen the 'impossible' waterfall, where the water appears to go up hill. Well this site is about the man and his works.

Hieronymus Bosch.

The 15th Century religious artist Hieronymus Bosch's depiction of hell and damnation. If you look at the wrong stuff on the internet, you've been warned !


Solar Eclipses After a fruitless very early morning motorbike dash to Cornwall, to view the UK total eclipse, only to find my family saw more at home, these images are the next best thing for me.


Broadband Test Some providers are better than others. It may be possible to increase your speed by adjusting the MTU [ don't ask, check the link out ]

Clocks [ Mainly electrical master clocks.]

Brian Mumford has a lot of information on his site, not always that easy to find though, and some is more for the specialist.


A Big site, if you have any interest in Horology you should find something of interest here.

Electric Clocks

Lots of electric master clock information, with some enthralling Macromedia animations to view of escapements.


Horology in general.

Meadows and Passmore

Good online supplier of all clock parts, extensive online catalogue in downloadable .pdf format.

Greenwich Time signal

All about the history of the Greenwich Time Signal.

Electric Clocks

Extensive and detailed site dealing with electrical horology.

Time Machines

No - it's not about time travel.


Xenu Link Checker I use this excellent Freeware program to check all 800+ [ external and internal ] URL links that this site has. It uses multiple queries for speed, and is a 'must' for any webmaster.

Matt's Electronic and Computing Resource

One of those handy sites to bookmark, for when you need audiovisual and computer related ports and pinouts. Semiconductor identification logos etc,

XP Product Activation

Explains all about Windows XP Product activation. The site is independent of Microsoft.

Microsoft DOS

All about Microsoft's DOS system. Who needs DOS nowadays ? you might think. Well it's still very useful, and could even save your bacon one day when your PC wont boot.

Batch Files

Explains the use of batch files to do all sorts of handy things, very little programming skill needed, and very useful to know.

C++ Programing

Borland C++ site. Mainly C++ programming for running under DOS.

The Register

Massive site, pulls no punches when reporting any news regarding Internet related companies or web related developments.

The Elder Greek

The Elder Greek odd name for an excellent site, mainly XP related, tips and how to's on just about every XP subject, If you only use one computer site use this one.

Steve Gibson

Steve Gibson's security site, check your firewall here, what - you have not got one ? Read this site now.

If you like fiddling with PC's there is lots of information here.

Windows 2003 Server

Windows 2003 Server Forum. Plenty of interesting tips and information here.

Windows XP

As above but this covers Windows XP.


Dorset Out & About Quoting from the Dorset Out & About website :-

Providing evening and weekend leisure activities for people living in and around Dorset. We offer a wide range of events from local theatre trips, London shows and day trips, to hot air balloon flights and paragliding. All our events are reasonably priced and include group discounts wherever possible. Even if you don't live in Dorset you can take advantage of our discounted tickets to London shows and attractions if you can arrange your own transport.


Microcontrollers. The "Atom" micro controller. Think of them as miniature 'computers'. You program them from a PC, via a serial cable, to do all sorts of tasks. I currently have a clock of the 'free pendulum' variety running on one of these very successfully.

Matt's Electronic and Computing Resource

One of those handy sites to bookmark, for when you need audiovisual and computer related ports and pinouts. Semiconductor identification logos etc,


These are very similar to the above Atoms.

Basic Stamp Support

Another site for Stamps with some code examples.

Basic Electronics.

A beginners introduction to the basic components used in electronic circuits.


Good collection of simple, basic electronic circuits.

Transistor Spec's

You know the situation, you need a transistor for something, and find an old BC XXX but will it switch 0.5 amps ? - see here for most Transistor and IC specifications.

Tesla Coils

Tesla coils web ring. These can be very spectacular, and also dam dangerous.


The Goring Folly The amazing tale of how Timothy Blewitt a retired art teacher, constructed his own folly in his rear garden. Mentioned on this site in the Sussex section , but see the full story on Timothy's own site.

Brightling Follies

This site deals solely with this collection.


Several follies not covered here, plus in the photo gallery some interesting photographs of differing subjects, including a study of bridges throughout the world.

Freston Tower

Ed Broom has an excellent site giving the history on what is generally regarded as the oldest folly tower in the country, Freston Tower in Suffolk. He also kindly supplied me with the Freston Tower photo that I use on this site.

Alfred's Tower

Chris Nelms a local resident to Alfred's Tower has created this excellent site.

Désert de Retz

There are very few examples of foreign follies to be found on the internet. A good example though is the late 18th century folly garden, approximately 12 miles west of Paris. The Column House, is one of the most imaginative and unusual follies I have come across.


Just occasionally, and only occasionally, someone decides to rebuild a folly to it's former glory, see this site for just such a tale.


There are not many good sources for William Beckford, - mentioned in both the Avon and Wiltshire pages. Two of the most useful are this one by Dick Claésson, and also the one below.

A Visit to Fonthill.

Rictor Norton`s site detailing with the colourful life of William Beckford.

Garden Follies And Illusions

This is an Australian site that takes a look at some great gardens. These are the natural home, and so often the birthplace of a lot of our follies.

Mad Jack Fuller

had all the qualities for a folly builder, he was both eccentric and wealthy. However unlike many he was an outstanding person in his own right, this site will tell you more.


The Greyhound Trust THE most loving and gentle dogs imaginable.See my two here. Anyone who is considering adoption and is able to view dogs in Dorset, England, can contact me, as I may know of dogs needing a home at the time.

Lathe and Engineering

Chronos Tools. Good catalogue, good prices and service. They have a vast stock of all lathe and engineering related tools etc. Used this UK firm many times for mail order over the internet.

Grinding Lathe Tools.

This site shows the correct method, with the correct angles on the tool face, - rather than the way I do it.

Model Engineer.

This link will be known by anybody who 'tinkers' in their workshop anyway. If you are thinking of starting this hobby though, take a look.


Adipocere Not for the squeamish. What occasionally happens to a body after death, not grisly, just morbid, but none the less interesting.


Purely for an educational interest. If you ever need to grow cannabis to obtain hemp for a bit of rope making this is the place.


More quotations than you ever dreamed off, why not try:- "The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." George Bernard Shaw.

Ever wondered what the lyrics to a particular song really are ? , the unusual site name is also explained on the site [_Clue: He could certainly play a guitar_].

Dissected Cadaver

Not for the squeamish. In America, where else, a body was frozen and then sliced up into anatomical sections. The results are shown here, it has a sort of morbid curiosity about it. I guarantee you will have a headache as you view the head section !

The Brains Trust

Satire at its best, - usually, as current events are reviewed.

Excel Spreadsheets.

An Excel Spreadsheets Tutorial . It is my firm belief that who ever invented the spreadsheet should be tried for 'crimes against humanity'. Like it or not though, everything in business nowadays seems to revolve around them.

Savernake Forest

The Ailesbury Column page mentions the use Savernake Forest was put to during the Second World War. Look here for some photographs on Roger Day's site


Roy Schofield is associated with, an extensive site that features caistor and the beautiful surrounding area of the Lincolnshire Wolds where you will find Pelham`s Pillar.

Wyatt James

has several sites on different subjects, particulary Castles, Stone Circles, Ancient Monuments etc, and kindly supplied the Mow cop photo.


I have two pages relating to the Savernake Forest, [1] and also [2], so why not visit nearby Marlborough. Rob and Angela Dickens have a good site dealing with the town.

Harps (Simon's Net)

Simon Chadwick supplied me with the sound recording on the Blowing Stone page. This is an old stone with suitable holes, which when blown through, will emit a sound. Simon's hobby is the construction of Harps, something that not people can claim as a hobby.


Round Britain Rally This is about a competition to solve clues concerning locations based around the UK. The purpose being to visit each one and collect points accordingly. A photograph being taken as evidence of your visit.
Graham supplied the Dunston Pillar photograph

Brough Motorcycles

On the page relating to Lawrence Of Arabia I mentioned these lovely bikes, this is a site all about them.


Harold Shipman. The Shipman story, how this was allowed to happen is breathtaking.

Jack the Ripper.

If ever you were asked to nominate a subject that has been 'flogged to death', then this must be a good contender. However this is one of the best sources for information on this mystery. It offers in depth information, and exposes all the half-cocked wild theories, that most other 'ripper'sites seem to thrive on.

Crime Library

Vast US site covering all sorts of crimes, with good, but not too gory detail.


Nigel Whitaker. Nigel Whitaker's site has some interesting photography. He supplied me with pictures of (Ashton Memorial ) and also (Hoad Monument photo - Ulverston)

Andy Nickless

Andy Nickless has a site illustrating his work as a commercial photographer. He supplied me with the Paxton`s Tower photograph [1].

Dik Whibley

has a site featuring some interesting photography of various subjects. He also supplied me with the second photograph of Paxton`s Tower [2].

David Scott`s site has photographs of America amongst its content, with in particular some truly amazing shots showing the beauty of Monument Valley & the Grand Canyon. He supplied this site with photographs of Broadway Tower and also McCaig`s Folly and Peel's Tower

Stephen Oliver

has a good photographic site covering Still Life, Buildings, Portraits and other works, with some interesting photographs of faringdon Tower


How Stuff Works. One of those sites where you just seem to 'surf' from one interesting page to another.

Science Hobbyist

As the name says, this covers plenty of subjects that anyone with an interest in Science will find interesting.

The Very Last Page..

Basically about free energy inventions, some plain weird, some well maybe........


A more informed, and a complete contrast, to the above web site with some interesting articles.

Space Travel

Very interesting US gov site that looks at the actual realities, and likely hood [very unlikely it would seem], of deep space travel.

Yahoo Science

If you can't find anything here, then sell your PC and give up.

The Pyramids

Take an Apple QuickTime Virtual tour of the Pyramids.

Siamese Twins.

Fascinating yet sad site, about conjoined [ Siamese ] twins. Navigation by the way, is via the orange bar at the top of the screen. It was not that evident when I last checked.
UFO's UFO's are not really science, but some examples on here are just plain daft, one or two may provoke some thought though, but only one or two, sadly.

The Old Engine House. If your interested in [smallish] steam engines, this is a fascinating site with lots of content.

Underground or Abandoned

Commonly called 'Urban Exploration', it usually means looking around somewhere, where your not meant to be. Be Careful it can be dangerous.

Abandoned Places

has some excellent photographs, it takes a while to load, but be patient - it's worth it.

Williamson's Tunnels.

Truly fascinating site about tunnels underneath Liverpool. The City is best known for the Beatles, but I find this aspect much more interesting. Good site with video footage of the tunnels, make a cup of tea, sit down and enjoy.

Palmerston Forts

These are neither underground [well only partially] nor abandoned, but they fit into the general theme of this section.

Essex Mountain Sanatorium

This tells you about a vast 19th century American Asylum for the Insane in Verona New Jersey USA. It covers from it's creation to it's recent demolition.

Modern Ruins

A very elegant and 'classy' site, which a lot of 'Urban Exploration' sites are not ! This is more of a photographic site that deals with Abandoned places. The standard of the pictures are excellent. The best tour has to be of the abandoned asylum [ I seem to be drawn to these - unsure why though ]

US Missile Base

There you are, in an American desert in the middle of nowhere, and you come across some concrete silo lids..... Enjoy a virtual tour of an abandoned US underground missile site.

Fairleigh Mines. [1]

Underneath Brown's Folly there are a warren of mine workings [ most entrances are now locked - as of Jan 2003] this site gives the history behind them.

Disused London Underground Stations.

As a child I used to peer out of the windows of the tube trains, hoping to catch a glimpse of an old station, as it flashed by. There is a lot down there you don't know about, and this is the best site that covers the subject with plenty of photographs.

Web Cams

Images of the Sun [NOT always on line] The Sun Cam gives live images [ every 15 mins actually ] of the Sun in close up, using a Special telescope.

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