London Orphan Asylum, follies and folly towers at (original) (raw)

Follies and Folly towers

Follies and Folly towers


Follies and Folly towers

L o n d o n O r p h a n
A s y l u m

London Orphan Asylum

The London Orphan Asylum
(The lighter area is all that now remains)

Many UK readers will no doubt recall as a child singing the hymn "Lead Us, Heavenly Father Lead Us" whilst at school.
The hymn was actually written for children who were resident in the London Orphan Asylum by a Mr James Edmeston, who in all wrote over 2,000 hymns for the children who lived there.

Built in 1821 for £60,000 by a William Southcote, the London Orphan Asylum was founded by the Reverend Andrew Reed for orphans who came from 'respectable' families. If the poor child's family were not deemed to have been 'respectable' enough the child's future may have been somewhat uncertain it seems.
Originally it was a fine building for its time, but would have no doubt suffered from neglect when it was closed in 1866, for it was to stand unused for 16 years. This closure came about because of an outbreak of typhoid in the school.

The next lease of life came about in 1882 when it came under the ownership of the Salvation Army and became the 'Clapton Congress Hall'.
It became their largest auditorium, and thus was used for the lying in state of their founder William Booth, when he died in 1912. The Salvation Army then continued to use it up untill 1970, when because of the fall in attendances, a smaller building was built nearby.

After all the events that the old building had witnessed, it was sadly - apart from the front shaded area in the above etching - demolished in the mid 1970's.
The entrance facade now stands alone and forgotten, as a reminder of times past.
follies and folly towers

Photograph is copyright of Hackney Museum Follies and Folly towers Photographed with permission of the owners, the Clapton Girl�s Technology College.

The museum recently had a dedicated display covering the history of the building. The information sheet which accompanied that display [ ended July 2004 ] tells us that the building is on the Buildings at Risk list and also [quoting]:-

It will soon have a new lease of life when it will be restored and developed to house the latest digital technology as the Clapton Girls' Technology College 'Clapton Portico Learning Centre'.


It can be found at Linscott Road near John Howard Secondary School in Lower Clapton E5.

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