Rockingham Mausoleum, Wentworth follies and folly towers at (original) (raw)

Follies and Folly towers

Follies and Folly towers

Follies and Folly towers

R o c k i n g h a m
M a u s o l e u m

Apart from the Nollekens sculpture of Rockingham which dominates the chamber, you will also find busts of Rockingham's friends in the four niches around the room. These are only casts of the originals though, as they have all been removed for safety, and no doubt, security reasons.

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follies and folly towers
Admiral Keppel Follies and Folly towers & Charles Fox

follies and folly towers
John Lee & Lord Cavendish

follies and folly towers
Duke of Portland & Frederick Montagu

follies and folly towers
Sir George Savile & Edmund Burke

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