Rockley Engine House, follies and folly towers at (original) (raw)

Follies and Folly towers

Follies and Folly towers

Follies and Folly towers

R o c k l y E n g i n e
H o u s e

follies and folly towers

Photo Submitted by, and Copyright of :- Richard Cutts of Bolton.

Although this structure is not a folly, it is very easily mistaken for one hence its inclusion. It was built in 1813 and the tower originally housed a pumping engine for an iron ore mine. It is thought that the tower and engine were in use up to 1870. The tower has now had conservation work done on it, and is the property of the The South Yorkshire Trades Historical Trust Ltd which is a registered charity.
There is also a very early Blast Furnace nearby, which is thought to have been constructed at the end of the 1600's.

Co-Ords: 433800 402400 / SE 337023 Follies and Folly towers

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