Stoodley Pike, follies and folly towers at (original) (raw)

Follies and Folly towers

Follies and Folly towers


Follies and Folly towers

S t o o d l e y P i k e

Stoodley Pike at follies and folly towers

Photo Submitted by, and Copyright of :- Matt Waite.

With a biting and bitter wind, the entrance suddenly looks inviting.

Stoodley Pike at follies and folly towers

Photo Submitted by, and Copyright of :- Matt Waite.

Looking down the stairwell from the top

Visiting:- Rather conspicuous in the middle of nowhere. If you can't find this one then give up with most of the others on this site !
It is actually situated 2 miles to the east of Todmorden.

Co-ords 397310 424210 / SD 973242 Follies and Folly towers

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