Temperature of a Pizza Oven (original) (raw)

The Physics Factbook
Edited by Glenn Elert -- Written by his students
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Bibliographic Entry Result(w/surrounding text) StandardizedResult
Mariani, John and Galina. The Italian American Cookbook. Boston: The Harvard Common Press, 2000: 367. "While the dough is rising the last time, place a pizza stone on the bottom rack of the oven and turn the oven to 500°C." 500 °C
Ruggerio, David. The Little Italy Cookbook. New York: Artisan, 1997: 67. "Preheat Oven to 450°F" 230 °C
Products, pizza ovens. CB-Italy. "Temperature 0-450°C" 230 °C
Electric Conveyor Oven FC16 [pdf]. Doyon Baking Equipment Specialists. REGULAR PIZZA BAKING TIME Temperature Pizza Approximate baking time 515 °F PEPPERONI 5.30 minutes 515 °F 3 TOPPING 6.20 minutes 515 °F EXTRA TOPPING 7.00 minutes 490 °F SPECIAL HOUSE 8.00 minutes PIZZA PAN BAKING TIME Temperature Pan pizza Approximate baking time 480 °F ALL DRESS 7.20 minutes 540 °F ALL DRESS 5.00 minutes 250-280 °C
Pizza Recipes. What's Cooking America. "I then turn on the oven to 400 degrees F. to preheat oven and stone." 200 °C

Pizza is a baked pie of Italian origin consisting of a shallow bread like crust covered with seasoned tomato sauce, cheese, and often other toppings, such as sausage or olives. Pizza has been popular in America since the 1950s. The explosion in the popularity of pizza after World War I made pizza much more popular in the US than in Naples, its city of origin. It's ironic that all the major pizza chains in the United States were founded in non Italian American communities such as Pizza Hut in Wichita, Kansas which opened in 1958 by Frank and Daniel Carney; Domino's Pizza, which opened in Ypsilanti, Michigan in 1960 by Jim and Tom Monaghan; Godfather's pizza, which opened in Omaha, Nebraska in 1973; Little Caesar's, which opened in Farmington Hills, Nebraska in 1959; and Shakey's, which opened in Burlingame, California in 1954. American pizza eventually grew to became a major food export to Europe, Asia, and Central and South America.

Pizza is baked at a higher temperature than other foods, such as a cake.

Here is the most popular plain tomato-cheese pizza recipe that is mostly used today in the US …


Prepare the dough. Peel, seed, and dice the tomatoes. Place them in a colander and sprinkle with salt, let drain for half an hour. Place the tomatoes in a bowl with the tomato puree, basil, and olive oil. Preheat the oven to 250°C. Spoon the tomato sauce on top of the prepared dough, top with the mozzarella, and sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese. Bake on a pizza stone or cookie sheet for 12-15 minutes or until the edges are crispy. Serve immediately.

Sara Elzeftawy -- 2003

Bibliographic Entry Result(w/surrounding text) StandardizedResult
"Neapolitan Pizza." Here on Earth: Radio Without Borders. Wisconsin Public Radio. 2 March 2007. "The oven is very well insulated and it retains its heat extremely well. Since we opened just over four years ago it has probably never been below 400 degrees [fahrenheit]. … It probably takes a good hour or a little more than that to get the temperature really up to the proper point, which definitely should be between 750 and 800 degrees [fahrenheit].and in some cases perhaps even a little hotter." Stefano Viglietti owner of Il Ritrovo in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. 400–425 °Cin use200 °Cnot in use
Recipe for VPN Pizza Margherita, Verace Pizza Napoletana Association in the Americas, 1998. "Cook the pizza in a wood oven, if possible, for 2 minutes at 850 °F–905 °F, turning the pie every 30 seconds or so." 450–485 °C
Disciplinare Per la Definizione di Standards Internazionali per l'Ottenimento del Marchio "Pizza Napoletana STG" [pdf]. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali, Proposta di Riconoscimento della Specialita' Tradizionale Garantita «Pizza Napoletana». 24 May 2004. "La cottura della «pizza Napoletana STG» avviene esclusivamente in forni a legno, dove si raggiunge una temperatura di cottura di 485 °C, essenziale per ottenere la pizza napoletana." 485 °C
Disciplinare per la Definizione di Standards Internazionali Per l'Ottenimento del Marchio "Pizza Napoletana" [pdf]. Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN). "Le temperature che vengono raggiunte nel forno a legna sono piuttosto alte; esse oscillano tra i 450 e i 485 °C." 450–485 °C

Editor's Supplement -- 2007