Salary of a Chemist (original) (raw)

The Physics Factbook
Edited by Glenn Elert -- Written by his students
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Salary Wizard. Chemist I. June 6, 2005. "The median expected salary for a typical Chemist I in the United States is 41,734."∣41,734." 41,734."∣41,734
Bureau of Labor Statistics, US. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook. Chemists and Materials scientists, February 27, 2004. Federal government 72,010Scientificresearchanddevelopmentservices60,400Pharmaceuticalandmedicinemanufacturing53,070Architectural,engineering,andrelatedservices38,780∣72,010 Scientific research and development services 60,400 Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing 53,070 Architectural, engineering, and related services 38,780 72,010Scientificresearchanddevelopmentservices60,400Pharmaceuticalandmedicinemanufacturing53,070Architectural,engineering,andrelatedservices38,780∣38,780–$72,010
American Chemical Society. Starting Salaries of Chemists and Chemical Engineers in 2003. Washington, DC: ACS, 2004. "Table 1.2003 Median Salaries for all new graduates employed full time by experience (median salary in current dollars) " Chemistry BA/BS MS PhD Less than 12 months 32,00032,000 32,00044,500 63,25012−36months63,250 12-36 months 63,2501236months35,000 45,00045,000 45,00072,500 More than 12 months 34,00034,000 34,00054,000 77,500∣77,500 77,500∣32,000–$77,500
Prieser, Carl. Occupational Salary Levels for White-Collar Workers, 1985. October 1985. "Chemists VI(GS-13) 58,210ChemistsVII(GS−14)58,210Chemists VII(GS-14) 58,210ChemistsVII(GS14)68,710" 58,210–58,210–58,210–68,710
Chemist in New York. from the Wall Street Journal. May 22, 2005. "The Chemist working in New York, NY PMSA, New York now earns an average salary of 51,903. Half of those in this position would earn between 38,247 and 63,394 (the 17th and 67th percentiles). These numbers are derived from real, area specific, survey data. When benefits and bonuses are added to this salary, the average total compensation for this position would be 65,594. The report below also explains how the cost-of-living in this location affects the actual value of this salary." 38,247–38,247–38,247–63,394

Many people don't realize that chemistry is all around us. Chemistry could be found in the water we drink or the air we breathe. Air, water and many other elements found on the earth have a molecular breakdown that is studied in chemistry.

Just as there are many different fields of chemistry there are many different types of chemists that work in these fields. There are analytical, organic, inorganic, physical and theoretical, medicinal, macromolecular, and biochemists. Chemists research, experiment and analyze in order to develop and improve products and processes. Chemists are hired mostly by the federal government, scientific research and development services, pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing as well as architectural, engineering and related services.

Chemists can improve the environment around us by finding new sources of energy or ways to use less energy. They can develop technology that lowers pollution and cleans up waste sites. They also monitor our water and air to make sure that it follows Federal, State and local regulations. They develop new medicines that can cure different diseases. They supply many of the raw materials needed to make cars and build homes.

They better the world and don't get paid all that badly either. Chemist salaries range from a starting salary of around 31,000toanexperiencedworkerssalaryofalmost31,000 to an experienced workers salary of almost 31,000toanexperiencedworkerssalaryofalmost80,000. This is a significant increase from twenty years ago when they made a maximum of $68,000. Just with any profession, the pay increases with the amount of experience and education you have. So next time you're sitting in chemistry class thinking that this isn't practical in everyday life, think again. It can turn into an exciting career one day.

Victoria Pisarevskaya -- 2005