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Sefer Vayikra Archives
Vayikra | Ravi Avraham Walfish |
Kohanim and Israel | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Vayikra | Rav Mordechai Sabato |
The Mitzva to Destroy Amalek And Our Moral Qualms - (SHABBAT ZAKHOR) | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Meal-Offering | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Leaven, Honey and the Altar of God | Rav Chanoch Waxman |
Sin Offering and Guilt Offering - For Which Sins? | Rav Elchnan Samet |
Amalek | Rav Yaakov Medan |
Leaven, Honey and the Altar of God | Rav Chanoch Waxman |
The Structure of the Book of Vayikra, and Its Divisions | Rav Tamir Granot |
The Salt of God's Covenant | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
Haktara | Rav Ezra Bick |
Not Leviticus | Rav Yair Kahn |
What's in a Name? | Rav Avraham Walfish |
The Nature of the Shelamim Sacrifice | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Haftora for Shabbat Parashat Para "And I shall sprinkle over you purifying water, and you shall be pure" | Rav Elchanan Samet |
Continuity and Change in the Mishkan | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Torah and the Kingdom of Priests | Rav Chanoch Waxman |
The Mystery of the Intertwined Meal Offerings | Rav Elchanan Samet |
Two Perspectives on the Sacrifices: On the Relationship Between Parashiot Tzav and Vayikra | Rav Mordechai Sabato |
The Law of Piggul: The Plain Meaning and the Halakhic Midrash | Rav Amnon Bazak |
The Thanksgiving Offering | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
The Laws of the Sacrifices | Rav Yehuda Rock |
Kohanim and Benei Aharon | Rav Yair Kahn |
The "Yom Ha-Shemini" (Eighth Day) and Yom Ha-Kippurim | Rav Yoel Bin-Nun |
The Eighth Day and the Sin of Nadav and Avihu | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Shemini | Rav Yaacov Steinman |
Laws of Animals: The Impure and the Pure that can and cannot be eaten | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Eighth Day – The Surprise of Revelation | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
The Explicit and Non-Explicit Dietry Laws | Rav Elchanan Samet |
Playing With Fire | Rav Zvi Shimon |
Darosh Darash | Rav Ezra Bick |
Each Man His Fire Pan: On the Deaths of Nadav and Avihu | Rav Chanoch Waxman |
In Response to Death | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
For on this Day Hashem will Appear Before You | Rav Yair Kahn |
Tazria | Rav Avraham Walfish |
The plague of Tzara'at | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Childbirth - Tum'a and Circumcision on the Eighth Day | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The One Who Mourns For Himself | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Of Death and Defilement | Rav Chanoch Waxman |
The Sequence of the Tzara'at Laws | Rav Elchanan Samet |
Taharat Ha-Metzora | Rav Ezra Bick |
The Person, the Garment, and the House | Rav Amnon Bazak |
Tzara'at of the House | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
The Torah Prohibitions Concerning Impurity | Rav Yehuda Rock |
The Impurity of the Birthing Mother and Her Offering | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
The Lesson of Tum'a | Rav Yair Kahn |
Metzora | Rav Ezra Bick |
Haftora for Shabbat HaGadol: "Behold, I will send you Eliyahu the prophet..." | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Reasons Behind Tzara'at and Other Forms of Tum'a | Rav Elchanan Samet |
Tzara'at of the House | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
The Purification Process | Rav Yair Kahn |
Blood and the Murdering of Animals | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Acharei Mot as the Pivot of Sefer Vayikra | Rabbi Avraham Walfish |
Forbidden Unions (Arayot) | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Mysterious White Garments of Yom Kippur | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
The Prohibition of Marrying Sisters | Rav Elchanan Samet |
Day and Night | Rav Meir Speigelman |
The Death of Aaron's Sons, and the Priestly Service on Yom Kippur | Rav Yair Kahn |
Blood Prohibitions in the Book of Vayikra | Rav Tamir Granot |
Morality in Sexual Relations and the Land, Impurity and Sanctity | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
The Holy Constitution | Rav Ezra Bick |
The Yom Kippur Service | Rav Yair Kahn |
Kedoshim Tihiyu - Rov Gufei Torah Teluim Ba | Rav Reuven Taragin |
"You Shall Not Place a Stumbling Block Before the Blind": Chazal's Metaphoric Approach | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Repeated List of Forbidden Sexual Relations | Rav Amnon Bazak |
Orla and Reishit | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
Be Holy, For I Hashem and Holy | Rav Yair Kahn |
Emor | Rav Mosheh Lichtenstein |
Sanctified Time | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
The Festivals of God - Mikra'ei Kodesh | Rav Baruch Gigi |
"From the Day Following Shabbat" | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Two Dimensions of Yom Kippur | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Of Space and Time | Rav Chanoch Waxman |
The Parasha of the Festivals: Its Structure and Significance | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Man Who Cursed | Rav Meir Spiegelman |
The Law of the Blasphemer | Rav Amnon Bazak |
"An Ox or a Sheep - You Shall Slaughter It and Its Young on the Same Day" | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
The Megadef Episode | Rav Yair Kahn |
Behar-Bechukotai - The Ownership of God and Man | Rav Reuven Taragin |
The Covenant of Bechukotai and the Mitzva of Shemitta | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
"Two Hebrew Servants" | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The "Supplement" to Ma'amad Har Sinai | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Between Shabbat and Sanctuary | Rav Chanoch Waxman |
Four Mitzvot of Counting (Part 1) | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Third Tablets | Rav Meir Spiegelman |
The Sanctification of Place and Man | Rav Yonatan Grossman |
Vayikra 26 | Rav Tamir Granot |
Exile, the Land in Desolation and the Land Lying Fallow | Rabbanit Sharon Rimon |
You Shall Dwell in the Land in Security | Rav Yair Kahn |
Bechukotai | Rav Avraham Walfish |
Four Mitzvot of Counting, Part II The Omer | Rav Elchanan Samet |
The Value of Man | Rav Amnon Bazak |
The Two Dibburim of Bechukotai | Rav Yehuda Rock |
The Torah's Response to Calamity | Rav Yair Kahn |
Bereishit |Shemot | Bamidbar| Devarim
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