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Sefer Vayikra Archives

Bereishit |Shemot | Bamidbar | Devarim


Vayikra Ravi Avraham Walfish
Kohanim and Israel Rav Yonatan Grossman
Vayikra Rav Mordechai Sabato
The Mitzva to Destroy Amalek And Our Moral Qualms - (SHABBAT ZAKHOR) Rav Elchanan Samet
The Meal-Offering Rav Yonatan Grossman
Leaven, Honey and the Altar of God Rav Chanoch Waxman
Sin Offering and Guilt Offering - For Which Sins? Rav Elchnan Samet
Amalek Rav Yaakov Medan
Leaven, Honey and the Altar of God Rav Chanoch Waxman
The Structure of the Book of Vayikra, and Its Divisions Rav Tamir Granot
The Salt of God's Covenant Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
Haktara Rav Ezra Bick
Not Leviticus Rav Yair Kahn


What's in a Name? Rav Avraham Walfish
The Nature of the Shelamim Sacrifice Rav Yonatan Grossman
Haftora for Shabbat Parashat Para "And I shall sprinkle over you purifying water, and you shall be pure" Rav Elchanan Samet
Continuity and Change in the Mishkan Rav Yonatan Grossman
Torah and the Kingdom of Priests Rav Chanoch Waxman
The Mystery of the Intertwined Meal Offerings Rav Elchanan Samet
Two Perspectives on the Sacrifices: On the Relationship Between Parashiot Tzav and Vayikra Rav Mordechai Sabato
The Law of Piggul: The Plain Meaning and the Halakhic Midrash Rav Amnon Bazak
The Thanksgiving Offering Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
The Laws of the Sacrifices Rav Yehuda Rock
Kohanim and Benei Aharon Rav Yair Kahn


The "Yom Ha-Shemini" (Eighth Day) and Yom Ha-Kippurim Rav Yoel Bin-Nun
The Eighth Day and the Sin of Nadav and Avihu Rav Yonatan Grossman
Shemini Rav Yaacov Steinman
Laws of Animals: The Impure and the Pure that can and cannot be eaten Rav Elchanan Samet
The Eighth Day – The Surprise of Revelation Rav Yonatan Grossman
The Explicit and Non-Explicit Dietry Laws Rav Elchanan Samet
Playing With Fire Rav Zvi Shimon
Darosh Darash Rav Ezra Bick
Each Man His Fire Pan: On the Deaths of Nadav and Avihu Rav Chanoch Waxman
In Response to Death Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
For on this Day Hashem will Appear Before You Rav Yair Kahn


Tazria Rav Avraham Walfish
The plague of Tzara'at Rav Yonatan Grossman
Childbirth - Tum'a and Circumcision on the Eighth Day Rav Elchanan Samet
The One Who Mourns For Himself Rav Yonatan Grossman
Of Death and Defilement Rav Chanoch Waxman
The Sequence of the Tzara'at Laws Rav Elchanan Samet
Taharat Ha-Metzora Rav Ezra Bick
The Person, the Garment, and the House Rav Amnon Bazak
Tzara'at of the House Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
The Torah Prohibitions Concerning Impurity Rav Yehuda Rock
The Impurity of the Birthing Mother and Her Offering Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
The Lesson of Tum'a Rav Yair Kahn


Metzora Rav Ezra Bick
Haftora for Shabbat HaGadol: "Behold, I will send you Eliyahu the prophet..." Rav Elchanan Samet
The Reasons Behind Tzara'at and Other Forms of Tum'a Rav Elchanan Samet
Tzara'at of the House Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
The Purification Process Rav Yair Kahn


Blood and the Murdering of Animals Rav Yonatan Grossman
Acharei Mot as the Pivot of Sefer Vayikra Rabbi Avraham Walfish
Forbidden Unions (Arayot) Rav Elchanan Samet
The Mysterious White Garments of Yom Kippur Rav Yonatan Grossman
The Prohibition of Marrying Sisters Rav Elchanan Samet
Day and Night Rav Meir Speigelman
The Death of Aaron's Sons, and the Priestly Service on Yom Kippur Rav Yair Kahn
Blood Prohibitions in the Book of Vayikra Rav Tamir Granot
Morality in Sexual Relations and the Land, Impurity and Sanctity Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
The Holy Constitution Rav Ezra Bick
The Yom Kippur Service Rav Yair Kahn


Kedoshim Tihiyu - Rov Gufei Torah Teluim Ba Rav Reuven Taragin
"You Shall Not Place a Stumbling Block Before the Blind": Chazal's Metaphoric Approach Rav Elchanan Samet
The Repeated List of Forbidden Sexual Relations Rav Amnon Bazak
Orla and Reishit Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
Be Holy, For I Hashem and Holy Rav Yair Kahn


Emor Rav Mosheh Lichtenstein
Sanctified Time Rav Yonatan Grossman
The Festivals of God - Mikra'ei Kodesh Rav Baruch Gigi
"From the Day Following Shabbat" Rav Elchanan Samet
The Two Dimensions of Yom Kippur Rav Yonatan Grossman
Of Space and Time Rav Chanoch Waxman
The Parasha of the Festivals: Its Structure and Significance Rav Elchanan Samet
The Man Who Cursed Rav Meir Spiegelman
The Law of the Blasphemer Rav Amnon Bazak
"An Ox or a Sheep - You Shall Slaughter It and Its Young on the Same Day" Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
The Megadef Episode Rav Yair Kahn


Behar-Bechukotai - The Ownership of God and Man Rav Reuven Taragin
The Covenant of Bechukotai and the Mitzva of Shemitta Rav Yonatan Grossman
"Two Hebrew Servants" Rav Elchanan Samet
The "Supplement" to Ma'amad Har Sinai Rav Yonatan Grossman
Between Shabbat and Sanctuary Rav Chanoch Waxman
Four Mitzvot of Counting (Part 1) Rav Elchanan Samet
The Third Tablets Rav Meir Spiegelman
The Sanctification of Place and Man Rav Yonatan Grossman
Vayikra 26 Rav Tamir Granot
Exile, the Land in Desolation and the Land Lying Fallow Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
You Shall Dwell in the Land in Security Rav Yair Kahn


Bechukotai Rav Avraham Walfish
Four Mitzvot of Counting, Part II The Omer Rav Elchanan Samet
The Value of Man Rav Amnon Bazak
The Two Dibburim of Bechukotai Rav Yehuda Rock
The Torah's Response to Calamity Rav Yair Kahn

Bereishit |Shemot | Bamidbar| Devarim

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