PennSound: Poems for the Millennium (original) (raw)
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Poems for the Millennium I
Reading at the Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania,September 28, 1998
Pierre Joris and Jerome Rothenberg read selections from Poems for the Millennium, a two-volume anthology published by the University of California Press, which they coedited. The editors, and guest readers Rachel Blau DuPlessis and Bob Perelman, performed excerpts from a number of poems in the anthology (tracks 2 to 22) followed by readings of recent works of the editors' own (tracks 23 to 34).
- Introduction by Al Filreis (11:30): MP3
- Aime Cesaire, Notebook of a Return to the Native Land, read by Rothenberg (0:19): MP3
- Paul Celan, Threadsuns, read by Joris (0:18): MP3
- Robert Duncan, Often I am Permitted to Return to a Meadow, read by Rothenberg (1:15): MP3
- Muriel Rukeyser, The Speed of Darkness, read by Joris (1:06): MP3
- John Cage, Lecture on Nothing, read by Rothenberg (2:10): MP3
- Guy Debord, All the King's Men, read by Joris (1:17): MP3
- Marie Louise Kaschnitz, Who Would Have Thought It, read by Rothenberg (1:49): MP3
- Adonis, Preface to the Pages of Night and Day, read by Joris (1:17): MP3
- Alice Notley, Desamere, read by Rothenberg (2:15): MP3
- Ed Sanders, Investigative Poetry, read by Joris (1:01): MP3
- Fujii Sadakazu, Where is Japanese Poetry, read by Rothenberg (2:31): MP3
- Diane DiPrima, Rant, read by Joris (1:59): MP3
- Andrei Voznesensky, Back into the Future, read by Rothenberg (0:25): MP3
- Ted Berrigan, People of the Future, read by Joris (0:15): MP3
- T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland, read by Blau DuPlessis (3:11): MP3
- Jackson MacLow, The Pronouns, read by Perelman (1:09): MP3
- George Oppen, Myth of the Blaze, read by Blau DuPlessis (2:27): MP3
- Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Aller, read by Perelman (3:20): MP3
- William Carlos Williams, Spring and All, read by Blau DuPlessis (1:49): MP3
- Inger Christensen, Alphabet, read by Joris (3:37): MP3
- Maria Sabina, The Midnight Velada, read by Rothenberg (4:13): MP3
- Rothenberg's Lorca Variations read by the author (3:30): MP3
- Rothenberg's Three Paris Elegies read by the author (7:40): MP3
- Rothenberg's Night Poems for Jackson MacLow read by the author (8:45): MP3
- Joris' Winnetou Old read by the author (7:05): MP3
- Joris' Deja Vu All Over Again read by the author (1:41): MP3
- Joris' Obit for Paz read by the author (1:21): MP3
- Joris' Ode or Nearly Here read by the author (3:09): MP3
- Joris' In the Nomad House read by the author (0:16): MP3
- Joris' Notes Toward a Nomadic Community (0:53): MP3
- Joris' Return to Kairouan read by the author (1:26): MP3
- Joris' Untitled (0:23): MP3
- Joris' Seesaw (0:29): MP3
Reading at *unknown venue*, 1998
Poems for the Millenium II
Reading at *unknown venue*, April 21, 1998
Poems for the Millennium III
Reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, New York, March 29, 2009
A launch and reading forPoems for the Millennium III, The University of California Book of Romantic and Postromantic Poetry, edited by Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffrey C. Robinson. Like its two twentieth-century predecessors, Poems for the Millennium I & II, this gathering sets forth a globally decentered approach to the poetry of the preceding century from an experimental and visionary perspective. Joining Rothenberg and Robinson in the reading and performance are Charles Bernstein, Bob Holman, Pierre Joris,Cecilia Vicuña, and Anne Waldman. Unfortunately, there were technical difficulties during the recording of this event, and therefore some of the following selections begin partly into the individual's reading or are prematurely curtailed.
- Introduction (1:59): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg (3:01): MP3
- Pierre Joris (13:23): MP3
- Anne Waldman (16:25): MP3
- Jeffrey Robinson (13:29): MP3
- Cecilia Vicuña (16:09): MP3
- Bob Holman (10:26): MP3
- Charles Bernstein (only intro salvaged, followed by Joris reading Charles Baudelaire's "Be Drunken" in French) (3:21): MP3
- Bernstein (from 3/14/09 recording at Segue/BPC), "Be Drunken" (1:57): MP3
- Rothenberg, reads from Rimbaud's "Farewell" and Lear (4:10): MP3
Reading at the Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, October 7, 2009
The previous two volumes of this acclaimed anthology set forth a globally decentered revision of twentieth-century poetry from the perspective of its many avant-gardes. Now editors Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffrey C. Robinson bring a radically new interpretation to the poetry of the preceding century, viewing the work of the romantic and post-romantic poets as an international, collective, often utopian enterprise that became the foundation of experimental modernism. Global in its range, volume three gathers selections from the poetry and manifestos of canonical poets, as well as the work of lesser-known but equally radical poets. Defining romanticism as experimental and visionary, Rothenberg and Robinson feature prose poetry, verbal-visual experiments, and sound poetry, along with more familiar forms seen here as if for the first time. The anthology also explores romanticism outside the European orbit and includes ethnopoetic and archaeological works outside the literary mainstream. The range of volume three and its skewing of the traditional canon illuminate the process by which romantics and post- romantics challenged nineteenth-century orthodoxies and propelled poetry to the experiments of a later modernism and avant-gardism.
Complete Discussion (1:22:09): MP3 / MOV (via KWH-TV)
Complete Reading (1:46:24): MP3 / MOV (via KWH-TV)
segmented reading:
- Michael Gamer introduction by Charles Bernstein (3:41): MP3
- Introduction by Michael Gamer (4:46): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffery Robinson reading "The Ancient Poets" and "The Voice of the Devil" from William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell; "Athenaeum Fragment 116" from Friedrich Karl Vilhelm von Schlegel; "To Richard Woodhouse, 27 October 1818" from John Keats; an excerpt from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh, Fifth Book; and "An Archaic Torso of Apollo" from Rainer Maria Rilke (11:51): MP3
- Charles Bernstein reading a poem after Edward Lear's "The Old Man of Whitehaven"; CB tr. of an 1847 poem from Victor Hugo's Les Contemplations; "The Ballad of Burdens" from Algernon Charles Swinburne; CB tr. of Heinrich Heine's "Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht" followed by poem after "Der Tod" from Shadowtime; his own "The Introvert," after William Wordsworth's "The Hermit"; excerpt from Walt Whitman's "RESPONDEZ!"; CB tr. of Charles Baudelaire's "Enivrez-vous": "Be Drunken"; William Blake's "The Sick Rose" from Song of Experience (12:12): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg reading a Samuel Taylor Coleridge and JR tr. of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's "Mignon's Song"; Coleridge on urine (3:38): MP3
- Rachel Blau DuPlessis reading from William Wordsworth's The Prelude, Book Five; followed by a brief selection from her own "Wanderer" (12:04): MP3
- Jeffery Robinson reading "Ode: Composed on A May Morning" by William Wordsworth; followed by his own "Vernal Song of Blithe May after William Wordworth"; an excerpt from Wordworth's "The Triad"; his own "Poem on the Letter 'A'" (6:29): MP3
- George Economou reading "The Shark" from Dionysios Solomos; "The Maldive Shark" from Herman Melville; "Shipwrecks and Sharks" from Isidore Ducassee, comte de Lautreamont; his own "The Amorous Drift of the First Hoplite on the Right Wing" (13:33): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg reading "On the Medusa of Leonardo Da Vinci in the Florentine Gallery" from Percy Bysshe Shelley (3:02): MP3
- Rochelle Owens reading "Judith" from Adah Isaacs Menken; her own "Song from Out of Ur" (16:05): MP3
- Jeffery Robinson reading Emily Dickinson's "I think I was enchanted" (1:50): MP3
- Bob Perelman reading his own work "Transcription" (13:33): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg reading his own poem "Romantic Dadas, for Jeffrey Robinson" (1:23): MP3
Reading at Harvard University, March 30, 2009
"Reconfiguring Romanticism: A Reading and Discussion of Experimental Poetics"
Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffrey Robinson read selections from Poems for the Millennium Volume III. Introduced by Harvard's Patrick Pritchett, they engage the question, "Is Romanticism the original experimental poetry?" Featured readers include William Corbett, Gerritt Lansing and Keith Waldrop, followed by critical responses and discussion from Sonia Hofkosh and Virginia Jackson of Tufts University.
- introduction by Patrick Pritchett (2:07): MP3
- Jeffrey Robinson on counterpoetics and British Romanticism (2:40): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffrey Robinson reading epigraphs by Friedrich Schlegel, Andre Breton, Octavio Paz, Robert Duncan, Lyn Hejinian, and Gregory Corso (3:35): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffrey Robinson reading the introduction to Poems for the Millennium Volume III (14:20): MP3
- William Corbett reading from Joseph Joubert, from The Notebooks: 1789-1794 (2:51): MP3
- William Corbett reading from James Schuyler, Unlike Joubert (2:11): MP3
- William Corbett reading from Dorothy Wordsworth, Grasmere, Lineated (2:03): MP3
- William Corbett reading from Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan: or, a Vision in a Dream (3:34): MP3
- William Corbett reading from Herman Melville, from Billy Budd (2:48): MP3
- Jeffrey Robinson introducing The Book of Origins (0:42): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg reading from William Blake, from The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1:03): MP3
- Jeffrey Robinson reading from E.A. Wallis Budge, from The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Chapter of Changing into Ptah (1:13): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg reading from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow / Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, Song of the Owl [Ojibwa] (0:39): MP3
- Jeffrey Robinson and Jerome Rothenberg reading from Washington Matthews, from The Night Chant: Prayer of the First Dancers [Navajo] (5:47): MP3
- Keith Waldrop reading from John Keats, Ode to a Nightingale (5:58): MP3
- Keith Waldrop reading from Charles Baudelaire, To the Reader (3:35): MP3
- Keith Waldrop reading from Charles Baudelaire, The Bad Glazier (7:17): MP3
- Keith Waldrop reading from Charles Baudelaire, The Dog and the Flask (1:26): MP3
- Keith Waldrop reading from Charles Baudelaire, Invitation to the Voyage (7:38): MP3
- Gerritt Lansing reading from Gerard de Nerval, Delfica (1:33): MP3
- Gerritt Lansing reading from Gerard de Nerval, Artemis (1:25): MP3
- Gerrit Lansing reading "The Welcome" (1:59): MP3
- Gerrit Lansing reading from Walt Whitman, This Compost (4:14): MP3
- Gerrit Lansing reading "The Compost" (2:34): MP3
- Jeffrey Robinson reading Walt Whitman, Good-Bye My Fancy (2:11): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg reading Edward Lear, There was an Old Man (3:00): MP3
- Sonia Hofkosh (5:19): MP3
- Virginia Jackson (6:09): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg and Jeffrey Robinson on the anthology in relation to pedagogy (6:28): MP3
- Q&A Discussion (12:03): MP3
complete reading (1:59:24): MP3, MOV
Poems for the Millennium V
Reading and Launch of Barbaric Vast & Wild, The Poetry Project, Oct. 14, 2015
published 2015 by Black Widow Press, ed. Jerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-Rissman.
Information about the anthology can be found at Jacket2.
- Simone White, Introduction (03:53): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg (21:15): MP3
- Charles Bernstein (11:01): MP3
- Jennifer Bartlett (11:19): MP3
- Cecilia Vicuña (23:08): MP3
- Gary Sullivan (11:54): MP3
- Anne Waldman (15:01): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg, Conclusion (05:16): MP3
- Complete Reading (1:42:42): MP3
Poems for the Millennium on PennSound Daily
Also of interest:
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
All rights to this recorded material belong to the authors. © 1998 Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Pierre Joris, Bob Perelman, and Jerome Rothenberg. Used with the permission of Pierre Joris and Jerome Rothenberg. Distributed byPennSound.