PennSound: textsound (original) (raw)

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text_sound_, began in 2008 as a bi-annual online journal, whose mission is to bring together a range of experimental soundworks from the U.S. and abroad. Its current editors are Hannah Ensor and Laura Wetherington.

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

Issue #5

Issue #6

Issue #7

Issue #8

Issue #9

Issue #10

Issue #11

Issue #12

Issue #13

Issue #14

Issue #15

Issue #16

Issue #17

Issue #18

Issue #19

Issue #20

Issue #21

(N.b. the editors were not able to obtain permission for all of the tracks featured in text_sound_ to be presented on PennSound. In those cases, we've maintained the issue's original track listing even though the files can't be streamed here. Listeners can always visit the text_sound_ website to listen.)

Issue #1 — Winter 2008

  1. Joel Levise — You Locate (3:06): MP3
  2. Catherine Wagner — Coming and I (0:43): MP3
  3. Catherine Wagner — Well in you (0:46): MP3
  4. Magic Oneohtrix Point Never — Plastic Season (0:59)
  5. Chris DeLaurenti — Owgowlst (2:41): MP3
  6. Cindy Lynn Brown — Heptade 4 (2:29): MP3
  7. Edwin Torres — oh to meet again (2:57): MP3
  8. poul g. exner — Genkomst (2:40): MP3
  9. Jan Hjort — Schengen (0:35)
  10. Linh Dinh — poems from Borderless Bodies (6:42): MP3
  11. Viki — Lady in the Cage (4:11): MP3
  12. Christine Hume — Hibernating Sir, Today is the Day (1:24): MP3
  13. Leslie Scalapino — from that they were at the beach — a sequence (7:06): MP3
  14. Dorothy Albertini — On Not Rejecting Kindness, Again (2:19): MP3
  15. Edwin Torres — mawoma (3:04): MP3
  16. Leslie Scalapino — from It's go in / quiet illuminated grass /land (6:40): MP3
  17. Martin Johs Møller — g’erne (1:59)

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #2 — Fall 2008

  1. James Sanders — Poem for Randy Prunty (3:37): MP3
  2. Kenneth GoldsmithSports (Part 1) (3:00:55): MP3
  3. Hummingbird Mimes — Detox (10:50): MP3
  4. Alice Notley — Judgment in Rosy Quartz (7:44): MP3
  5. Laura Goldstein — Locusts (6:18) MP3
  6. Carla Harryman and Austin Publicover — REguard for the Object (echelon mix) (5:18): MP3
  7. Laura Elrick — Zoon (3:28): MP3
  8. Martin Bland — Lurk The Blue Crawfish #9 (8:05): MP3
  9. Dale Sherrard — The Panictown Cartography (Part 2) (6:51): MP3
  10. John Biando — Urban Vaginary (2:07): MP3
  11. Matina Stamatakis — Airplane Poem over Serenade (with ek rzepka) (2:50): MP3
  12. Chris Martin — Susan Leary in a Bikini (2:39): MP3
  13. Dana Teen Lomax — Lullaby (0:32): MP3
  14. Paul Erik Lipp — The Mule Had Something Else In Mind (3:51): MP3
  15. Thylias Moss — EnterRuptedSumsSpoken (6:30): MP3
  16. Thylias Moss — EnterRuptedSums (6:52): MP3
  17. William Stobb — Dust Radio (after Chris Whitley) (2:56): MP3
  18. Hannah Silva — Prosthetics (2:13): MP3
  19. Karen Randall — the house utters dark sense (2:14): MP3
  20. Rick Moody and Laura Vitale — Lemon Tree (7:25): MP3
  21. Alice Notley — The Cross (6:24): MP3
  22. Gabriel Burian-Mohr — Pareidolia (6:16): MP3
  23. Sarah Rosenthal and Melenie Freedom Flynn — Untitled (3:46): MP3
  24. Kenneth GoldsmithSports (Part 2) (1:28:29): MP3
  25. Chris Martin — Programming Flowers (2:00): MP3
  26. Michelle Chan Brown — Changelings (3:22): MP3
  27. Sebastian Meissner — Radio (4:00): MP3
  28. Laura Elrick — Spool (3:42): MP3
  29. Charles Turner — Miles Bennell (3:44): MP3
  30. Anya Cobler — Editor's Note (4:32): MP3

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #3 — Spring 2009

  1. Paul DeMarinis — Vocal Variety (4:22)
  2. Joe Wenderoth — All that really (1:07): MP3
  3. Linh Dinh — Cleverly Framed, Anyone (1:22): MP3
  4. Cynthia Nelson — Cleveland (Baltimore) (3:31): MP3
  5. Brian Schorn — Down Arming (5:33): MP3
  6. Joseph Lease — America (5:58): MP3
  7. Patrick Durgin — In Contact (for Jesse Seldess) (15:20): MP3
  8. Woody Sullender — Whispering Spectres (German version, excerpt) (3:10): MP3
  9. KC Trommer — Too bad (0:47): MP3
  10. Tyler Carr — Found Truck (4:34): MP3
  11. Anne-James Chaton and Alva Noto — u_08-1 (3:13)
  12. Kathleen Ivanoff — Ereshkigal (2:07): MP3
  13. Kenward Elmslie — Take Me Away, Roy Rogers (3:09): MP3
  14. Anne-James Chaton and Andy Moor — Le journaliste (6:05): MP3
  15. Tyler Carr — I Am Bleeding, Fuck You Comcast (3:13): MP3
  16. Brian Schorn — Music for Two Pierres (1:38): MP3
  17. Claus Høxbroe — Sig det med nye rytmer (3:34): MP3
  18. Curtis Evans — D1 (0:38)
  19. Kenward Elmslie — Regina, La Postcard Queen of La Breeze Marina (6:27): MP3
  20. Cynthia Nelson — Des Moines (1:23): MP3
  21. Dale Sherrard — tapioca tundra (4:55): MP3
  22. Jaap Blonk — AA60 (1:00): MP3
  23. Seth Perlow — Spent (10:30): MP3
  24. Joe Wenderoth — Pretty Girl (1:38): MP3
  25. KC Trommer — sunsabitches (0:34): MP3
  26. Donna Kuhn — Haiku Hole (0:33): MP3
  27. Stephanie Rowden — BJ's Aria (4:47): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #4 — October 2009

  1. Kenneth Krabat — Digtere (5:03): MP3
  2. Best Friends Forever — karate team (3:10): MP3
  3. Brian Schorn — Abridgements (2:47): MP3
  4. Austin Publicover and Joanna Fuhrman — HOME ITEMS (5:33): MP3
  5. Kenneth Krabat — loopprogressiongeometriskform (2:25): MP3
  6. stephanie sherriff — The Speedling (3:15): MP3
  7. Anne Waldman and Ambrose Bye — Fossil Fuels (4:53): MP3
  8. Jeremy LeClair — swarm of sun valley (3:49): MP3
  9. Laura Goldstein — our skin (7:33): MP3
  10. Anne Waldman and Ambrose Bye — Flame (5:09): MP3
  11. ookoi — Time/Place (3:33): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #5 — November 2009

  1. m loncar and AREA C — the dream kid (1:03): MP3
  2. Tom Orange — American Dialectics (Buffalo Mix) (4:43): MP3
  3. Laura Goldstein — Holy Wars (6:27): MP3
  4. Home Items — Noise for Girls (1:28): MP3
  5. Karl Petrunak — Ut Pictura Poesis Prime (8:31): MP3
  6. Stephanie Sherriff — the seahorses of philistine (5:06): MP3
  7. Chad Lietz — Mighty Seer My Word Amen (2:36): MP3
  8. Angela Carr and Michèle Anderson — At This Point (3:37): MP3
  9. Anne Tardos — from Pronounce (22:48): MP3
  10. Chad Lietz — Thimble (4:16): MP3
  11. Ken Cormier — Everybody Just Be Cool (3:10): MP3
  12. Heike Fiedler — speechact - oratorium (5:38): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #6 — December 2009

  1. Rodrigo Toscano — 12 Riddles Of Spirit, Crook in Hand (6:08): MP3
  2. Rodrigo Toscano — subject line subscribe (society) (4:37): MP3
  3. Rodrigo Toscano — In Formational Forum Rousers (3:47): MP3
  4. Lindsay Cuff — Swimming Lesson (3:38): MP3
  5. Dale Sherrard — The Specific Ambiguities of an Infinitesimal Abyss (tattered sympatheque) (5:34): MP3
  6. Dale Sherrard — Stilus Nefus (Wool Hat Mix) (5:05): MP3
  7. Kyle Booten — Child (Understood) (1:57): MP3
  8. William R. Howe — My Type-Writer Has A Lisp (2:00): MP3
  9. William R. Howe — Budhist Gahg Bahg (2:37): MP3
  10. Best Friends Forever — Half-Cat (3:30): MP3
  11. Brian Ang — Post Structuralism Can Has Cheezburger (Live on KDVS) (4:07)
  12. Adrian Moens — 09272007 (2:36): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #7 — January 2010

  1. Jonathan Zorn— Talking Typing (Morton Feldman vs. Manuel Noriega) (4:15): MP3
  2. Noé Cuéllar & Jeff Gburek — Semilla & Colmena (Zielke) (5:14): MP3
  3. Jon Cotner — Catullus Catullo (0:49): MP3
  4. Nozal Cube — Bretzel Piste 2 (12:51): MP3
  5. Nimrod — Neiges (1:13): MP3
  6. new(s)peak — Not Yet (3:20): MP3
  7. Jon Cotner — The Grammar of Buona Notte (1:29): MP3
  8. Jonathan Zorn — Cocaine Available in the U.S. (4:38): MP3
  9. Noé Cuéllar — Semilla y Colmena (Dimalva) (2:22): MP3
  10. Timothy Leonido — Ulf Clears His Throat (3:12): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #8 — February 2010

  1. Audrey Chen - Glacial (22:32): MP3
  2. Rodrigro Toscano - Rodrigro Toscano all-vocal technofunk (1) (4:02): MP3
  3. Cecil Touchon - Repugnant Josephson's Chocolate (0:59): MP3
  4. Randy Thurman - Machine Code (2:34)
  5. James Sanders - from Eyes (21:52): MP3
  6. Chris Martin - Electric Circus Tree (2:09): MP3
  7. Mannlicher Caracano - What the Arthur Fuck (3:45): MP3
  8. Richard Kostelanetz & Joel Chadabe - MicroFictions (10:10): MP3
  9. David Flood - Unconscious Language (12:50)
  10. Richard Kostelanetz - No, I'm Richard Kostelanetz (7:16): MP3
  11. Rodrigro Toscano - Rodrigro Toscano all-vocal technofunk (2) (1:21): MP3
  12. Chris Martin - I'm a Joke Too (0:55): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #9 — March 2010

  1. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Introduction (2:51): MP3
  2. Jon Cotner - Twiggy Farewell (1:24): MP3
  3. Jon Cotner - Prospect Park Jogging Poem (27:18): MP3
  4. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Conversation 1 (45:59): MP3
  5. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Andy's Haircut (42:51): MP3
  6. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Touch-Up (1:29): MP3
  7. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Great Free Monuments (34:22): MP3
  8. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Lunch at Siggy's (18:24): MP3
  9. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Outside Siggy's (2:59): MP3
  10. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - One Shot and Water (1:22): MP3
  11. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Quietest Time of Night (42:48): MP3
  12. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - Park Slope Polling Place (12:58): MP3
  13. Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch - No Sweetie Here (45:54): MP3
  14. Andy Fitch - Island, Excerpts (19:04): MP3
  15. Andy Fitch - Island (4:50:45): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #10 — September 2010

  1. Ken Mikolowski and Frank Carlberg - I Am Not Now (5:48): MP3
  2. Lucy Carnaghi - In My Town (0:42)
  3. Lucy Carnaghi - Kings (0:44)
  4. MC Trashpedal - Quiet Allergy (6:44)
  5. Lucy Carnaghi - hay field and calendar (0:53)
  6. Megan Levad and Tucker Fuller - Salted Earth (3:08): MP3
  7. Iain Marshall - Three Lyrical Poems (7:48)
  8. Brian Tucker - Normal Pearl (1:24)
  9. Theresa Rickloff - (thanks one way or another) (4:10)
  10. Carla Harryman & The Jon Raskin Quartet - Open Box Excerpt (2:50): MP3
  11. Ken Mikolowski and Frank Carlberg - Certainly (7:48): MP3
  12. Brian Tucker - Shadows (3:05)
  13. Megan Levad - Babies (0:27): MP3
  14. MC Trashpedal & Nebulagirl - Trashpedalmotor (4:25)
  15. WOLVERINE ACCESS - Seasonique (1:10): MP3
  16. Anya Cobler - Notes for a Contemporary Christian Worship Service (3:34): MP3
  17. Jason Voss - wtf (2:03)
  18. Megan Levad - Bigblackplainwhitelittlered (4:57): MP3
  19. Patrick Elkins - Summer Metal (1:29): MP3
  20. Christine Hume and Kathleen Ivanoff - Vuglar Optic (22:25): MP3
  21. Mall Mutants - Meditation (Ending In Epiphany (For A Change)) (5:11)

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #11 — February 2011

  1. KC Trommer - Signwalk (1:10): MP3
  2. Andy June & gtrabbit - Itchy Nissan Bumper (4:18): MP3
  3. Karl Petrunak - Abstraction; Not bsence (44:47): MP3
  4. Free Rein - Transparency (7:25): MP3
  5. Mendi & Keith Obadike - The Earth (for Audre Lorde and Marlon Riggs) (4:50): MP3
  6. Dale Sherrard - In Sonic Nocturnal (4:29): MP3
  7. Maholy Nagy Sextet - Moholy 2 (by Guillermo Gregorio) (10:49): MP3
  8. Alexander Baker - One Kurt Minute (1:24): MP3
  9. Alexander Baker - The Room Where Meaning is Made is Very Hard to Find (10:28): MP3
  10. Traces - Trio Projects 2008 Segment 3 (6:28): MP3
  11. Amanda Le Claire - two girls (1:53)
  12. Ken Cormier - Auto Composition 6 (1:57): MP3
  13. Joe Milazzo - A Spray Of Bucklers (3:26): MP3
  14. Steve Buchanan - AMERICANISM (4:33): MP3
  15. Tom Comitta - HEWL (8:22): MP3
  16. Tom Comitta - HOWL (7:07): MP3
  17. Tom Comitta - HYWL (1:24): MP3
  18. Tom Comitta - HIWL (6:07): MP3
  19. Tom Comitta - HUWL (2:20): MP3
  20. Tom Comitta - HAWL (7:04): MP3
  21. Donia Jarrar - Tahrir Square (1:23)

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #12 — February 2012

  1. Jennifer Scappettone - X Locus: Cortile (23:35): MP3
  2. Jennifer Scappettone - X Locus: Cryptoporticus (Abluvion) (24:49): MP3
  3. Bronwen Tate - Ghazal for Orlando (1:20): MP3
  4. Bronwen Tate - Nightwood Ghazal (1:29): MP3
  5. Bronwen Tate - Pantoum for Hurston (0:40): MP3
  6. Bronwen Tate - Pantoum for Mina Loy (0:49): MP3
  7. Bronwen Tate - Sestina for Stein (1:48): MP3
  8. Annie Finch - Conversation (1:20): MP3
  9. Annie Finch - Imbolc Chant (1:15): MP3
  10. Annie Finch - Earth Goddess and Sky God (0:43): MP3
  11. Tyler Carter - Recording (4:39): MP3
  12. Petra Kuppers - Saturn Spherical (6:40): MP3
  13. Colin Post - wintervalu (2:52): MP3
  14. Erin Fortier - tough bounce (4:47): MP3
  15. Colin Post - billboards (3:10): MP3
  16. stephanie sherriff - treikscht (3:31): MP3
  17. Heather Christle - I Am Coming Over (1:10): MP3
  18. Heather Christle - Poem Ending with Some Advice (0:45): MP3
  19. Heather Christle - Soup Is One Form of Salt Water (1:10): MP3
  20. Heather Christle - Spring Poem for Harpo (0:55): MP3
  21. Anne Waldman and Ambrose Bye - Remember Qana (5:34): MP3
  22. Anne Waldman and Ambrose Bye - Radial Symmetry of the Younger Sister (3:00): MP3
  23. Michael K. Myers - Ernest Hemingway Hyena (1:05): MP3
  24. Eric Rawson - The Cause (4:25): MP3
  25. Colin Post - werrtheaudio (4:35): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #13 — July 2012

  1. Joe Sacksteder - A Sense of Irony (5:35): MP3
  2. Joe Sacksteder - The Power of Suggestion (1:58): MP3
  3. Joe Sacksteder - The Last Poetry of Capitalism (2:35): MP3
  4. Judith Goldman - Stress Positions (3:06): MP3
  5. Judith Goldman - Shock and Awe (3:45): MP3
  6. Mike Gould and Ken Mikolowski - Verbal Scenario 1 (0:55): MP3
  7. Mike Gould and Ken Mikolowski - Verbal Scenario 2 (0:51): MP3
  8. Mike Gould and Ken Mikolowski - Verbal Scenario 3 (0:33): MP3
  9. Ish Klein - Lock Down (3:17): MP3
  10. Ish Klein - Sun on Facades (1:10): MP3
  11. Ish Klein - People Come and Stay (4:13): MP3
  12. We Are Your Friends - Church Drone (4:05): MP3
  13. Audra Wolowiec - private space in a public time (1:28): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #14 — February 2013

  1. Eben Mannes - To the Bird’s Nest in Our Three-Season Porch (2:28): MP3
  2. Phil Sawdon - The Drawing Frame (2:17): MP3
  3. Katherine Factor - Puritan (0:44): MP3
  4. AB Gorham - Lineated^Wrapped (1:57): MP3
  5. Phil Sawdon - Allotropic Coda (2:58): MP3
  6. Jared Stanley - Weeds 89 (9:11): MP3
  7. William Stobb - Jason Saw Sun Tunnels (Little Disintegration) (1:40): MP3
  8. Katherine Factor - Thera (1:08): MP3
  9. Eben Mannes - A Time by the Water (5:22): MP3

Editor's Note

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #15 — April 2013

  1. tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - Skeletal Remains (2:39): MP3
  2. Machine Libertine - Snow Queen (6:06): MP3
  3. Machine Libertine - Light Duty (0:32): MP3
  4. Machine Libertine - Machine Poetry Manifesto (2:46): MP3
  5. Machine Libertine - In Your Voice (2:52): MP3
  6. Machine Libertine - Every (2:44): MP3
  7. The Duende Bros. (Eric Elshtain & Mikey Peterson) - I'm the Zipper (1:40): MP3
  8. AB Gorham - Umbrella (0:28): MP3
  9. Thylias Moss & Ansted Moss - Heat Dozens ELEMENTS OF DAMAGE (3:55)
  10. Thylias Moss - LFMK (5:09): MP3
  11. Thylias Moss - Limited Fork (poetry is a dynamic system) (11:13): MP3
  12. Thylias Moss - sixpacked fork talking (18:23): MP3

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #16 — May 2013

  1. David Abel, Lisa Radon, Nico Vassilakis, and James Yeary - Reading Hazard (45:00): MP3
  2. Afton Wilky - from Clarity Speaks of a Crystal Sea (4:09): MP3
  3. gtrabbit - kimchi no asa (3:02): MP3
  4. gtrabbit - Dongdaemun Sestina (7:40): MP3
  5. Paul Van Curen, Julie Patton, & Noemi Gast - H-1 (15:16): MP3
  6. Paul Van Curen & Valerie Corrigan - H-3 (5:16): MP3
  7. Paul Van Curen & Julie Patton - D-3 (8:10): MP3
  8. Fiona Curran - Poetry Edit Mix Down (4:27): MP3

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #17 — Fence Books Mixtape

  1. two boobies and a vagina - Nipple Sweater (2:16): MP3
  2. two boobies and a vagina - Boo Hoo Juice (2:41) : MP3
  3. two boobies and a vagina - Steely Dantist (2:19): MP3
  4. Rodrigo Toscano and Joshua Liebowitz - SPINE (12:18): MP3
  5. Laura Sims - Murder Son(g) (1:37): MP3
  6. Laura Sims - My god is this a man (0:47): MP3
  7. Laura Sims - In a field (2:06): MP3
  8. Anthony McCann - Fetishism (1:14): MP3
  9. Anthony McCann - Let The Right One In (1:38): MP3
  10. Anthony McCann - Mouth Guitar (7:58): MP3
  11. Paul Legault and Joseph Kaplan - Incredible winter (1:03): MP3
  12. Paul Legault and Joseph Kaplan - The Things You Find Underwater (1:03): MP3
  13. Paul Legault and Joseph Kaplan - Wednesday Afternoon (1:04): MP3
  14. Sasha Steensen - from A History of the Human Family (5:17): MP3
  15. Sasha Steensen - Me Thee Odes (1:55): MP3
  16. Sasha Steensen - The Stranger at the Gates (3:15): MP3
  17. Elizabeth Robinson - On Beauty (1:03): MP3
  18. Elizabeth Robinson - On the Difference Between Animal and Creature (2:13): MP3
  19. Elizabeth Robinson - On Unconsciousness (1:14): MP3
  20. Nick Demske - The Bottom Line (5:25): MP3
  21. Nick Demske - Angel of Death (2:29): MP3
  22. Nick Demske - Sunday Review of Joyelle McSweeney’s Book, “Percussion Grenade,” With Lines From Foxy Shazam’s “Flamingo Trigger” Album (3:46): MP3
  23. Cathy Wagner - Fowls in the Frith (1:06): MP3
  24. Cathy Wagner - Now Goth Sun Under Wode (0:38): MP3
  25. Cathy Wagner - The Stern of Heaven (0:33): MP3
  26. Cathy Wagner - Western Wind (0:45): MP3
  27. Donald Dunbar - in those moments (1:10): MP3
  28. Donald Dunbar - the soft face of a rabbit (2:52): MP3
  29. Donald Dunbar - sweet shop (4:38): MP3
  30. Jena Osman - The Financial District (14:49): MP3
  31. Douglas Kearney - Well Hung (0:56): MP3
  32. Douglas Kearney - No Homo (1:00): MP3
  33. Douglas Kearney - Big Thicket (1:32): MP3
  34. James Shea - Three-Night Stand (0:17): MP3
  35. James Shea - ”a lily trains a lily.” (0:25): MP3
  36. James Shea - Moscow (0:55): MP3
  37. Elizabeth Marie Young - A flash of red behind the ear (1:57): MP3
  38. Elizabeth Marie Young - My goal had been to pin my love (1:27): MP3
  39. Elizabeth Marie Young - When the lion goes chit chit (1:25): MP3
  40. Michael Earl Craig - Sleepwalking Through the Mekong (1:23): MP3
  41. Michael Earl Craig - Group Therapy (1:27): MP3
  42. Michael Earl Craig - Jim (1:32): MP3
  43. Michael Earl Craig - Wild for the Lord (0:15): MP3
  44. Kasia Ullsvik Miller - Whatever love (1:19): MP3
  45. Kasia Ullsvik Miller - Empty Spaces (1:04): MP3
  46. Kasia Ullsvik Miller - You are here now (0:56): MP3
  47. Paul Maliszewski - Parable of Being Inside (6:15): MP3
  48. Paul Maliszewski - Prayer for What Will Be Revealed (10:17): MP3
  49. Ben Doller - condor (2:40): MP3
  50. Ben Doller - abc 2 (0:32): MP3
  51. Josie Sigler - The Pamphlet (1:25): MP3
  52. Josie Sigler - The Warnings (3:18): MP3
  53. Harmony Holiday - The poet as a creator of social values (0:36): MP3
  54. Brandon Downing - Poem (0:33): MP3
  55. Brandon Downing - Dwell-E (2:46): MP3
  56. Brandon Downing - Poem (after Sappho) (0:20): MP3
  57. Brandon Downing - Dick Carla Astro (4:03): MP3
  58. Brandon Downing - Mellow Actions (3:48): MP3
  59. Prageeta Sharma - Grateful (2:19): MP3
  60. Prageeta Sharma - Glenda Glistens (1:20): MP3
  61. Prageeta Sharma - Contemporaries and Snobs (1:12): MP3

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #18 — January 2014

  1. Sophia Dahlin - Squalid Koala (0:48): MP3
  2. Sara Mumolo - DREAMS, LAWS (1:09): MP3
  3. Zack Haber - Dear Angels Taking Screams from Sky (4:12): MP3
  4. Les Gottesman - Column (0:46): MP3
  5. Les Gottesman - Dark French (0:40): MP3
  6. Les Gottesman - Elbowing (1:11): MP3
  7. Les Gottesman - Cupid R. Mirror (1:23): MP3
  8. Evan Kennedy - Double (7:55): MP3
  9. Sara Mumolo - DREAMS, LAWS (0:49): MP3
  10. Mary Burger - Codes of Incompletion (4:49): MP3
  11. Lucas M. Rivera - The Book of the Cry (5:56): MP3
  12. Zoe Tuck - from Rules for the Direction of Water 1 (2:42): MP3
  13. Zoe Tuck - from Rules for the Direction of Water 2 (0:59): MP3
  14. Zoe Tuck - from Rules for the Direction of Water 3 (1:04): MP3
  15. Gloria Frym - Mother May I (3:53): MP3
  16. Gloria Frym - Spring Training (9:32): MP3
  17. Samantha Giles - from Origin (12:15): MP3
  18. Gillian Conoley - Where the Page Was, Do We Walk (3:05): MP3
  19. Sophia Dahlin - Oh H (0:35): MP3
  20. Ben Mirov - Ghost Machines (4:02): MP3

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #19 — August 2014

  1. Glenn Weyant - Work For July 2014 Monsoon Rain. Cricket Kestrel 920 and Shortwave Radio Signal Manipulations (12:26): MP3
  2. Wendy Burk - Transmission No. 5 (0:39): MP3
  3. Samuel Ace - I give a duck (1:47): MP3
  4. Samuel Ace - Private Prisons (3:19: MP3
  5. Joni Wallace - Deer (detail) (0:28): MP3
  6. Joni Wallace - Grass (detail) (1:52): MP3
  7. Joni Wallace - Sky (detail) (2:39): MP3
  8. Samuel Christopher - Atlati (6:20): MP3
  9. Joshua Marie Wilkinson - Six Lung Tanka (1:43): MP3
  10. Prabjit Virdee - A Family of Fire Marshals (5:42): MP3
  11. Michael Dauphinais - Monsoon Mélange (6:38): MP3
  12. Algae & Tentacles - Waves and Words (Florilegium) (2:36): MP3
  13. Algae & Tentacles - Waves and Words (study for Charles Babbage) (2:32): MP3
  14. Algae & Tentacles - Time is the Invention of the Past Snow (1:11): MP3
  15. Algae & Tentacles - W A V E (sssss) (1:14): MP3
  16. Joni Wallace and Samantha Bounkeua - Broadcast for Kitty (with sparkle and fade) (1:24): MP3
  17. Joni Wallace and Samantha Bounkeua - Thicket with dress and lung (1:11): MP3
  18. Joni Wallace and Samantha Bounkeua - Remains, Mountains, Rivers (Japan, 1960) (1:27): MP3
  19. TC Tolbert - A Want Without a Goal (27:44): MP3
  20. Kimi Eisele - Hymenoptera, Tumamoc Hill (2:06): MP3

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #20 — August 2014

  1. Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie - If We Don't Do This Now (2:06): MP3
  2. Heroes Are Gang Leaders - LAND BACK Parts 1 and 2 (0:10): MP3
  3. Janice Lowe - All About Surprise (1:29): MP3
  4. Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie - Not About You (1:02): MP3
  5. James Brandon Lewis and Ailish Hopper - Opening for Amiri at St. Marks, Hearing Amiri in College (1:02): MP3
  6. Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie - I Think He'd Love It (0:37): MP3
  7. Ailish Hopper and James Brandon Lewis - Cinematic Montage, Different Aesthetics (3:04): MP3
  8. Heroes Are Gang Leaders - LAND BACK Part 7 (2:39): MP3
  9. Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie - Defiance to Sadness to Humor to Resistance (2:03): MP3
  10. Janice Lowe - 40 acres 40 acres 40 acres and a mule (1:50): MP3
  11. Heroes Are Gang Leaders - LAND BACK Part 4 (2:49): MP3
  12. Jennifer Fitzgerald, James Brandon Lewis and Ailish HopperA Stream .. The Song is not Ending (1:10): MP3
  13. Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie - The Vision of TSE .. if You're Open (0:45): MP3
  14. James Brandon Lewis and Ailish Hopper - Amiri is Anything But Dry (2:32): MP3
  15. Heroes Are Gang Leaders - LAND BACK Part 8 (3:56): MP3
  16. Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie - Stunning What Can Happen if Everyone is Open and Listening (1:17): MP3
  17. James Brandon Lewis and Ailish Hopper - How the Track Builds (2:39): MP3
  18. Janice Lowe - Never Ever Finished (0:58): MP3
  19. James Brandon Lewis and Ailish Hopper - Y'all Some Serious People (0:10): MP3

Read Contributor Bios

Issue #21 — August 2014

  1. UNFO - UNFO Sound (8:45): MP3
  2. Syd Staiti - Fable for the Marsh (1:33): MP3
  3. Stefan Christoff and Kaie Kellough - slide organ + manif de soir (3:36): MP3
  4. Amaranth Borsuk and Andy Fitch - Whacky Day (1:58): MP3
  5. Julian Hou - Influence in the Air (1:48): MP3
  6. Jean-Philippe Antoine - Pastorale No. 6 (18:51): MP3
  7. Eric Schmaltz - Awake in the Hot Sand (5:19): MP3
  8. Holly Melgard - Stay (7:02): MP3
  9. Laureen Burlat - MonoLoGlosSoLaLie (13:06): MP3
  10. José A. Rivera - oburoni tro-tro (2:00): MP3
  11. Felipe Otondo - Night Study 2 (9:44): MP3
  12. Fred Moten - From Black Kant (Pronounced Chant) (5:00): MP3
  13. M. NourbeSe Philip - The (10:33): MP3
  14. Sebastiane Hegarty - a tide of silence: third variation for portable turntables (8:44): MP3
  15. Jordan Scott and Jason Starnes - From Clearance Process(7:04): MP3
  16. Staalplaat Soundsystem - Floating Islands (6:56): MP3
  17. Patrick Durgin - Recent Acquisitions (16:25): MP3
  18. Steve Evans - From the Phonotextual Braid (1:21): MP3
  19. Charles Bernstein - On the Tape Works (3:23): MP3
  20. Gary Barwin - bPome bPome (1:57): MP3
  21. Oana Avasilichioaei - Thresholds, Movement 5 (3:39): MP3
  22. Clio Montrey and Klara Du Plessis - From Photo Socrates (1:15): MP3
  23. Laura Ortman and Tanya Lukin Linklater - Accompaniement (14:20): MP3
  24. Christof Migone - Flipper B (10:24): MP3
  25. Michael S. Hennessey - Five Rooms, Five Non-Rooms (5:18): MP3
  26. Elizabeth Cherniak - Deaf Soundscape (7:13): MP3
  27. Erín Moure and Lisa Robertson - On Benveniste, Meschonnic, and Rhythm (3:28): MP3
  28. José A. Rivera - 32-0 MECHAN (21:29): MP3
  29. Mayakov and Sky Platform - The Extermination of Existentialism (15:07): MP3

© 2013 the respective poets. These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. Used with permission of the author. Distributed by PennSound.