Vigee Le Brun ART Page 27 (original) (raw)

Lady Hamilton as the Persian Sibyl - 1792
oil on canvas, 54-5/8" x 39-3/4"
This was Vigee Le Bruns favorite painting and she carried it with her throughout Europe. A bust-length copy by Vigee Le Brun exists. Other painted copies by her may exist. See her black chalk & brown version (below). Princess Dolgorouky commissioned her portrait to have a very similar pose (also below).

Lady Hamilton as a Sibyl - 1792
black chalk and brown wash, 12-3/4 x 9-3/8"
Compare this with the color version above. Private collection

Princess Ecaterina Fedorovna Dolgorouky - 1796
oil on canvas, 54-1/2" x 39-1/2"
Princess Ecaterina Feodorovna Dolgorouky, née Princess Bariatinsky. Commissioned to have similar pose to Lady Hamilton as Sibyl.
Yamazaki Mazak Museum of Art, Japan
View a B&W image of this painting that appears to be an engraving of the original. View another version of the portrait (note different newspaper print). Reference Kimbell Exhibition Catalog Number 49 for more details.