(original) (raw)

Changes in version 2.1.6 Bug Fixes - Corrected code for proper division of less than or 20+ samples #Version 2.1.5 bug Fixes - Coerce variable of interest to a factor Changes in version 2.1.4 Major Changes - Added negative binomial check for 20+ samples to DESeq2 Changes in version 2.1.3 Major Changes - Added negative binomial check for less than 20 samples to DESeq2 Changes in version 2.1.2 Major Changes - Added Variation Ratio Statistic to the explained variation tab Minor Changes - Removed extra "Samples" column from example data - Uploaded bladder example data batch variable as a factor Changes in version 2.1.1 Bug Fixes - Updated imports to include shinyjs - Updated imports to remove dendextend which is no longer utilized - Corrected typos in Intro vignette Changes in version 2.0.0 Bug Fixes - Fixed various errors for the Bioconductor build Major Changes - Created interactive Shiny interface - Allow user upload of data - Allow user download of Batch corrected and/or normalized data - Added Example Data Functionality Minor Changes - Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package. Changes made to dendrogram - Added dendrogram_color_palette.R for coloring dendrogram - Updated dendrogram.R allowing batch & category to plot together