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Missing info! (4)
Title: Medieval heraldry
Medium: book
Main author(s): Terence Wise
Edition (publisher: place): Osprey: Botley (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1980
Catalogue codes: ISBN 1-84176-106-0 = ISBN 978-1-84176-106-10



Title: Medieval heraldry
Medium: book
Main author(s): Terence Wise
Secondary author(s): Richard Hook; William Walker (ill.)
Edition (publisher: place): Osprey Publishing: London (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1980 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 0-85045-348-8 = ISBN 978-0-85045-348-5
Pages: 40
Format: 247×184 mm



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Title: Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265-146 BC
Medium: book
Main author(s): Terence Wise
Secondary author(s): Richard Hook (ill.)
Edition (publisher: place): Osprey Publishing: London (United Kingdom)
Language: English
Edition date: 1982 (1st ed.)
Catalogue codes: ISBN 0-85045-430-1 = ISBN 978-0-85045-430-7
Pages: 40
Remarks: Men-at-arms Series 121



Title: Star quality
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Regina Walsh
Language: English
Source title: NAVA News [nav]
Source number (date): 1977 Oct./Dec. (1977.10-12)
Source pages: 5



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Title: Bergens vaaben og flag
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): W. M. Schjeldrup
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Bergens Tidende
Source number (date): (1922)
Source edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Bergen (Norway)



Missing info! (6)
Title: Bergens vaaben og flag
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): W. M. Schjeldrup
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Bergens Tidende
Source number (date): (1923)
Source edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Bergen (Norway)



Missing info! (6)
Title: Bergens vaaben og flag
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): W. M. Schjeldrup
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Bergens Tidende
Source number (date): (1923)
Source edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Bergen (Norway)



Missing info! (6)
Title: Bergens vaaben og flag
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): W. M. Schjeldrup
Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
Source title: Morgenavisen
Source number (date): (1923)
Source edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Bergen (Norway)



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Title: Die waldeckischen Landesfarben Rot-Gelb-Schwarz
(in English: The colours of Waldeck, red-yellow-black)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): E. Waldschmidt
Language: German (High)
Source title: Geschichtsblätter für Waldeck und Pyrmont
Source number (date): 29/30 (1931)
Source pages: 6-9
Source edition (publisher: place): Waldeckischer Geschichtsverein: Mengeringhausen (Germany)



Title: Heraldik för vägverk
(in English: Heraldry for the Department of roads)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Torsten Wassén
Language: Swedish
Source title: Heraldisk tidsskrift [hts]
Source number (date): 16 (1967)
Source pages: 292-293



Title: Skorstensmärken
(in English: Ship stack insignia)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Torsten Wassén
Language: Swedish
Source title: Heraldisk tidsskrift [hts]
Source number (date): 4 (1961)
Source pages: 183-184



Title: Rally round the new Glen Rock flag
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Sue Warner
Language: English
Source title: NAVA News [nav]
Source number (date): 1982 Summer (1982.07-09)
Source pages: 8



Title: Neue Stadt- und Dorfgemeindewappen in Niederschlesien. Zur gegenwärtigen kommunalen Heraldik in Polen
(in English: New city and village municipal ars in Lower-Selisia. On modern municipal Polish heraldry)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Wojciech Strzyzewski
Language: German (High)
Source title: Herold-Jahrbuch [hjb]
Source number (date): Neue Folge 3 (1997)
Source pages: 142-146



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Title: Blessings on the Wind : The Magic and Meaning of Tibetan Prayer Flags
Medium: book
Main author(s): Tad Wise
Edition (publisher: place): (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 2002
Catalogue codes: ISBN 0-8118-3435-2 = ISBN 978-0-8118-3435-3
Remarks: Textbook Binding



Unused entry: Please refer to author Edward Watson.



Missing info! (3)
Title: Zur Geschichte der deutschen Nationalflaggen
(in English: On the history of the German national flags)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Walter Winterfeld
Edition (publisher: place): Heim-Verlag Adolf Dreßler: Radolfzell (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1934
Pages: 16



Unused entry: Please refer to author Thomas M. Wilson.



Title: Book Reviews: Flags of Tennessee by Devereaux Cannon
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): S. Watkins
Language: English
Source title: Flagmaster [flm]
Source number (date): 087 (1997.09.22-12.22)
Source pages: 14
Remarks: About [can90].



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Title: Stadtwappen von Lettland
(in English: Municipal Coats of Arms of Latvia)
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Rolf Wittals
Language: German (High)
Source title: Mista ta mistechka v gerbakh, praporakh i pechatkakh. Towns & Cities: Arms, Flags and Seals [gyl03]
Source number (date): (2003)
Source pages: 272-289
Remarks: English summary.



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Title: The Flag of Nunavut: Public process and Cultural considerations
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Robert D. Watt
Language: English
Source title: Flags from sea to sea: The Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Vexillology, Victoria, B.C., Canada July 28-Aug 3, 1999 [icv99]
Source number (date): (2001)
Source pages: A01-A03



Missing info! (1)
Title: The Canadian Heraldic Authority and Canadian Public Heraldry: The Nature and the Role of a New Office
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Robert D. Watt
Language: English
Source title: Staaten, Wappen, Dynastien: XVIII. Internationaler Kongress für Genealogie und Heraldik in Innsbruck vom 5. bis 9. September 1988 [ghc88]
Source number (date): (1988)
Source pages: 507-510
Remarks: Book section. Veröffentlichungen des Innsbrucker Stadtarchivs Neue Folge, Band 18



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Title: Die deutschen Farben: Ihre Entwicklung und Deutung sowie ihre Stellung in der deutschen Geschichte
(in English: The German colours: Their development and significance as well as their position in German history)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Paul Wentzcke
Edition (publisher: place): Carl Winter Universitätsverlag: Heidelberg (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1927 (3rd ed.)
Pages: 240 + 13
Remarks: Listed in [brz75] as #141.



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Title: Hoheitszeichen und Farben des Reiches
Medium: book
Main author(s): Paul Wentzcke
Edition (publisher: place): Klostermann: Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1939
Pages: 160



Title: Die deutschen Farben: Ihre Entwicklung und Deutung sowie ihre Stellung in der deutschen Geschichte
(in English: The German colours: Their development and significance as well as their position in German history)
Medium: book
Main author(s): Paul Wentzcke
Edition (publisher: place): Carl Winter Universitätsverlag: Heidelberg (Germany)
Language: German (High)
Edition date: 1955 (3rd ed.)
Pages: 192
Format: 149×100 mm
Remarks: Neue Fassung



Missing info! (3)
Title: Flaggen
(in English: Flags)
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Language: German (High)
Source title: DDR Handbuch
Source number (date): Band 1 A#45;L (1985)
Source pages: 417-418
Source edition (publisher: place): Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik: Cologne (Germany)



Missing info! (4)
Title: Wappen
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Language: German (High)
Source title: DDR Handbuch
Source number (date): Band 2 M#45;Z (1985)
Source pages: 1456-1457
Source edition (publisher: place): Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik: Cologne (Germany)



Missing info! (8)
Title: Wapens vlaggen
Medium: series of numbered collectibles (usu. to be pasted on album with blanks)
Edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Language: Dutch
Pages: 6
Remarks: 32 plates. Very rare picture set in 3 vol.s, see also: [wvlXXb] [wvlXXc]



Missing info! (8)
Title: Wapens vlaggen
Medium: series of numbered collectibles (usu. to be pasted on album with blanks)
Edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Language: Dutch
Pages: 6
Remarks: 32 plates. Very rare picture set in 3 vol.s, see also: [wvlXXa] [wvlXXc]



Missing info! (8)
Title: Wapens vlaggen
Medium: series of numbered collectibles (usu. to be pasted on album with blanks)
Edition (publisher: place): (unknown publisher): Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Language: Dutch
Pages: 6
Remarks: 32 plates. Very rare picture set in 3 vol.s, see also: [wvlXXa] [wvlXXb]



Unused entry: Please refer to author Volker Weichsel.



Title: The Hawaiian flag
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): William D. Westervelt
Language: English
Source title: NAVA News [nav]
Source number (date): 1984 Jan./Feb. (1984.01-02)
Source pages: 1-4



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Title: Deutsche See-Reedereien Flaggen und Schornsteine
Medium: book
Main author(s): W. Wahlers
Edition (publisher: place): Marine Service: (unknown location) (Germany)
Language: German (High)



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Title: The power of an icon
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Gerald R. Webster; Roberta H. Webster
Language: English
Source title: Geographical Review
Source number (date): 84 (1994)
Source pages: 131-143



Missing info! (4)
Title: The Learning of Political Symbols in Chinese Culture
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Richard W. Wilson
Language: English
Source title: Journal of Asian and African Studies
Source number (date): 3 (1968)
Source pages: 241-256



Unused entry: Please refer to author Henryk Wiewióra.



Obsolete entry! Please refer to [w7w98]



Missing info! (4)
Title: The bull standards of Egypt
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): G. A. Wainwright
Language: English
Source title: The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
Source number (date): 19 (1933)
Source pages: 42-52



Missing info! (4)
Title: A Story of American Flags; From the Banners of Columbus to the First Flag on the Moon
Medium: book
Main author(s): W. W. Wannamaker
Edition (publisher: place): State Printing Co.: Columbia, SC (United States)
Language: English
Edition date: 1971
Remarks: One of the 38 further reading items recomended in the “School Projects” section of [u9s03].



Missing info! (3)
Title: The Romance of Military Insignia
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Robert E. Wyllie
Language: English
Source title: National Geographic Magazine
Source number (date): (1919.12)
Source pages: 463-526
Source edition (publisher: place): National Geographic Society: Washington (United States)



Missing info! (1)
Title: Der Doppeladler — Geschichte eines Symbols
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Norbert Weyss
Language: German (High)
Source title: Adler: Zeitschrift für Genealogie und Heraldik [adl]
Source number (date): 1986/3 (1986)
Source pages: 78-



Missing info! (6)
Title: Die Entwicklung der Doppeladlerforschung
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Norbert Weyss
Language: German (High)
Source title: Österreichisches Wissenschaftsforum
Source number (date): 1988/1#45;2 (1988)
Remarks: 1st of two parts; part 2 is [wys89].



Missing info! (6)
Title: Die Entwicklung der Doppeladlerforschung
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Norbert Weyss
Language: German (High)
Source title: Österreichisches Wissenschaftsforum
Source number (date): 1989/1#45;2 (1988)
Remarks: 2nd of two parts; part 1 is [wys88].



Missing info! (1)
Title: Armenische politische Doppeladler
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Norbert Weyss
Language: German (High)
Source title: Adler: Zeitschrift für Genealogie und Heraldik [adl]
Source number (date): 1991/1 (1991)
Source pages: 1-3



Missing info! (6)
Title: Der Doppeladler in aller Welt, Geschichte eines Symbols
Medium: article in a non-vexillological source
Main author(s): Norbert Weyss
Language: German (High)
Source title: Schriftenreihe des Bezirks-Museums-Vereines Mödling
Source number (date): 83 (1994.02)
Remarks: Ausstellungskatalog



Title: The Companion Flag
Medium: article in a vexillological source
Main author(s): Scott Wyatt
Language: English
Source title: NAVA News [nav]
Source number (date): 35:3 = 175 (2002.07-09)
Source pages: 2-3



Missing info! (4)
Title: Vlaggeboek
(in English: Flagbook)
Medium: book
Main author(s): W. Wezepoel
Edition (publisher: place): (The Netherlands)
Language: Dutch
Edition date: 1862
Pages: 13 pl. + index
Remarks: stored in the Zeeuws Archief in Middelburg; available on line

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