Universit� de Montr�al (Canada) (original) (raw)

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Last modified: 2020-06-13 by rob raeside
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Current flag
[[Universit� de Montr�al current flag]](../images/c/ca%5Fumtr2x.gif) image by Luc Baronian

1994 - circa 2001
[[Universit� de Montr�al current flag]](../images/c/ca%5Fumtr94.gif) image by Luc Baronian

[[Universit� de Montr�al current flag]](../images/c/ca%5Fumtr80.gif) image by Luc Baronian

See also:

Description of the flag

The yellow logo on dark blue was used in the 1980s. The logo, adopted in 1984, represents the central university tower and the letters UM. In 1994, the university adopts a new flag: the coat of arms on a Canadian pale with the arms' colors. It seems that at first "the arms' colors" was interpreted as a blue-white-blue Canadian pale. Indeed, the blue and white Canadian pale flew in the 1990s on the hospitals affiliated with the university (in those years the university itself only flew the Quebec fleur-de-lis). I purchased the blue-white-gold Canadian pale version in 2001 and saw it flying for the first time in 2003 on the university's campus.

The arms on it were adopted in 1920, created by vice-president Mgr �mile Chartier and finalized by Victor Morin president of the Coll�ge h�raldique de la Soci�t� historique de Montr�al. The two towers remind us of the teachings of the Sulpicians and the nuns of the Notre-Dame congregation to the Natives in Montr�al. The golden star represents faith and the silver, science. They make reference to the motto Fide splendet et scientia (She shines by faith and science). Though a lay university, the religious references take us back to the Jesuit origins of the university that started out as a branch of Qu�bec city's Universit� Laval.

Luc Baronian, 9 May 2005

The branding guide, on page 20, includes additional information about the flag, including its adoption date: "Le drapeau officiel de l�Universit� a �t� adopt� par le Comit� ex�cutif � sa s�ance du 24 mai 1994. Il comporte le blason et des bandes bleu et or." [Google translation: "The official University flag was adopted by the Executive Committee at its meeting on 24 May 1994. It includes the coat of arms and blue and gold bands."]

About the coat of arms, the branding guide, still on page 20, says: "Le blason de l�Universit� a �t� con�u en 1920, peu apr�s l�accession � l�autonomie de l�Universit�. Il a �t� modernis� en 1993, pour adopter la version qui est aujourd�hui en vigueur. Le blason est form� d�un �cusson, compos� d�une montagne, le mont Royal, surmont� d�un fort � deux tourelles, rappelant le Fort des Messieurs de Saint-Sulpice bordant les terrains du Grand S�minaire, et de deux �toiles symbolisant la foi et la science, respectivement d�or et d�argent. L��cusson est bord�, � gauche, d�une branche de feuilles d��rable et, � droite, d�une autre de feuilles de ch�ne ; l��rable rappelle le pays o� se trouve l�Universit� et le ch�ne, la force institutionnelle. La banderole porte la devise Fide spendet et scientia. Elle rayonne par la foi et la science." [Google translation: "The University coat of arms was designed in 1920, shortly after independence of the University. It was modernized in 1993, to adopt the version that is today in force. The coat of arms is made up of a badge, composed of a mountain, Mount Royal, surmounted by a fort with two turrets, reminiscent of the Fort des Messieurs of Saint-Sulpice bordering the grounds of the Grand Seminary, and two stars symbolizing faith and science, respectively gold and silver. The badge is edged, on the left, a branch of maple leaves and, on the right, another branch of Oak; the maple recalls the country where the University is located and the oak, the institutional strength. The banner carries the motto Fide spendet and scientia. She radiates through faith and science."]
Randy Young, 5 May 2020

Logo flag

[[Universit� de Montr�al logo flag]](../images/c/ca%5Fumtr.gif) image by_Randy Young_, 5 May 2020

According to thebranding guide, "Il existe �galement un drapeau avec le logo de l�Universit�. Il est surtout utilis� par les unit�s qui sont affli�es � l�Universit� de Montr�al et qui veulent marquer leur lien avec celle-ci." [Google translation: "There is also a flag with the University logo. It is mainly used by units which are affiliated at the University of Montreal and who want to mark their connection to it."]

This flag has the university's current logo in white centered on a blue field of the shade specified in the branding guide.
Randy Young, 5 May 2020

Centre hospitalier de l'Universit� de Montr�al

[ [Universit� de Montr�al current flag]](../images/c/ca%5Fumtr-chum.jpg)image located by Dave Fowler, 5 May 2020

HEC Montr�al

[ [Universit� de Montr�al current flag]](../images/c/ca%5Fhecmo.jpg)image located by Dave Fowler, 7 May 2020