Deschaillons-sur-Saint-Laurent, Quebec (Canada) (original) (raw)

The municipality of Deschaillons-sur-Saint-Laurent (908 inhabitants in 2018; 3,770 ha) is located on the southern shore of river Saint-Lawrence, 40 km north-west of B�cancour.

Deschaillons was granted in 1674 to Pierre de Saint-Ours de l'�chaillon (1640-1724), Knight of Saint-Louis and captain in the Carignan-Sali�res regiment, whose French ancestors were lords of L'�chaillon (Dauphin�). The place was originally known as Cap � l'Arbre (The Tree's Cape) or Rivi�re-Duchesne, recalling oaks ("ch�nes"; old French, "chesnes") that line the river.
Ivan Sache, 19 January 2021

The flag is white with an image of a lighthouse surrounded by swooping waves in shades of blue and green.

The logo globally represents the capital letter "D" as the initial of "Deschaillons", "dynamisme" and "devenir" ("future"). The elements are composed of curved and horizontal lines, conveying an impression of forward movement. This is increased by the curved shapes strongly evoking wind-swollen sails.

The logo features the silhouette of the Deschaillons lighthouse, symbolizing the maritime heritage and connection with the sea found in the local population. The juxtaposition of horizontal lines symbolizes cooperation and mutual aid; every line represents a member or a family of the community.

The front side of the lighthouse is beaten by the waves, which do not alter its solid and everlasting structure. This symbolizes solidarity and hope that help to resist life's hardships such as unemployment and illness. This also recalls that the community will always be alive thanks to children.

The colors, composed of blue and green shapes, bring an ecological feature to the image, humbly highlighting care to be taken for the environment. Reflecting the wonderful show offered by river Saint-Lawrence, the shades also recall the beauty of the rural landscape.
Municipal website
Photo of the lighthouse
Ivan Sache, 18 January 2021