Code of Canon Law: text (original) (raw)


Can.673 The apostolate of all religious consists primarily in the witness of theirconsecrated life, which they are bound to foster through prayer and penance.

Can.674 Institutes which are wholly directed to contemplation always have anoutstanding part in the mystical Body of Christ. They offer to God anexceptional sacrifice of praise. They embellish the people of God with veryrich fruits of holiness, move them by their example, and give them increase by a hidden apostolic fruitfulness. Because of this, no matter how urgent theneeds of the active apostolate, the members of these institutes cannot becalled upon to assist in the various pastoral ministries.

Can.675 §1 Apostolic action is of the very nature of institutes dedicated toapostolic works. The whole life of the members is, therefore, to be imbued with an apostolic spirit, and the whole of their apostolic action is to be animatedby a religious spirit.

§2 Apostolic action is always to proceed from intimate union with God, and is toconfirm and foster this union.

§3 Apostolic action exercised in the name of the Church and by its command is to be performed in communion with the Church.

Can.676 Lay institutes of men and women participate in the pastoral mission of theChurch through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, performing very manydifferent services for people. They are therefore to remain faithful to thegrace of their vocation.

Can.677 §1 Superiors and members are faithfully to hold fast to the mission andworks which are proper to their institute. According to the needs of time andplace, however, they are prudently to adapt them, making use of new andappropriate means.

§2 Institutes which have associations of Christ's faithful joined to them are to have a special care that these associations are imbued with the genuine spiritof their family.

Can.678 §1 In matters concerning the care of souls, the public exercise of divine worshipand other works of the apostolate, religious are subject to the authority of the Bishops, whom they are bound to treat with sincere obedience and reverence.

§2 In theexercise of an apostolate towards persons outside the institute, religious are also subject to their own Superiors and must remain faithful to the disciplineof the institute. If the need arises, Bishops themselves are not to fail toinsist on this obligation.

§3 Indirecting the apostolic works of religious, diocesan Bishops and religious Superiors must proceed by way of mutual consultation.

Can.679 For a very grave reason a diocesan Bishop can forbid a member of areligious institute to remain in his diocese, provided the person's major Superior has been informed and has failed to act; the matter must immediatelybe reported to the Holy See.

Can.680 Organised cooperation is to be fostered among different institutes, and between them and the secular clergy. Under the direction of the Bishop, there is to be a coordination of all apostolic works and actions, with due respectfor the character and purpose of each institute and the laws of its foundation.

Can.681 §1 Works which the diocesan Bishop entrusts to religious are under theauthority and direction of the Bishop, without prejudice to the rights ofreligious Superiors in accordance with can. 678 §§2 and 3.

§2 In thesecases a written agreement is to be made between the diocesan Bishop and thecompetent Superior of the institute. This agreement must expressly andaccurately define, among other things, the work to be done, the members to beassigned to it and the financial arrangements.

Can.682 §1 If an ecclesiastical office in a diocese is to be conferred on a memberof a religious institute, the religious is appointed by the diocesan Bishop onpresentation by, or at least with the consent of, the competent Superior.

§2 Thereligious can be removed from the office at the discretion of the authority who made the appointment, with prior notice being given to the religious Superior; or by the religious Superior, with prior notice being given to the appointing authority. Neither requires the other's consent.

Can.683 §1 Either personally or through a delegate, the diocesan Bishop can visit churches or oratories to which Christ's faithful have habitual access, schoolsother than those open only to the institute's own members, and other works ofreligion and charity entrusted to religious, whether these works be spiritualor temporal. He can do this at the time of pastoral visitation, or in a case ofnecessity.

§2 If thediocesan Bishop becomes aware of abuses, and a warning to the religious Superior having been in vain, he can by his own authority deal with the matter.