Code of Canon Law: text (original) (raw)


Can.875 Whoever administers baptism is to take care that if there is not a sponsor present, there is at least one witness who can prove that the baptism wasconferred.

Can.876 To prove that baptism has been conferred, if there is no conflict ofinterest, it is sufficient to have either one unexceptionable witness or, if the baptism was conferred upon an adult, the sworn testimony of the baptised person.

Can.877 §1 The parish priest of the place in which the baptism was conferred mustcarefully and without delay record in the register of baptism the names of thebaptised, the minister, the parents, the sponsors and, if there were such, thewitnesses, and the place and date of baptism. He must also enter the date andplace of birth.

§2 In thecase of a child of an unmarried mother, the mother's name is to be entered if her maternity is publicly known or if, either in writing or before two witnesses, she freely asks that this be done. Similarly, the name of the fatheris to be entered, if his paternity is established either by some public document or by his own declaration in the presence of the parish priest and two witnesses. In all other cases, the name of the baptised person is to beregistered, without any indication of the name of the father or of the parents.

§3 In thecase of an adopted child, the names of the adopting parents are to beregistered and, at least if this is done in the local civil registration, thenames of the natural parents in accordance with §§1 and 2 subject however to the rulings of the Episcopal Conference.

Can.878 If baptism was administered neither by the parish priest nor in hispresence, the minister of baptism, whoever that was, must notify the parish priest of the parish in which the baptism was administered, so that he may register the baptism in accordance with can. 877 §1.