Code of Canon Law: text (original) (raw)


Can.1050 For a person to be promoted to sacred orders, the following documents arerequired:

acertificate of studies duly completed in accordance with can. 1032;

2" for those to be ordained to the priesthood, a certificate of the reception of thediaconate

for those to be promoted to the diaconate, certificates of the reception ofbaptism, of confirmation and of the ministries mentioned in can. 1035, and acertificate that the declaration mentioned in can. 1036 has been made, if anordinand to be promoted to the permanent diaconate is married, a certificate of his marriage and testimony of his wife's consent.

Can.1051 In the investigation of the requisite qualities of one who is to beordained, the following provisions are to be observed:

there is to be a certificate from the rector of the seminary or of the house offormation, concerning the qualities required in the candidate for the receptionof the order, namely sound doctrine, genuine piety, good moral behaviour,fitness for the exercise of the ministry, likewise, after proper investigation, a certificate of the candidate's state of physical and psychological health;

thediocesan Bishop or the major Superior may, in order properly to complete theinvestigation, use other means which, taking into account the circumstances oftime and place, may seem useful, such as testimonial letters, public notices or other sources of information.

Can.1052 §1 For a Bishop to proceed to an ordination which he is to confer by his own right, he must be satisfied that the documents mentioned in can. 1050 are at hand and that, as a result of the investigations prescribed by law, thesuitability of the candidate has been positively established.

§2 For aBishop to proceed to the ordination of someone not his own subject, it issufficient that the dimissorial letters state that those documents are at hand, that the investigation has been conducted in accordance with the law, and that the candidate's suitability has been established. If the ordinand is a memberof a religious institute or a society of apostolic life, these letters must also testify that he has been definitively enrolled in the institute or societyand that he is a subject of the Superior who gives the letters.

§3 If, notwithstanding all this, the Bishop has definite reasons for doubting that thecandidate is suitable to receive orders, he is not to promote him.