Code of Canon Law: text (original) (raw)
Can.1053 §1 After an ordination, the names of the individuals ordained, the name of the ordaining minister, and the place and date of ordination are to be enteredin a special register which is to be carefully kept in the curia of the placeof ordination. All the documents of each ordination are to be accurately preserved.
§2 Theordaining Bishop is to give to each person ordained an authentic certificate of the ordination received. Those who, with dimissorial letters, have beenpromoted by a Bishop other than their own, are to submit the certificate to their proper Ordinary for the registration of the ordination in a special register, to be kept in the archive.
Can.1054 The local Ordinary, if it concerns the secular clergy, or the competent major Superior, if it concerns his subjects, is to send a notification of eachordination to the parish priest of the place of baptism. The parish priest is to record the ordination in the baptismal register in accordance with can. 535§2.