Code of Canon Law: text (original) (raw)


Can.29 General decrees, by which a competent legislator makes common provisions for a community capable of receiving a law, are true laws and are regulated by theprovisions of the canons on laws.

Can.30 A general decree, as in can. 29, cannot be made by one who has onlyexecutive power, unless in particular cases this has been expressly authorisedby the competent legislator in accordance with the law, and provided theconditions prescribed in the act of authorisation are observed.

Can.31 §1 Within the limits of their competence, those who have executive power canissue general executory decrees, that is, decrees which define more preciselythe manner of applying a law, or which urge the observance of laws. §2 Theprovisions of can. 8 are to be observed in regard to the promulgation, and to the interval before the coming into effect, of the decrees mentioned in §1.

Can.32 General executory decrees which define the manner of application or urge theobservance of laws, bind those who are bound by the laws.

Can.33 §1 General executory decrees, even if published in directories or other suchdocuments, do not derogate from the law, and any of their provisions which arecontrary to the law have no force. §2 These decrees cease to have force byexplicit or implicit revocation by the competent authority, and by thecessation of the law for whose execution they were issued. They do not cease on the expiry of the authority of the person who issued them, unless the contraryis expressly provided.

Can.34 §1 Instructions, namely, which set out the provisions of a law and developthe manner in which it is to be put into effect, are given for the benefit of those whose duty it is to execute the law, and they bind them in executing thelaw. Those who have executive power may, within the limits of their competence,lawfully publish such instructions.

§2 Theregulations of an instruction do not derogate from the law, and if there are any which cannot be reconciled with the provisions of the law they have noforce.

§3 Instructions cease to have force not only by explicit or implicit revocation by the competent authority who published them or by that authority's superior, but also by the cessation of the law which they were designed to set out andexecute.