SetPalette Method (original) (raw)
Sets the palette for uncompressed data that is 8 bits per pixel or less.
public void setPalette(RasterColor[] palette)
An array of RasterColor object that represents the palette for uncompressed data that is 8 bits per pixel or less.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color;
using Leadtools.Svg;
private struct RawData
public int Width; // Width of image
public int Height; // Height of image
public int BitsPerPixel; // Bits per pixel of image--if palettized, a gray palette is generated
public RasterViewPerspective ViewPerspective; // View perspective of raw data (TopLeft, BottomLeft, etc)
public RasterByteOrder Order; // Rgb or Bgr
public int XResolution; // Horizontal resolution in DPI
public int YResolution; // Vertical resolution in DPI
public int Offset; // Offset into file where raw data begins
public bool Padding; // true if each line of data is padded to four bytes
public bool ReverseBits; // true if the bits of each byte are reversed
private RawData myRawData;
private void codecs_LoadInformation(object sender, CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs e)
// Set the information
e.Format = RasterImageFormat.Raw;
e.Width = myRawData.Width;
e.Height = myRawData.Height;
e.BitsPerPixel = myRawData.BitsPerPixel;
e.XResolution = myRawData.XResolution;
e.YResolution = myRawData.YResolution;
e.Offset = myRawData.Offset;
e.MotorolaOrder = false;
e.PhotoInterpolation = CodecsPhotoInterpolation.WhiteIsZero;
e.PlanarConfiguration = CodecsPlanarConfiguration.PlanarFormat; // This value is used only if Format is RasterImageFormat.RawPackBits
e.Reverse = true;
e.StripSize = 10;
e.WhiteOnBlack = false;
Debug.WriteLine($"Stream: {e.Stream.ToString()}");
if (myRawData.Padding)
e.Pad4 = true;
e.Order = myRawData.Order;
if (myRawData.ReverseBits)
e.LeastSignificantBitFirst = true;
e.ViewPerspective = myRawData.ViewPerspective;
// If image is palettized create a grayscale palette
if (e.BitsPerPixel <= 8)
int colors = 1 << e.BitsPerPixel;
RasterColor[] palette = new RasterColor[colors];
for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; i++)
byte val = (byte)((i * 255) / (colors - 1));
palette[i] = new RasterColor(val, val, val);
public void LoadInformationExample()
// First, load a JPEG or CMP file
string srcFilename = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "IMAGE2.CMP");
string rawFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.raw");
RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
RasterImage image = codecs.Load(srcFilename);
// Save this image as RAW data
// Set RAW options
codecs.Options.Raw.Save.Pad4 = true;
codecs.Options.Raw.Save.ReverseBits = true;
codecs.Options.Save.OptimizedPalette = true;
codecs.Save(image, rawFileName, RasterImageFormat.Raw, 0);
// Save information about this image so we can use it to load the RAW file
myRawData = new RawData();
myRawData.Width = image.Width;
myRawData.Height = image.Height;
myRawData.BitsPerPixel = image.BitsPerPixel;
myRawData.ViewPerspective = image.ViewPerspective;
myRawData.Order = image.Order;
myRawData.XResolution = image.XResolution;
myRawData.YResolution = image.YResolution;
myRawData.Offset = 0;
myRawData.Padding = true;
myRawData.ReverseBits = true;
// We dont need the image anymore
// Now load this RAW image back
// First subscribe to the LoadInformation event so we can set the image information
codecs.LoadInformation += new EventHandler<CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs>(codecs_LoadInformation);
// Load the image
image = codecs.Load(rawFileName);
// Unsubscribe from the event
codecs.LoadInformation -= new EventHandler<CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs>(codecs_LoadInformation);
// save it as bmp for testing
codecs.Save(image, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1_raw.bmp"), RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 0);
// Clean up
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";
Leadtools.Codecs Assembly
CompactFile(Stream,Stream,int,int,bool,int,int,bool,int,CodecsSavePageMode,bool,bool) Method
CompactFile(Stream,Stream,int,int,bool,long,int,bool,long,CodecsSavePageMode,bool,bool,bool) Method
CompactFile(string,string,int,int,bool,int,int,bool,int,CodecsSavePageMode,bool,bool) Method
CompactFile(string,string,int,int,bool,long,int,bool,long,CodecsSavePageMode,bool,bool,bool) Method