Default Value Representation Table (original) (raw)
The table below contains the default values for the Value Representations supported by DICOM.
For more information on the structure of this table, refer to DicomVR.
Code | Name | Length | Restriction | Unit Size |
AE | Application Entity | 16 | StringMaximum | 1 |
AS | Age String | 4 | TextFixed | 1 |
AT | Attribute Tag | 4 | BinaryFixed | 4 |
CS | Code String | 16 | StringMaximum | 1 |
DA | Date | 8 | TextFixed | 1 |
DS | Decimal String | 16 | StringMaximum | 1 |
DT | Date Time | 26 | TextMaximum | 1 |
FD | Floating Point Double | 8 | BinaryFixed | 8 |
FL | Floating Point Single | 4 | BinaryFixed | 4 |
IS | Integer String | 12 | StringMaximum | 1 |
LO | Long String | 64 | StringMaximum | 1 |
LT | Long Text | 10240 | TextMaximum | 1 |
OB | Other Byte String | 0 | BinaryAny | 1 |
OF | Other Float String | 0xFFFFFFFC | BinaryMaximum | 4 |
OW | Other Word String | 0 | BinaryAny | 2 |
PN | Person Name | 64 | TextMaximumGroup | 1 |
SH | Short String | 16 | StringMaximum | 1 |
SL | Signed Long | 4 | BinaryFixed | 4 |
SQ | Sequence of Items | 0 | NotApplicable | 1 |
SS | Signed Short | 2 | BinaryFixed | 2 |
ST | Short Text | 1024 | TextMaximum | 1 |
TM | Time | 16 | TextMaximum | 1 |
UI | Unique Identifier | 64 | TextMaximum | 1 |
UL | Unsigned Long | 4 | BinaryFixed | 4 |
UN | Unknown | 0 | BinaryAny | 1 |
US | Unsigned Short | 2 | BinaryFixed | 2 |
UT | Unlimited Text | 0xFFFFFFFE | TextMaximum | 1 |