Document File Formats: Portable Document Format (PDF) (original) (raw)
The Portable Document Format (PDF) was developed by the Adobe Corporation to allow the exchange and viewing of electronic documents easily and reliably, independent of the environment in which they were created. This format lets you compress large documents to a size small enough to download very quickly. It is also a powerful format for reproducing documents over the web.
The LEADTOOLS Document Writers support creating PDF and PDF/A documents. For more information, refer to PdfDocumentOptions. The following features are supported:
- Unlimited number of pages
- Fully searchable PDF documents
- PDF and PDF/A standards
- Different options for embedding the fonts used in the PDF file, including "all"
- Raster image overlay over the PDF pages. This is used when creating a searchable PDF document that is required to be the same as original file, an image of the original file will be saved over the whole PDF document as an overlay. When using the result document in a PDF viewer, you can still search the text underneath the overlay image while maintaining the look of the original document
- Encryption and view options
Required DLL: Leadtools.Document.Writer.dll. For a listing of the exact DLLs needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.
Related Formats:
- Document File Formats: Microsoft Word Document (DOCX/DOC)
- Document File Formats: Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF)
- Document File Formats: Text
- Document File Formats: Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)
- Document File Formats: HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
- Document File Formats: Scalable Vector Graphics Format (SVG)
- Document File Formats: Windows Enhanced Meta File (EMF)
- Document File Formats: Microsoft Open XML Paper Specification (XPS)
- Document File Formats: Electronic Publication (ePub)
- Document File Formats: Mobipocket Format (MOBI)
- Document File Formats: Analyzed Layout and Text Object (ALTO)