Leadtools.Pdf Assembly Changes (original) (raw)
Version Changes: 21 to 22
New Members (version 22)
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocumentProperties.CreatedOriginal | Creation date and time of the PDF document. This is optional. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocumentProperties.ModifiedOriginal | ModifiedOriginal date and time of the PDF document. This is optional. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocumentProperties.TimeZoneOffset(String) | Extract options the time zone information from the PDF date string returned by the CreatedOriginal or ModifiedOriginal properties. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.MergeFiles(PDFPageRange[],string) | Merges pages from multiple PDF files into one output PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPageRange | PDF page range class. |
Removed Members (version 22)
The following members have been removed:
Name |
None |
Version Changes: 20 to 21
New Members (version 21)
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.EmbeddedFiles | Collection of the embedded files found in this document. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.EmbeddedFilesSchemas | Collection of the embedded file schemas found in this document. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.GetEmbeddedFileSchema(string) | Helper method to find the schema of an embedded file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.GetImageRect(RasterImage,int,double,double,PDFRect) | Creates an image from a PDF document page. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.GetPageRasterizer(int) | Returns a PDFPageRasterizer object for the specified page. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.HasEmbeddedFiles | Indicates whether this PDF document has any embedded files (attachments). |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.IsPortfolio | Indicates whether this PDF document is a portfolio. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocumentPage.GetRasterizer | Returns a PDFPageRasterizer object for this page. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFEmbeddedFile | Properties of an embedded file (attachment) in this document. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.ExtractEmbeddedFile(Stream,string,int,Stream) | Extracts an embedded file (attachment) from a stream containing a PDF document file, and saves it to an output stream. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.ExtractEmbeddedFile(Stream,string,int,string) | Extracts an embedded file (attachment) from a stream containing a PDF document file, and saves it to disk. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.ExtractEmbeddedFile(string,string,int,Stream) | Extracts an embedded file (attachment) from a PDF document file, and saves it to an output stream. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.ExtractEmbeddedFile(string,string,int,string) | Extracts an embedded file (attachment) from a PDF document file and saves it to disk. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.GetEmbeddedFileCount(Stream,string) | Gets the total number of embedded files (attachments) in a PDF stream. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.GetEmbeddedFileCount(string,string) | Gets the total number of embedded files (attachments) in a PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.IsPortfolio(Stream,string) | Indicates whether the stream contains a PDF portfolio. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.IsPortfolio(string,string) | Indicates whether the file is a PDF portfolio. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPageRasterizer | Allows resterization of a PDFDocumentPage. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFParseDocumentStructureOptions.EmbeddedFiles | Parse embedded files. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFSchema | Defines a PDF schema. |
Removed Members (version 21)
The following members have been removed:
Name |
None |
Version Changes: 19 to 20
New Members (version 20)
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.BorderEffectCloud | Cloud border effect. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.BorderEffectNone | No border effect. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleButt | PDF Specification standard Butt line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleCircle | PDF Specification standard Circle line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleClosedArrow | PDF Specification standard Closed Arrow line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleDiamond | PDF Specification standard Diamond line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleNone | PDF Specification standard None (default) line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleOpenArrow | PDF Specification standard Open Arrow line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleRClosedArrow | PDF Specification standard Reversed Closed Arrow line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleROpenArrow | PDF Specification standard Reversed Open Arrow line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleRSlash | PDF Specification standard Slash line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.LineEndingsStyleSquare | PDF Specification standard Square line ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.Matrix | Gets the general transformation matrix associated with this PDF annotation object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ObjectNumber | The optional unique number (id) of this annotation object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ParentObjectNumber | The optional unique number (ID) of the parent of this annotation object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.RelationGroup | Group relationship. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.RelationReply | Reply relationship. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.Relationship | Optional relationship between this annotation object and its parent. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.GetDigitalSignatureSupportStatus | Gets the status of digital signature support in the LEADTOOLS PDF toolkit. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.IsLinearized | Determines if this PDF document is linearized (optimized for the web). |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.IsPdfA | Determines if this document is PDF/A. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFEllipseAnnotation.BorderEffect | The border effect of this ellipse object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFEllipseAnnotation.BorderEffectIntensity | The intensity of the border effect. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.IsLinearized(Stream,string) | Determines if the PDF in a stream is linearized (optimized for the web). |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.IsLinearized(string,string) | Determines if this PDF file is linearized (optimized for the web). |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.IsPdfA(string) | Determines if the specified file is PDF/A. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.Redact(Stream,string,PDFRedact) | Redacts a PDF document stored in a stream. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.Redact(string,string,PDFRedact) | Redacts a PDF document stored in a file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.DescendantCID | Descendant CIDFont name if this is a Type 0 font. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.EmbeddingType | Font embedding type. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.Encoding | Character set encoding used by this font. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.EncodingMacExpertEncoding | PDF Mac Expert font encoding. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.EncodingMacRomanEncoding | PDF Mac Roman font encoding. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.EncodingPDFDocEncoding | PDF Doc font encoding. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.EncodingStandardEncoding | PDF standard font encoding. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.EncodingWinAnsiEncoding | PDF Windows ANSI font encoding. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.FontType | Type of font. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.TypeCIDFontType0 | PDF CID font type 0. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.TypeCIDFontType2 | PDF CID font type 2. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.TypeMMType1 | PDF font type MM 1. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.TypeTrueType | PDF TrueType font type. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.TypeType0 | PDF font type 0. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.TypeType1 | PDF font type 1. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFont.TypeType3 | PDF font type 3. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFontEmbeddingType | Font embedding type. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.CaptionPosition | Position of the caption over the line. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.CaptionPositionInline | Inline caption position. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.CaptionPositionTop | Top caption position. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.EndingsBrush | The brush to use to fill any area inside the selected ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.EndStyle | The style of the end point of this object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.Intent | Intent of this line object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.IntentLineArrow | Arrow line intent. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.IntentLineDimension | Dimension line intent. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.LeaderExtension | Leader line extension length. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.LeaderLength | Leader line length. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.LeaderOffset | Leader line offset. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.ShowCaption | Indicates whether to display the caption for this line annotation. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFLineAnnotation.StartStyle | The style of the starting point of this object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFMatrix | Represents a 3x3 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 2-D space. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.State | The state of this note object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateAccepted | Accepted state. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateCancelled | Cancelled state |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateCompleted | Completed state. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateMarked | Marked state. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateModel | State model of this note object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateModelMarked | Marked state model. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateModelReview | Review state model. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateNone | None state. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateRejected | Rejected state. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.StateUnmarked | Unmarked state. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen.Beveled | Beveled pen style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen.DashLengths | The length of a single dash and gap pattern in Dashed pen in PDF coordinates. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen.Inset | Inset line style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen.Underline | Underline pen style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolygonAnnotation.BorderEffect | The border effect for this polygon object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolygonAnnotation.BorderEffectIntensity | The intensity of the border effect. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolygonAnnotation.Intent | Intent of this polygon object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolygonAnnotation.IntentPolygonCloud | Cloud polygon intent. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolygonAnnotation.IntentPolygonDimension | Dimension polygon intent. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolylineAnnotation.EndingsBrush | The brush to use to fill any area inside the selected ending style. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolylineAnnotation.EndStyle | The style of the end point of this object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolylineAnnotation.Intent | Intent of this polyline object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolylineAnnotation.IntentPolyLineDimension | Dimension polyline intent. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPolylineAnnotation.StartStyle | The style of the starting point of this object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFRectangleAnnotation.BorderEffect | The border effect of this rectangle object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFRectangleAnnotation.BorderEffectIntensity | The intensity of the border effect. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFRedact | Redact item data. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.BorderEffect | The border effect of this text object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.BorderEffectIntensity | The intensity of the border effect. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.CalloutLineStyle | Style of the end point for the callout line of this object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.CalloutPoints | Gets the list of callout polyline points. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.Intent | Intent of this text object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.IntentFreeTextCallout | Callout text intent. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.IntentFreeTextTypeWriter | Free typewriter text intent. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.LineHeight | Height of a single line of text in PDF coordinates. |
Removed Members (version 20)
The following members have been removed:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.DrawDocument(IntPtr,int,int) | Renders the specified page of the PDF file. |
Version Changes: 18 to 19
New Members
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlags | The view flags associated with this PDFAnnotation object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsHidden | Hidden view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsInvisible | Invisible view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsLocked | Locked view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsLockedContents | Locked contents view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsNoRotate | No rotate view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsNoView | No view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsNoZoom | No zoom view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsPrint | Print view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsReadOnly | Read-only view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.ViewFlagsToggleNoView | Toggle no view flag. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAutoOptimizerMode | - Specifies the mode for automatic PDF document optimization. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFContentType | - Specifies PDF content type |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.#ctor(Stream) | Initializes a new PDFDocument from a specified stream containing a PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.#ctor(Stream,string) | Initializes a new PDFDocument from the specified stream containing a PDF file and (optional) password. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.DecodeImage(string) | Decodes the specified PDF image object embedded in this PDFDocument. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.Fonts | Gets a list of the embedded fonts of this PDFDocument. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.GetContentType(int) | Gets the content type for the specified page of this PDFDocument. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.GetPageSvg(int,CodecsLoadSvgOptions) | Gets the specified page as an SVG document. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.GetPageSvg(RasterCodecs,int,CodecsLoadSvgOptions) | Gets a SVG document representation of a page in the PDF file associated with this PDFDocument. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.Images | Gets a list of the embedded images of this PDFDocument. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocument.SecurityOptions | Gets the security and encryption options used with this PDF document. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocumentPage.FormFields | Gets a list of the form fields found in this page. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocumentPage.Rotation | Gets the rotation angle of this page in degrees. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDocumentPage.Signatures | Gets a list of the digital signatures found in this page. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFDownsamplingMode | - Specifies the downsampling mode for the PDF optimizer. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.ClearAnnotations(string) | Clears the annotations from an existing PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.ClearBookmarks(string) | Clears the bookmarks and internal links (TOC) from an existing PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.ConvertToSvg(string,int,int) | Converts the specified page of this PDFFile to SVG. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.DrawDocument(IntPtr,int,int) | Renders the specified page of the PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.InitialViewOptions | Sets the PDFInitialViewOptions that this PDFFile object uses when creating new PDF files. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.Optimize(string) | Optimizes this PDFFile object and writes the PDF data into the specified file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.OptimizerOptions | Sets the PDFOptimizerOptions that this PDFFile object uses when Optimize is called to create a new, optimized PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.Rotatepages(int[],int,int,string) | Rotate one or more pages in an existing PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.SetInitialView(string) | Updates the initial view options of the specified PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.SignDocument(string,string,string) | Adds a digital signature to a PDF document from a PFX file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.WriteAnnotations(PDFAnnotation,string) | Writes annotations to an existing PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.WriteBookmarks(PDFBookmark,string) | Writes bookmarks (TOC) to an existing PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFormField | - Contains information about a single PDF form field. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFImage | - The PDFImage structure describes an image embedded in the PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFImageType | - Specifies the image compression type. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFInitialViewOptions | - The PDFInitialViewOptions class provides options for controlling the initial view and actions that should be applied by external viewers when the PDF file is opened. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFObject.ImageObjectNumber | PDF image object number. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFOptimizerOptions | - The PDFOptimizerOptions class provides options for controlling the PDFFile optimizer. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPageLayoutType | - Specifies the PDF page layout |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPageModeType | - Specifies the PDF page mode |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPencilAnnotation.LineTo | Line to point type. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPencilAnnotation.MoveTo | Move to point type. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPencilAnnotation.Types | The type of each point in this pencil annotation object. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFSecurityOptions.CopyForAccessibilityEnabled | Indicates whether text in the PDF document should be accessible for screen reader software. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFSecurityOptions.FormFieldFillingEnabled | Indicates whether the software can fill any form fields in the PDF document. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFSignature | - Contains information about a single PDF digital signature. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextAnnotation.Rotation | The rotation angle of the text. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFTextProperties.IsRTL | Indicates whether this text is Right to Left. |
Removed Members
The following members have been removed:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.WriteAnnotations(PDFAnnotation},string) | Writes annotations to an existing PDF file. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFFile.WriteBookmarks(PDFBookmark},string) | Writes bookmarks to an existing PDF file. |
Version Changes: 17.5 to 18
New Members
The following members have been added to the existing types:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFAnnotation.Subject | Gets or sets the a string that represents the subject of this PDF annotation. |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.Note | Note icon |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.Comment | Comment icon |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.Key | Key icon |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.Help | Help icon |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.Insert | Insert icon |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.Paragraph | Paragraph icon |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFNoteAnnotation.NewParagraph | New paragraph icon |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen.Solid | Solid pen style |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen.Transparent | Transparent pen style |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen.Dashed | Dashed pen style |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen(Leadtools.RasterColor,Double,Int32) (Constructor) | Initializes a Leadtools.Pdf.PDFPen structure with the specified properties |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFBrush.Solid | Solid brush style |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFBrush.Transparent | Transparent brush style |
Leadtools.Pdf.PDFBrush(Leadtools.RasterColor,Int32) (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of a Leadtools.Pdf.PDFBrush structure with the specified parameters. |
For more information, refer to New in 18.
Version Changes: 17 to 17.5
New Assembly
The following assembly has been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17.5:
Namespace | Description |
Leadtools.Pdf | Includes classes, interfaces and enumerations for reading and viewing PDF files with advanced functionality. |