Sending and Receiving Messages (original) (raw)

Once an ISCL connection has been established, the client and the server are ready to start transferring messages and data. The data transferred may be secured or unsecured. To send unsecured messages, the user should use the DicomNet.SendNonSecureIscl method. When this method is called, it generates a call to the DicomNet.OnNonSecureSendIscl method on the sender's machine. Upon receiving non secured data, a call to the DicomNet.OnNonSecureReceivedIscl method is generated on the receiver's machine.

Use the DicomNet.SetIsclMaxMessageLength method to set the maximum message length that can be processed.

For information about confidentiality and data integrity associated with sending secured messages, refer to Adding Security to a DICOM Connection.

Since encryption modes, message authentication codes, authorization data and message length must all match between a sender and a receiver, occasionally, a sender will send a message that is not received properly by the receiver. When this happens, the receiver, not the sender, can get information about the problems that caused the failure. LEADTOOLS provides the following methods to help the user locate the cause of the problem:




In addition, when errors occur, the DicomNet.GetLastIsclOrTlsError and DicomNet.GetIsclStatus methods can be used to help determine the location of the problem.