Storage Server Control Panel (original) (raw)

The Storage Settings button opens the Server Settings dialog with the Storage Settings branch selected in the tree view. It contains settings for the file storage and query-related functions.

Storage Server Storage Button

The Storage Settings branch can be expanded to show three pages: Store Settings page, Query Settings page, and IOD Classes page.

Store Settings page

The Store Settings page displays those settings that determine where files are stored and how. The Store Settings page is a tabbed view that has the following tabs:

Files Tab

The Files tab allows you to set the directories that the LEADTOOLS Storage Server uses. Click the Browse button beside each directory to navigate to the location.

Storage Server Storage Settings Page

The following fields are on the Files Tab:

Store File Settings

Overwrite Settings

Delete Settings

Store Failure Settings

Directory Structure Tab

The Directory Structure tab allows you to specify the folder structure for the image store.

DICOM Server Settings Directory Structure Tab

The following fields are on the Directory Structure tab:

Create Patient Folder check box

Select the Create Patient Folder check box to have the server create a folder named after the patient to store the images. There are two radio buttons:

Create Study Folder check box

Select the Create Study Folder check box to have the server create a folder named after the Study ID to store the images.

Create Series Folder check box

Select the Create Series Folder check box to have the server create a folder named after the Series ID to store the images.

Images Tab

The Images tab allows you to have thumbnail images created and included in the image store.

Storage Server Storage Images Tab

Create Thumbnail Image check box and group

Select the check box to have the server create thumbnail images.

Options Tab

The Options tab allows you to specify options to be used when storing or updating images.

Storage Server Storage Options Tab

The following fields are on the Options tab:

Prevent Storing Duplicate SOP Instance check box

This will prevent the server from allowing a client to store, and therefore overwrite an image that has the same identifier. Only clients that have the update permission can do this, but selecting this option will prevent even these clients from overwriting.

Update Options: group

These options determine the behavior of the server when an image with a duplicate identifier is stored and that image has conflicting information. In most cases leave these options turned off.

Auto Truncate Data check box

Automatically truncates any stored data to the maximum defined length by the DICOM specification. Note that enabling this option affects storage performance, so it should be used only if necessary.

Query Settings page

The Query Settings page displays settings that determine how a dataset is validated and what to include in a response dataset.

Storage Server Storage Query Page

The following fields are on the Query Settings page:

Requested Dataset Validation group

This group of fields are used when validating incoming C-Find requests. These options allow you to be less restrictive than what is specified in the DICOM specification about incoming C-Find requests. Each option is described below.

Response Dataset group

This group allows you to specify what to include in responses. If a check box is selected, the selected item is included in the server's response to the client. On the client's side, if the client has a field to display that item in the client's query list, it will be displayed.

Select the check box to include the Patient-Related Studies element (0020,1200) in the C-Find Response

Select the check box to include the Patient-Related Series element (0020,1202) in the C-Find Response.

Select the check box to include the Patient-Related Instances element (0020,1204) in the C-Find Response.

Select the check box to include the Study-Related Series element (0020,1206) in the C-Find Response.

Select the check box to include the Study Related Instances element (0020,1208) in the C-Find Response.

Select the check box to include the Series Related Instances (0020,1209) element in the C-Find Response.

Response Count group

This group allows you to prevent a DICOM client from slowing down the server by performing a blank query (for all records on server).

IOD XML Path entry field and Browse button

The path of an XML file which describes the DICOM Query IOD supported by the C-Find command.

IOD Classes page

The Query Settings page contains settings that determine which types of images and communications the LEADTOOLS storage server should handle. Further detail is provided below. The IOD Classes page has two tabs:

Storage Classes Tab

Use the Storage Classes tab to control which IOD classes that the LEADTOOLS Server will accept. A “U” Indicates a user-defined IOD class.

Storage Server Storage IOD Page

Transfer Syntax Tab

Use the Transfer Syntax tab to control which syntaxes the LEADTOOLS Server will support for a particular IOD Storage Class. A “U” Indicates a user-defined IOD class.

Storage Server Storage IOD Page Transfer Syntax Tab

The following fields are on the Transfer Syntax tab: