Manager's Column (September 1946) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, September 1946

From Fourth International, September 1946, Vol.7 No.9, p.258.
Transcribed, edited & formatted by Ted Crawford & David Walters in 2008 for ETOL.

An analysis is made by Minneapolis Branch of its work during the last few months in getting subscriptions to Fourth International and the Militant, weekly newspaper of the American Trotskyists:

“We have discovered some good contacts in the course of our FI work,” writes L. Lynn, “and undoubtedly out of the present Militant call-back work we will get leads on more persons to be approached for FI subs later on. One of the subscriptions enclosed in this letter came to us through a Militant Subscription Campaign.

“A number of the comrades gave very encouraging reports of talks with our Militant readers – all prospective subscribers to the FI. One, for example, passes his Militant around each week to his friends. When the comrade suggested he try to get some subs he was very receptive to the idea and took some sub cards. He subscribed to the FI.

“Another Militant reader contacted for an FI subscription seems seriously interested in the party. The comrade who made the contact is going to arrange for some informal discussions on party program and theory.

“A number of people seen, although they are subscribers to The Militant – like it, agree with its program – are still hesitant about subscribing to the FI. They either don’t have the time to read more, want to get better acquainted with The Militant, or else they just don’t have the money.

“We are all for the proposition of putting FI work on a campaign basis. It’s a good idea periodically to place special emphasis on some phase of our work. With the last subscription campaign, we’re ahead 25 new readers for Fourth International.”

* * * *

Chicago Branch has worked out an efficient method for handling newsstand sales.

“Having completed arrangements for handling Fourth International and Militant on newsstands at this end,” writes Florence Hayes, “I am submitting addresses of the seven stands and number of copies to be sent. Please bill us regularly for the specific stands and number of copies sent.

“We plan to handle this project separate and aside from regular Fourth International sales. The returns and money will be picked up once a month at which time new pamphlet sales will be solicited. These seven stands happen to be in the Negro area and so we are selling the Jim Crow and Negro Struggle pamphlets there in addition to the Labor Party pamphlet.

“You might be interested in a sidelight of this project. Several of the newsstand proprietors are sympathetic and have offered to insert our leaflets advertising meetings and socials into the magazine and paper for us.”

* * * *

Subscribers appreciate Fourth International. E.M.G. of Madison, Ohio:

“Please find enclosed $2 for my one-year renewal to Fourth International I have certainly enjoyed it.”

Belle Montague, Cambridge, Mass.:

“I see that you printed my letter in the August issue of Fourth International. I want to assure you it was no exaggeration. I have shown the article in question (Review of the Month) to many more persons since I wrote to you and they all agree it is a masterpiece.

“Several persons have asked me, who is the author, actually. I told them I did not know who writes the editorials for the magazine. It is not idle curiosity on their part, believe me, but a friendly wish to know who it was that painted such a stark word-picture of our time.

“I have enclosed 25c for which please send me another copy of the June number, as I have truly worn out the first showing it around, and I do not wish to lose this item of items.”

* * * *

Letters from many countries attest to the international role of Fourth International.

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Last updated on 12.2.2009