Manager's Column (December 1946) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, December 1946

From Fourth International, December 1946, Vol.7 No.12, p.354.
Transcribed, edited & formatted by Ted Crawford & David Walters in 2008 for ETOL.

Paul Chelstrom, Fourth International Agent in St. Paul, Minn., reports a method he has found successful in getting subscriptions:

“Our recent Fourth International campaign for new subscribers was quite successful, we feel. We used the method of sending out letters to Militant subscribers, and then calling on them. We are getting together figures on the subscription percentages and will try to have them ready for the next communication.”

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We welcome Hilda Webster, new Fourth International Agent in Boston , who has asked for information and other data on subscribers in that area so she can bring her files to date and map out her work.

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M. Jones of Youngstown sent in a sub obtained from a friend visiting from Cincinnati.

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Belle Montague of Boston asks for an additional 25 copies of the June issue of Fourth International:

“Enclosed is money for 25 copies of the magazine. Did you say you had 100 extra copies of the June issue? If so, I figure that I have had 75 already, and I think I have paid for 50. Will you please send me the remaining 25 that you have? Honestly, you would print more copies if you fully realized the impression that this article makes upon everyone who reads it. people want more copies to show to their friends and neighbors – everyone agrees that it is the article of this degenerate age.”

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A friend from India came to our office to get back issues of Fourth International containing articles by Lily Roy on India for friends of his in New York. (The article referred to is entitled Socialism Reaffirmed, a series which appears in the March, April and May 1945 issues of Fourth International.)

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Readers are aiding in increasing the circulation of Fourth International. G.M. of Danvers, Mass. sent in a one-year combination subscription to Fourth International and The Militant for a friend in Los Gates, Calif.

L.C. of Southgate, Calif. Sent in a six-month subscription for a neighbor.

The following letter was received from M.M. of Ocean Park, Calif.:

“Read one of your advertisements in a paper and was very much interested in the titles of the articles. Would you please send me your October issue of Fourth International magazine. Am now debating on whether to take a year subscription or not.”

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Jarvis Dusenberry of Perry, N.Y. comments about the October issue:

“I enjoyed the October issue of the FI, especially the article, The Vatican in World Affairs. Religion and Wall Street patriotisms are enemies of labor, supported much by Bibles and flags. When Bibles and flags unite to make labor support parasites, that is a basic condition of fascism. ... The enclosed $3 is for eight copies of the FI for October that I wish to pass out to my friends – anything left over is a contribution. I am glad to help the Trotskyists any time I can.”

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Readers of Fourth International in other countries comment about the magazine.

Sheffield, England:

“I am deeply obliged to you for continuing to send me The Militant and Fourth International, and as soon as financial relations with the US are restored to normal, I shall be very pleased to pay in full whatever I owe you.”

Royat, France:

“Here’s the list of what I have received from you during the course of the last winter. Bound volumes of Fourth International for 1940-41, 1942, 1943 and 1944.These are particularly precious. Of course, I am far from having finished studying them.”

Amsterdam, Holland:

“Will you send us a bound volume of Fourth International for 1945?”

Capetown, South Africa:

“The enclosed 10willcoverthe10 will cover the 10willcoverthe5 we already owe you and the remaining $5 will be for two additional subscriptions to Fourth International. Kindly in the future send the 20 copies in one bundle.”

Ajmer, India:

“We are glad to let you know that we are receiving copies of Fourth International and Militant regularly. We feel it our duty to popularize your literature in this subcontinent. We are confident Fourth International and Militant will be read with keen interest by sympathizers and opponents of your movement alike. We think of announcing through all the premier papers of the country that for the FI literature we should be contacted.

“As you might have read in papers, Indian National Congress is holding its annual session in the month of November1946, at Meerut. People of all shades of opinion from every corner of the country gather at such occasions. It will be a golden opportunity to distribute our literature there.”

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“The International Institute for Social History was before the war an international centre for the study of social history. The library contained a big and valuable collection of periodicals. During the war all our collections were stolen by the Germans and we do not yet know what will be found again of these in Germany. In any case we are trying to build up once more and we hope that after sometime the Institute will again be the library in Western Europe where all the periodicals and interesting documents of social movements and social groups of the divers tendencies are collected. The Institute is open every day and all the material is free at the disposal of students and research workers.”

* * * *

The Editors of Fourth International regret to announce that they are forced to issue the December number of the magazine in a reduced format of 16 pages.

Although the circulation of the magazine has risen 50 per cent in the last few years, this increase has been insufficient to makeup for the enormous rise in printing and paper costs.

Many periodicals have raised their prices for single copies and subscriptions to offset this inflationary increase. We have considered this step but rejected it. Because the readers of Fourth International are working people and any increase in the present subscription price will make it more difficult for many of them to continue receiving the magazine.

We are therefore appealing to our readers, who have never failed us in the past, to help us out of our present difficulty by sending in new subscriptions and financial contributions to Business Manager, Fourth International, 116 University Place, New York 5, N.Y.

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Last updated on 12.2.2009