Documentary History of the Fourth International (April 1947) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, April 1947


From Fourth International, April 1947, Vol.8 No.4, p.118.
Transcribed, edited & formatted by Einde O’Callaghan in 2009 for ETOL.

The first dispute over the Russian question, prior to the international consolidation of the Left Opposition, the forerunner of the Fourth International, occurred in 1922-30 and involved the German oppositional group, the Leninbund. Trotsky’s main programmatic document in this dispute, the polemic against Urbahns, leader of the Leninbund, was published in our issues October and December 1946 and February and March 1947. This struggle lasted for a period of five to six months and led to the calling by the Leninbund leadership of a plenum, Febrnary 23, 1930, at which Urbahns and his followers expelled from their organization all those who held the position of the Russian and International Opposition. Trotsky’s open letter to the Leninbund membership, which numbered between 400-500 at that time, was written about two weeks before this plenum.

For previous documentation the reader is referred to tbe other articles in this series which began in May 1946 – Ed.

An Open Letter to the Leninbund

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Last updated on 13.2.2009