Manager's Column (May 1947) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, May 1947

From Fourth International, May 1947, Vol.8 No.5, p.130.
Transcribed, edited & formatted by Ted Crawford & David Walters in 2008 for ETOL.

Many welcome letters from our subscribers and agents have come in during the four months that this column has been devoted to material concerning Fourth International’s subscription campaign. We feel sure that all our readers will enjoy reading these letters.

Mrs. A.C. of Bismarck, N.D., writes:

“Enclosed please find $1 for four extra copies of the October, 1946, Fourth International. That article by Li Fu-jen, The Vatican In World Affairs,’ interests me very deeply. I want to send the copies to my friends. I was raised in the Catholic faith and that write up is worth a year’s subscription itself. Send them as soon as possible. I read the FI regularly and The Militant paper too. My son has books that are published by you. Keep up your good work.”

* * * *

W.L. of Lorain, Ohio, also comments about Li Fu-jen’s article in the October, 1946, issue of Fourth International:

“I wish to renew my subscription for another year. I still get a big thrill and am always on the look-out for its arrival. It would be very hard for me to decide which issue I have enjoyed most as they are all chockfull of news. The recent write-upon The Vatican In World Affairs was excellently compiled. The writer remarked that there is ‘mountains’ of evidence to support his contentions. I know that it would require too much space to cover, but I’m sure that many readers of Fourth International would not only enjoy the material but would perhaps be amazed at the intrigue of the clerico-politico schemes emanating from the seat of religion. So what about it sometime, eh?”

* * * *

D.P. of Boston, Mass., requests that we send him “two copies each of Fourth International for December 1945 and January 1946; also one copy for February 1946. These issues” he explains, “contain articles by T. Cliff on the Middle East. If you have other articles by him on the same subject, can you send me two copies of each?”

* * * *

“The Philadelphia comrades,” says Irene Fitzgerald, “watch for opportunities to push FI’s carrying articles of particular interest to certain groups. Recently, a large demonstration was called by the Jewish organizations of Philadelphia. The only slogan permitted by the parade marshals was ‘Down With British Terrorism.’ We did not consider it politically correct to participate but we sent down four comrades to sell the FI to the marchers. Twenty seven back issues, with articles on the Jewish question, were sold and the comrades could have used many more.”

J. Lang, our Pittsburgh agent, requests that we “send two copies of the September 1946 issue of Fourth International. We have some friends here who want to read Warren Creel’s article, The Problem of Inflation and the Function of the OPA.“

M.M. of Boston, asks that we send him a copy of the March,1947, issue containing Warren Creel’s article on the Nathan Report.

* * * *

T.S., a subscriber in Cleveland, writes:

“I am preparing a talk on the coal strike for this Sunday. E.R. Frank wrote a couple of articles on the coal miners in the FI during the war. If you have individual copies of the FI which contain E.R. Frank’s articles, will you be kind enough to mail them airmail to me at once?’ (The articles referred to appear in the April and June issues of 1943, under the titles, John L. Lewis and Roosevelt’s Labor Policy and The Coal Crisis and Its Lessons for American Labor.)

* * * *

Our Chicago agent ordered more copies of the March issue.

“We sold out completely and have none for our files,” B. Rosen explains. “We have concluded the final (and unofficial) week of the FI campaign with a total of 75 subs to the FI Even though the campaign itself is over, we shall keep the subs to the FI coming to New York.”

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A.L. of New York City requests that we send a sample copy of Fourth International to five persons in New York and Penna.

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D.J. of Jarrow, England, writes:

“Your monthly magazine, Fourth International, was lent to me by an English Party member and was accidently destroyed while in my care. I thought that the quickest way of having it replaced was to write to you and send the money value of the magazine ... The magazine in question is the October issue,1946.”

* * * *

E.M.L. of Ogdensburg, N.Y., comments about the FI:

“I enjoy reading your magazine very much and get much news and many facts from it. This will all be useful to me for future study and future literary work.”

* * * *

The following back issues of New International are urgently needed for binding:

If you have one or more copies of any issues listed above, will you please send them to Fourth International, 116 University Place, New York 3, N.Y.

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Last updated on 13.2.2009