Manager's Column (July 1947) (original) (raw)
Fourth International, July-August 1947
From Fourth International, July-August 1947, Vol.8 No.7, p.194.
Transcribed, edited & formatted by Ted Crawford & David Walters in 2008 for ETOL.
Due to our strained financial situation at this time, caused by the steep rise in paper costs, printing costs, etc., we find it necessary to change the frequency of Fourth International from a monthly to a bi-monthly – for the immediate period ahead.
The current issue is dated July-August. The following issues of the magazine will be dated September-October, November-December, and so on.
The domestic subscription rate will be changed to $1 for six issues of the magazine (one year). The price of a single copy will remain at 25c. Domestic bundle rates will remain the same as at present.
The foreign subscription rate will be changed to 1.50forsixissues(oneyear)andforeignbundlerateswillremainthesame.Presentsubscriberswillreceivethefullnumberofissuesforwhichtheypaid.Forinstance,ifasubscriberpaid1.50 for six issues (one year) and foreign bundle rates will remain the same. Present subscribers will receive the full number of issues for which they paid. For instance,if a subscriber paid 1.50forsixissues(oneyear)andforeignbundlerateswillremainthesame.Presentsubscriberswillreceivethefullnumberofissuesforwhichtheypaid.Forinstance,ifasubscriberpaid1 for a six-month subscription, he will receive six numbers of the magazine.If he paid $2 for a one-year subscription, he will receive twelve issues of the magazine.
We sincerely hope that the financial picture will soon improve and that we will be able to return to a monthly in the not too distant future.
* * * *
We quote excerpts from a letter sent us by Mrs. A.C. of Bismarck, N.D.:
“Thanks for publishing my letter in the May Fourth International. That encourages me to accept your kind invitation to write from time to time concerning my reaction to the various articles in your paper, The Militant, and the FI. I’m writing as a mother, being I raised a family of eightchildren ‘the hard way.’ For over fifteen years it has been a fight, and here’s an organization fighting for the same principles I have been fighting for. From now on I’m taking great interest in your good work. I’m doing what I can, only how much more I could do working with a strong organization ... In July 1943 I went to Seattle to work in the shipyards as a sheetmetal worker. One picture sticks in my mind with this verse, ‘You build the ships and furnish the dough,and we’ll put our boys into Tokyo.’ I added,‘Yes, listen to the promises of the war-mad bosses, they’ll put them there under a row of crosses.’”
* * * *
E.M. of Vancouver, Canada, writes:
“I want to make arrangements for a bundle order of Fourth International to put on the stand with Labor Challenge (Canadian Trotskyist paper). We are doing better on the stands here and I believe we can use the FI to advantage ... We feel it is very important at this time to have a correct theoretical presentation of current events. Germain’s articles are very interesting to all here and we should have this material available to the public.”
* * * *
M.L., a subscriber in Youngstown, Ohio, comments briefly: “The analysis of Burnham and his book was magnificent.” M.L. refers to the article by Joseph Hansen in the June 1947 issue of Fourth International. This article entitled, A Wall Street Drummer Boy, is on Burnham’s latest book.
* * * *
A reader in England pleads for more material on the Soviet Union:
“Needless to say, I am always glad to get the FI. I think you are maintaining the standard very well. I am glad you are publishing old documents of the Fourth International, but I should also like to see you do the same for early Congresses of the Third International, as detailed, yes, and the controversies therein.”
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Last updated on 16.2.2009