Manager's Column (November 1947) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, November-December 1947

From Fourth International, November-December 1947, Vol.8 No.9, p.258.
Transcribed, edited & formatted by Ted Crawford & David Walters in 2008 for ETOL.

From imperialist-ravished Palestine, China, Siam and Singapore, as well as from Scotland and especially Canada, came new subscription orders and renewals in the last two months, while old and new readers in America have written us in praise of Fourth International.

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A Seattle worker whom the Stalinists expelled nine years ago as a Trotskyist and who just got around to reading American Trotskyist literature, was most enthusiastic in her new discovery. After ordering a single copy, she subscribed for a year and wrote:

“I received the September-October number and especially enjoyed the article Has Stalin Revived the Comintern? and the masterly article by Arne Swabeck: Two Pages from American Labor History.

“Incidentally, I was expelled from the Communist Party in 1938, as a Trotskyist, although I had shown a candid and deluded devotion as a minor functionary. I had not read much of Trotsky’s writings then, but I adhered wholeheartedly to the Manifesto. A good Marxist cannot be a Stalinist. I turned in my party book before being formally expelled. In the meantime I was shamefully treated.

“I will order several of Trotsky’s books from you when they are reprinted.”

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A Chinese group ordered four copies each of Fourth International and The Militant, regularly.

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From Hongkong:

“We would appreciate it if you would consider us regular subscribers to your Fourth International and The Militant. We will send checks upon receipt of your bill and will also submit articles on the Indo-chinese question.” (Signed with addresses in Siam and Hongkong.)

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The Palestine subscriptions were for two years of both publications, but without any further comment. The Scotch subscriber also failed to comment.

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“Find enclosed $1 for renewal of Fourth International, which I still enjoy reading very much and hope to see it getting back on the monthly basis soon.” – W.L. Lorain, Ohio.

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“Please renew my subs to The Militant and Fourth International. I only found out last night that they had expired. I cannot keep abreast of the major developments without these two Marxian periodicals.” – B.J., British Columbia, Canada.

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“Please send 10 more copies of the latest Fourth International to Seattle branch.” – Marianne, Secretary.

“Especially like your book reviews and articles on economics,” wrote E.M.G. of Madison, Ohio, renewing for two years.

“Kindly mail me a copy of the February, 1947, issue.” – H.C., Morgantown, W. Va.

[We have single copies or bound Volumes of nearly everyone of the 82 issues of our magazine. If your own files are incomplete we suggest you get in touch with us about the missing numbers.]

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“Please increase our (Los Angeles) Fourth International bundle by 10 copies. Since the Change to bimonthly issue there is an increase in sales.” – Al Lynn, literature agent.

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This is issue number 82 of Fourth International. If this number appears with the address on your wrapper, your subscription expires with this issue. If a lower number appears on the wrapper, your sub expired previously but for some reason has been extended. We cannot continue sending the magazine beyond expiration dates. Therefore, subscription renewals should be made promptly

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If a larger number than 82 appears on your wrapper, you can judge how many more issues are due before your sub expires. By renewing well in advance you can avoid missing any issues.

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Please inform us promptly of any change of address or any error, no matter how slight, in the address on your wrapper. Postal zone numbers are now considered an essential part of addresses in all large cities. The more complete your address, the quicker will you get delivery.

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A Correction

We take this opportunity to correct a serious error in the translation of E. Germain’s article on Leon Trotsky which appeared in the July-August issue of our magazine. The English text contains the following statement:

“The first important wave of workers’ struggles in France was sufficient for organs as diverse, but equally hostile to our movement, as the Stalinist L’Humanité and Henry Luce’s Time magazine, to discover ‘Trotsky’s shadow’ projecting itself upon events” (p.210).

The author’s reference was not to the daily periodical of the French Stalinists but to Sarragat’s L’Umanità published in Italy. – Ed.

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Bound Volumes Fourth International Available

1939 . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00
1942 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00
1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00
1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00
1945 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00
1946 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50

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Last updated on 16.2.2009