Manager's Column (May 1948) (original) (raw)
Fourth International, May 1948
From Fourth International, Vol.9 No.3, May 1948, p.66.
Transcription & mark-up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.
$2.50 Again Buys Combination Sub to Militant and FI
The staff of Fourth International is happy to resume monthly publication, beginning with this issue. For 10 months only bi-monthly publication has been possible. We wish to extend our heartiest thanks to the many comrades and friends who donated so generously to the special fund to restore this Marxist journal to more frequent appearance.
We know these contributions were a real sacrifice at this time, but were freely made in a spirit of determination to advance the socialist cause as exemplified by this magazine.
At the same time we are pleased to be able once more to offer the special 2.50combinationone−yearsubscriptionto∗∗FourthInternational∗∗and∗∗TheMilitant∗∗,weeklypaperoftheSocialistWorkersParty.Thisisasavingof50cayeartoreadersofboththesecompanionpublications.Theregularpriceofthe∗∗FI∗∗is2.50 combination one-year subscription to Fourth International and The Militant, weekly paper of the Socialist Workers Party. This is a saving of 50c a year to readers of both these companion publications. The regular price of the FI is 2.50combinationone−yearsubscriptionto∗∗FourthInternational∗∗and∗∗TheMilitant∗∗,weeklypaperoftheSocialistWorkersParty.Thisisasavingof50cayeartoreadersofboththesecompanionpublications.Theregularpriceofthe∗∗FI∗∗is2 for 12 issues and of The Militant $1 for 52 issues.
While the $2.50 special combination price cannot appear on the regular expiration notices stuffed into the magazine, subscribers may alter such forms when renewing, to take advantage of the reduced rate for the full-year combination.
* * *
Former 1six−issuesubscriptionsto∗∗FourthInternational∗∗whichwouldhaverunforayearifthemagazinehadcontinuedtoappearonlyeverytwomonths,willnow,ofcourse,expiresooner.Butallsubscriberswillreceivethefullnumberofissuestheypaidfor:sixfor1 six-issue subscriptions to Fourth International which would have run for a year if the magazine had continued to appear only every two months, will now, of course, expire sooner. But all subscribers will receive the full number of issues they paid for: six for 1six−issuesubscriptionsto∗∗FourthInternational∗∗whichwouldhaverunforayearifthemagazinehadcontinuedtoappearonlyeverytwomonths,willnow,ofcourse,expiresooner.Butallsubscriberswillreceivethefullnumberofissuestheypaidfor:sixfor1 and 12 for 2,or12issuesunderformer2, or 12 issues under former 2,or12issuesunderformer2.50 combination subs that extended through the period when the magazine came out less often.
* * *
Recent issues of Fourth International continue to sell in unusual numbers because they contained such important programmatic and analytical material.
Orders still come in frequently for the November-December 1947 issue, which contained the draft theses of the International Secretariat of the Fourth International on the Russian Question Today Stalinism and the Fourth International, and a draft resolution on The World Situation and the Tasks of the Fourth International. Also Albert Parker’s article, NAACP Appeals to the UN was a popular number.
The January-February issue is still in demand for its theses on the Jewish Question Today, for three lively articles on the centennial of Marxism, as well as timely discussions of the Negro Question, elections and the approaching depression.
* * *
The March-April issue also evoked great interest for its wide range of lively and diversified analyses. The titles tell the story: Capitalism’s Choice: Ruinous War or Depression; Washington’s “Cold War” Moves into its Decisive Military Phase; A Momentous Decision: First SWP Presidential Campaign; Henry Luce and Karl Marx; Three Years of the British Labor Government; The Marshall Plan; J. Stalin, Music Critic; The Real Situation in Czechoslovakia.
* * *
The 1947 bound volume of Fourth International will be ready any day now. It will be shipped anywhere in the world for $4.50. It contains an index for the year, by authors and by subjects.
The index alone is available at 50c.
* * *
So many Fourth International readers renew their subscriptions in advance that only 89 of this month’s expirations remain to be re-entered if the readers want to receive the June issue.
If the number on your wrapper is F85, your sub expires with this issue; No.F86 next issue, etc. This is always a check on when to begin thinking about renewing.
Last updated on 25.2.2009