Manager's Column (July 1948) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, July 1948

From Fourth International, Vol.9 No.5, July 1948, p.130.
Transcription & mark-up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.

Radio Speeches Bring FI Subs

We have received the first few Fourth International subscriptions as a direct result of the Socialist Workers Party Presidential Campaign radio broadcasts. They are $2.50 combination subs including The Militant, weekly paper of the SWP. They came among the very first Militant subs from radio listeners.

Since these resulted from only the first broadcast, and there were six more radio speeches which brought even greater immediate response, it is reasonable to expect a considerable increase in the reading of Socialist Workers Party literature, as one important result of the Dobbs-Carlson Campaign.

Of the millions of listeners who heard some part of these radio messages, more than 650 have already written for literature, often in quantities. Obviously thousands of others are also interested and may eventually be reached directly. At all events, this was their first introduction to the SWP.

All who wrote for copies of the radio speeches received them in copies of The Militant, along with the election platform of the SWP. Many will surely subscribe. Several have already ordered Pioneer Publishers literature and others will surely do likewise. Requests keep arriving in every, mail.

Order Bundles of Election Platform

YOU, too, can help spread the message of revolutionary Socialism in this Presidential Campaign by ordering bundles of The Militant, containing the radio speeches and platform. The June 7 issue, with the second radio speech by Farrell Dobbs, SWP Presidential candidate, is nearly exhausted. But the others are still available in quantities.

The first broadcast by Dobbs is in the May 24 issue. The July 12 six-page Convention issue contains the keynote speech by James P. Cannon, SWP National Secretary, plus the acceptance speeches of Farrell Dobbs and Grace Carlson, candidate for Vice President, plus the campaign platform. The July 19 issue contains the second acceptance speeches of Dobbs and Carlson broadcast after the convention. Bundle prices of these issues are:

July 12 May 24 orJuly 19
20 for 1∣30for1 30 for 1∣30for1
50 for 2∣70for2 70 for 2∣70for2
150 for 5∣200for5 200 for 5∣200for3
3-issue sets
10 sets $1
25 sets $2
75 sets $5

* * *

Fully 85% of Fourth International subscribers also read The Militant. More than half of recent new and renewal subscriptions are 2.50combinationsubsincluding∗∗TheMilitant∗∗atonly50cayearbesidestheregular2.50 combination subs including The Militant at only 50c a year besides the regular 2.50combinationsubsincludingTheMilitantatonly50cayearbesidestheregular2 charge for this magazine. Evidently, our new readers know an unmatchable bargain when they see one – 52 issues of a 5c weekly paper for 50c – and the only combination in America that offers a thoroughly Marxist presentation of world events and labor news.

* * *

The special $2.50 combination price cannot be listed on the expiration notices mailed with the magazine, but subscribers may alter these forms or use the coupon on, this page when renewing.

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“Certainly happy to see the FI coming out each month again,” wrote C.S. of Alaska, extending his sub another year.

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The 1947 bound volume of Fourth International will be ready shortly. It can be shipped anywhere in the world for $4.50. The index for the year by authors and subjects is available at 50c.

* * *

Nearly half of the June subscriptions, 27, came direct from readers and the rest from branches. New York led with 10, followed by Los Angeles, 8; Philadelphia and San Francisco, 5 each, and Minneapolis 4; 12 were foreign subs, 2 new ones and 5 renewals from Canada.

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Last updated on 25.2.2009