Manager's Column (December 1948) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, December 1948

From Fourth International, Vol.9 No.8, December 1948, p.226.
Transcription & mark-up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.

Subs from Ceylon, India and Ireland

From Ceylon comes another combination subscription to Fourth International and The Militant for a year, besides a back issue and some pamphlets.

“Our party (Ceylon unit, Bolshevik-Leninist Party of India) has nominated Comrade Bernard Soysa to contest the Colombo South by-elections,” writes the new subscriber.

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A Bombay reader writes:

“Undoubtedly your magazine has added much to the estate of the Fourth International. Let us hope that these pages will continue to speak and fight for the interests of the common man, of whom much is spoken but for whom little is done.

“Thanks to your publication, let the power of the working class improve and show the right deal for the much-wished spcialist victory, With best wishes for your magazine.”

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Pittsburgh branch ordered “10 more copies of the last issue, and from now on double the size of our regular bundle.”

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A Dublin (Ireland) group ordered bundles of both Fourth International and The Militant, “to distribute among our fellow workers.”

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Suggestions From a New York Youth

“I have been reading Fourth International for a long time now, and one thing I miss especially in it is a letter to the editor page. I think that the addition of such a feature would be very valuable, as it would stimulate the readers to a more careful and critical study of the articles in the magazine.

“Also, I would like to suggest that more book reviews be put in. And how about changing the masthead. The one in current use is archaic, and should be changed to something more modern and attractive.

“The September issue was excellent in all respects. I enjoyed and learned a lot from Freddie Forest’s article on the newest Stalinist revisions of Marxism.”

Bob Tracy,
Internationalist Socialist Youth,
New York

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Last updated on 26.2.2009