Manager's Column (October 1949) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, October 1949

From Fourth International, Vol.10 No.9, October 1949, p.258.
Transcription & mark-up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.

Literature Agent Bert Deck of Los Angeles reports “wonderful success” with Fourth International on the campus.

“So far Ruth has sold 17 copies of the August issue and six pamphlets, had numerous discussions with the students, eight of whom asked to be put on our mailing list. Seven attended our Leon Trotsky memorial meeting. I have been accompanying Ruth on these sales and have been carrying on discussions with students after Ruth has aroused their curiosity by approaching them with the FI. We found that the first time out took up so much of her time in discussion that she wasn’t able to sell very rapidly. Now we take along a selection of pamphlets which pretty well cover the scope of the discussions and sell them a pamphlet instead of taking up too much time with each individual. We are convinced that steady work on the campuses will, pay off as well as our sales of The Militant have done. Fourth International has proved to be the perfect key to unlock the collegiate door.”

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After this encouraging experience with the August issue, the Los Angeles comrades increased their bundle order. Even with the larger bundle the September issue “went very well,” Bert Deck wrote us. “The West Side Branch is organizing more intensive work on the campuses for the coming period.”

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This practical experience is a good illustration of the possibilities that exist for expanded circulation of America’s only genuine Marxist monthly on the campuses. With the deepening of the social crisis, interest in Marxism is bound to rise among students as well as workers. That means a bright future for Fourth International provided its friends and supporters help it penetrate the barriers of bigotry and prejudice that surround most campuses.

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A student in British Columbia, J.L., sent us the following interesting letter on renewing his subscription:

“I find your journal of considerable value in my University studies. Your viewpoint is exceedingly clear and extremely timely in view of the tremendous amount of ‘rightist’ propaganda in circulation. However, I point out one major fault which is quite apparent to the student. Your articles are quite authoritative from your writers’ point of view but the same articles lack documentation. Of course I do not wish to burden the reader with too much documentation but a few good footnotes would be helpful in continuing with some line of thought.”

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What do other readers think of this? Would references to further suggested reading prove helpful? Would it facilitate the stifdy of genuine Marxism on the campus? Send us your opinion.

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The August issue, devoted to a study of The American Empire, made quite a splash, to judge from the orders for extra copies still coming in. Grace Carlson on ordering more for Minneapolis wrote us:

“We sold out completely. As a matter of fact a number of us brought our own copies in to the headquarters of the Socialist Workers Party and these were also sold. It appears now that it is absolutely essential for us to have some on hand, however, because various readers have become so enthusiastic about the American Empire issue that they want to buy extra copies for their friends. One, who was out of town all summer, just finished reading this issue the other day and came in for two extra copies.”

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Among, others, P.C. of St. Louis sent for more copies of the August issue and mentioned that at one newsstand “it sold out rapidly.”

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James W. Connery of Kewanee, Ill., thought the last issue “was great ... gave it to a fellow to read and expect to have several read it. Every article was fine, the best ever.”

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Winifred N., Literature Agent for St. Paul confesses that occasionally she doesn’t “get around to reading the FI” but “this time I made an extra special effort” and read the one on The American Empire.” Here is her conclusion:

“A wonderful issue! It’s a must for every radical in the United States and more than that, it should be read by every worker. Some practical applications: A comrade told me that he used it in his shop. The workers were very much impressed with Wright’s article bringing America’s 60 Families up to date. They appreciate statistics like this because so much false propaganda is put out that many workers in America are stockholders. Wright’s article shows definitely how few people actually do control the wealth – a handful of rich capitalists. This friend also said that he hoped the August FI had a large international circulation, because its material should be of much concern to workers the world over.”

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Winifred also liked the way the issue started “with a bang – Wright’s article on The Reigning Oligarchy – and then, just when you thought you’d read about the best article possible, you went to another and another equally as good, but extensions of the first one. Not only who controls American imperialist policy, but its world role of counter-revolution, its price on the heads of the people and so on. Another comrade told me, ‘This is the kind of FI we want and really need.’”

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