To All Our Readers (Winter 1954) (original) (raw)

Fourth International, Winter 1954

From Fourth International, Vol.15 No.1, Winter 1954, p.2.
Transcription & mark-up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.

With this issue of Fourth International the magazine will be published on a quarterly basis, four times a year. We hope you will like the technical improvements we have been able to make in this change-over to a quarterly – the new layout, better paper, separately printed cover, etc. Most of all we hope you will like the scope and variety of the contents of this first quarterly issue. Your comments on the changes in the magazine and on the articles in the present issue will be greatly appreciated by the staff.

The late appearance of this Winter number is the result of necessary changes of staff, as well as various technical problems involved in the shift to quarterly publication. The goal of our publishing schedule is to have the magazine off the press approximately ten days before the beginning of each quarter. The unavoidable lateness of the present issue means that we will still be unable to meet this schedule for the Spring issue. But we will do everything possible to have the Summer issue on sale about June 20, and the Fall issue about September 20.

To Our Subscribers

All present subscriptions to the magazine will be extended, and you will receive the total number of issues still due on your subscription. Thus, if you were due to receive two more issues of the magazine as published on a bi-monthly basis, your subscription will not expire until you have received two of our quarterly issues.

Subscription rates will remain the same, that is, $1.25 a year (a year now consisting of four issues). However, because of constantly rising costs of paper and printing, it has been necessary to raise the price of single copies from 25c to 35c; increased mailing costs have also necessitated a small increase in the price of bundle orders, as indicated in the box below.

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Last updated on: 31 March 2009