Readers' Notes (original) (raw)

Compiled by Al Richardson

Soviet Union and Stalinism

Morning Star, 18 July 1994. Jean Turner, Looking Back at Beria, review of Amy Knight’s Beria: Stalin’s First Lieutenant.

Independent, 15 August 1994. Hamish McRae, How the Revolution Squandered a Fortune, review of William Clarke’s The Lost Fortune of the Czars.

Workers Press, 27 August 1994. John Mathieson, New Trotsky Journal; Peter Fryer, Standing Up for What’s Right, the second issue of Journal of Trotsky Studies; Brian Pearce, “Third Period” Revisited, on revolutionary defeatism.

Independent, 29 August 1994. Marianne Brace, Wives’ Tales of Caviar and Labour Camps, review of Larissa Vasilieva’s Kremlin Wives. Also reviewed by Jan Dalley, Hard Left and Women’s Rights, Independent, 28 August.

Marxist Monthly, August 1994. Woodford McLellan, Africans and Black Americans in the Comintern Schools, 1925–1934; Alexander Pantsov, From Students to Dissidents: The Chinese Trotskyists in Soviet Russia, part one, part two in October issue.

Independent, 7 September 1994. Chinese “Are Class Enemies” Says Book, more allegations of lurid events during the Cultural Revolution.

The Times, 9 September 1994. John Phillips, Communist Claims He Executed Mussolini, revelations from Bruno Lonati’s newly published memoirs.

Daily Telegraph, 14 September 1994. John Kampfner, Birds “Flock to Pay Respects to Kim”, Stalinist hyperbole scraping the barrel these days.

Marxist Review, September 1994. William Westwell, The Bolsheviks: Art and Revolution.

International Socialism, Summer 1994. Dave Sherry, Trotsky’s Last, Greatest Struggle, review of Tony Cliff’s The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Star.

Against the Current, September–October 1994. John Moot, Trotsky’s Opposition, 1923–27, review of Tony Cliff’s Trotsky 1923–27; Kim Moody, The Competition of Capitals, unintelligible review of Alex Callinicos’ Trotskyism.

Socialist Organiser, 6 October 1994. Al Richardson, How Not to Assess Lenin, review of Robin Blick’s The Seeds of Evil. See also Robin Blick’s reply, Seeds of Hope, Workers Liberty, February 1995.

Guardian, 7 October 1994. Stephen Kinzer, KGB Killing Field in Vilnius.

Independent, 8 October 1994. Sasha Abramsky, The Man of Bronze, Stalin’s death mask.

Times Literary Supplement, 21 October 1994. Orlando Figes, Golden Bolshevik, review of Anna Larina’s This I Cannot Forget.

New Statesman, 28 October 1994. Robert Service, Controlled Explosions, review of David Holloway’s Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939–1956. Also reviewed by David Pryce-Jones, Atomising Russia, The Times, 22 September.

Times Literary Supplement, 28 October 1994. Amy Knight, Gooseberry Jam, review of Larissa Vasilieva’s Kremlin Wives; Perry Link, Someone Else, review of Li Zhisui’s The Private Life of Chairman Mao. Li’s book also reviewed by Simon Sebag Montefiore, Chairman of Chaos, Observer, 20 November; Martin Booth, The Id and the Ego, Sunday Times, 4 December; Diana Mosley, Caught in the Mao Trap, Evening Standard, 14 November; Ben Macintyre, Memoirs Show Mao as Lecher, The Times, 3 October; Derek Davies, Li Zhisui, Independent, 17 February 1995; plus extracts in Li Zhisui, The Embalming, Independent, 8 October.

Observer, 30 October 1994. Sally Luard, The Genius of Abuse, review of Dmitri Volkogonov’s Lenin: Life and Legacy.

Marxist Review, October 1994. Jim Graham, Trotskyism, the Marxism of Today: The Permanent Revolution.

Slovo, October 1994, Paul Flewers, review of Donny Gluckstein’s The Tragedy of Bukharin.

New Interventions, October–November 1994. Paul Flewers, Did the Bolsheviks Seize Power by Deception?.

Socialist Organiser, 10 November 1994. Victor Serge, A Man Who Did Not Weaken in Defeat, a tribute to Trotsky.

Marxist Review, November 1994. Peter Tergota, On-the-Spot During the October Revolution, review of Harvey Pitcher’s Witnesses of the Russian Revolution.

Guardian, 22 December 1994. Hardliners Join Stalin’s Grandson to Celebrate their Hero’s Birth, even Soviet football’s gone to pot since Uncle Joe died.

Guardian, 27 December 1994. Simon Long, China’s “Third Core” Awaits the Volcano, the Chinese media celebrate Mao’s one hundred and first birthday.

Guardian, 29 December 1994. James Meek, Stalin’s Legacy Lives On in City that Slaves Built, the heroic resistance of the women of Novilsk.

In Defense of Marxism, December 1994–January 1995. Alexander Pantsov, New Material on Trotsky and the Left Opposition in Russian Archives; Marilyn Vogt-Downey, Setting the Record Straight: What Trotskyism Represents Today, and What We Can Do, her address to the Moscow Conference; Morris Slavin, October 1917: A Genuine Popular Movement from Below; Paul LeBlanc, The Bolshevik Revolution Did Not Create a Totalitarian State; Jim Miles, How Trotsky Foretold the Collapse of the Soviet Union, an excellent selection.

Communist Action, Autumn 1994. Len Holloway, The Present as History, defending the Popular Front against Trotsky; Grigory Zinoviev, The Rôle of the Communist Party in the Proletarian Revolution, theses for the Second Congress of the Communist International; Andy Richards, On Leninism, Stalinism and Trotsky, rather silly.

Red Action, Autumn 1994. The Case of Comrade Serge, any old stick to hit Trotsky with.

International Socialism, Autumn 1994. Rob Ferguson, Hero and Villain?, review of Donny Gluckstein’s The Tragedy of Bukharin.

International Workers Bulletin, 2 January 1995. Nadezhda Joffe Appears at Book Fair, the launch of her memoirs, Back in Time: My Life, My Fate, My Epoch. David North’s introduction to the book is published in International Worker, 24 September 1994.

Times Literary Supplement, 6 January 1995. Robert Service, The First Terrorist, reviews of Dmitri Volkogonov’s Lenin: Life and Legacy, Yuri Bavanov’s Lenin’s Will Falsified and Forbidden, and Richard Appignanesi and Oscar Zareti’s Lenin for Beginners.

Spectator, 7 January 1995. Anne Applebaum, The Selling of the Twentieth Century, on the Soviet archives.

Socialist Worker, 7 January 1995. 1905: Russia in Revolution: “We Want the Eight-Hour Day and a Gun”, see also Peter Morgan, Russia’s Revolutionary Year, Socialist Review, January; David Turner, Massacre that Sparked Off a Revolution, Militant, 20 January; Mark Harrison and Jon Blake, From Massacre to Insurrection: Russia 1905, Workers Power, January.

Independent, 8 January 1995. Keith Flett, Russian Copy, on Stakhanovism; Rosa Mora, The History of Hell, the GPU archives show Stalin’s persecution of the intellectuals.

The Times, 10 January 1995. Red Schemes in Asia, new republics created in the Soviet East, from 10 January 1925 issue.

Times Literary Supplement, 13 January 1995. Orlando Figes, Stalin’s Oblomovs, review of Sheila Fitzpatrick’s Stalin’s Peasants.

Daily Telegraph, 24 January 1995. Anne Applebaum, The Reich Regrets, But Where is the Guilt for the Gulags?, the Russian people, Stalin’s first victims, should feel guilty!

Marxist Review, January 1995. Dave Wiltshire, Lenin in 1917, part 1, concluding part in March issue.

The Times, 26 January 1995. Millions of Stalin’s Gulag Victims are Rehabilitated.

New Statesman, 27 January 1995. Robert Service, Back in the USSR, naming ‘the guilty man’ – Lenin.

The Times, 27 January 1995. Liberator Tells of Stalin Cover-Up over Death Camps.

The Times, 30 January 1995. Thirteen Trotskyists to Die, the second Moscow Trial, from 30 January 1937 issue.

Socialist Action (USA), January 1995. Marilyn Vogt-Downey, Groundbreaking Conference in Moscow Discusses Revolutionary Legacy of Trotsky, with extracts from M.I. Voekov, The Theoretical Legacy of L. Trotsky and its Contemporary Significance.

Socialist Action, January–February 1995. James Carter, Which Class Will Organise the International Economy?, the Soviet economic debates of the 1920s; Ian Robertson, The Serge-Trotsky Papers, review of David Cotterill’s book of that name.

Guardian, 1 February 1995. Lucy Hooker, Hungary Jails 1956 Killers, a massacre in Salgotajan in December 1956. See also Adrian Bridge, Hungary Jails Two Over 1956 Massacre, Independent, same date.

The Times, 2 February 1995. Ian McIntyre, Behind the Iron Mask of a Bolshevik, review of Dmitri Volkogonov’s Lenin: Life and Legacy, and Robert Service’s Lenin: A Political Life: The Iron Ring, the third volume of his trilogy. Both books also reviewed by Dominic Lieven, Spectator, 25 February.

Guardian, 18 February 1995. Lenin Turns Red, chemical changes in the cadaver; John Ezard, Stalin’s Aide Died “Without Regret” for Gulag Killings, plug for a BBC programme including taped interviews with Molotov.

Independent, 25 February 1995. Andrew Higgins, Stalin-Hitler Pact Papers Displayed, CPSU Central Committee documents from the closed archives.

International Workers Bulletin, 27 February 1995. V.Z. Rogovin, Was There an Alternative to Stalinism in the USSR?, preface to the first volume of his six volume history of the Soviet Union.

Fourth International, Winter–Spring 1994–95. David Walsh, Bolshevism and the Avant-Guard Artists.

Jewish Socialist, Spring 1995. Dybbuk’s Diary, Paul Robeson, Dmitri Shostakovich, Stalin and the Soviet Jewish question.

Socialist Future, First Quarter 1995. Anatoly Pavlovich Butenko, Trotsky and the Alternatives for the Development of Post-Leninist Society; Gerry Gold, Filling in the Blank Spots in History, review of Yuri Bavanov’s Lenin’s Will Falsified and Forbidden.

Labour Movement

Socialist Organiser, 28 July 1994. Al Richardson, Abram Leon was Right.

Morning Star, 1 August 1994. Peter Pink, Beyond the New Orthodoxy, review of Max Adereth’s Lines of March, an account of British Stalinism’s strategy and history.

Guardian, 2 August 1994. Sheila Rowbotham, A Deadly Kind of Progress, review of Huw Benyon and Terry Austin’s Masters and Servants: Class and Patronage in the Making of a Labour Organisation.

Morning Star, 22 August 1994. Frank Allaun, Doubts of a Trotskyist, review of Harry Ratner’s Reluctant Revolutionary. Also reviewed by Paul Morris, Workers Power, September; Charlie Van Gelderen, A Disillusioned Trotskyist, Socialist Outlook, 10 September; Keith Sinclair, When Squaddies Heckled Tories, Trade Union News (bulletin of Hull Trades Council), October; Charlie Pottins, Memories, Workers Press, 10 September; Mark Osborn, When Trotskyism Was Not Easy, Socialist Organiser, 10 November; Charlie Pottins, Harry Was a Bolshie, Jewish Socialist, Spring 1995. See also Peter Fryer, A Splinter Under His Skin, and A Smokescreen of Lies, Workers Press, 19 November 1994 and 7 January 1995, responding to Mark Osborn’s review.

Guardian, 31 August 1994. Gerald Brenan, Revolutionary Malaga, the revolution in the south of Spain, from 31 August 1936 issue.

News Line, 1 September 1994. Jim Graham, Trotsky and the General Strike.

Rouge (France), 1 September 1994. M.L., Un mort à ne pas oublier: Henri Molinier, reminder of Trotskyist militant killed during the liberation of Paris.

Guardian, 6 September 1994. Ken Livingstone, Not Such a Scary Monster, outrageous plug for Lotz and Feldman’s Gerry Healy: A Revolutionary Life, for which he also wrote the preface. See also letters by John Spencer, Geoff Barr and John Lister in 10 September issue; and Peter Fryer Livingstone’s Bad Faith, Workers Press, 17 September.

Socialist Outlook, 10 September 1994. Steve Lloyd, Defending Trotskyism, review of Ernest Mandel’s Revolutionary Marxism and Social Reality in the Twentieth Century.

In Defense of Marxism, September 1994. Paul LeBlanc, Sarah Lovell: Collective Portrait of a Revolutionary; Frank Lovell, Sixtieth Anniversary of Minneapolis Teamster Strike Honoured.

Workers Power, September 1994. Cannon and the “Proletarian Military Policy”, rather purist.

Socialist Worker, 1 October 1994. Hassan Mahamdale, William Cuffay: A Black Leader of British Workers, the life of a Chartist leader.

The Times, 3 October 1994. Neal Ascherson, The Age of Hobsbawm, plug for Eric Hobsbawm and the Popular Front.

Socialist Organiser, 6 October 1994. Colin Foster, Trotskyists in the Nazi Camps.

Guardian, 13 October 1994. Adela Gooch, Spain’s Anti-Fascist Dead Buried with Honour at Last, old Stalinists are given well-marked graves (but where is Andreu Nin?); Val Williams, Photographs from the Edge, on Claude Cahun, a surrealist lesbian photographer and Trotskyist wartime resistance fighter in Jersey. See also Rose Jennings, Out of the Closet, Independent, 8 October.

The Times, 12 October 1994. Communists and Fascists, the Battle of Cable Street, from 12 October 1936 issue.

Socialist Organiser, 13 October 1994. Alan Johnson, Lever or Sect, review of Willie Thompson’s The Good Old Cause; Max Shachtman, Socialists and the Test of War, from the New International, August 1934, concluded in 3 November issue.

Guardian, 15 October 1994. Martin Walker, Old Comrades Never Die, interesting plug for Eric Hobsbawm.

Workers Press, 15 October 1994. Peter Fryer, Fresh Light on British Stalinism, a top secret report compiled by the Executive Committee of the Communist International on Trotskyists and other deviants.

New Statesman, 21 October 1994. Eric Hobsbawm, The Time of My Life, abridged version of his 1993 Creighton Lecture.

Workers Press, 22 October 1994. Peter Fryer, Rose Cohen and “Your Pollitt”, more on the unpleasant internal history of British Stalinism.

Guardian, 28 October 1994. Stuart Jeffries, Marx and Markets, review of Eric Hobsbawm’s Age of Extremes. Also reviewed by Norman Stone, Capitalism Rules OK?, The Times, 27 October; Bryan Appleyard, Lost in Deep Rubble, Independent, 5 November; Perry Anderson, Darkness Falls, Guardian, 6 November; Terry Eagleton, When Will It All End?, Sunday Times, 13 November; Ross McKibbin, Capitalism Out of Control, Times Literary Supplement, 28 October; Ray Athow, The Twentieth Century: Age of Revolution, Marxist Review, January 1995; John Eden, Hobsbawm’s Age of Stalinism, Socialist Future, First Quarter 1995; David West, The Party’s Over, Workers Power, February.

New Statesman, 28 October 1994. Keith Flett, Only Here for the Beer, more praise for the CPGB’s History Group.

Times Literary Supplement, 28 October 1994. NB by ‘D.S.’, Eric Hobsbawm’s lame apology for Stalinism on the BBC’s Late Show.

Guardian, 29 October 1994. Fiona MacCarthy, Designer Socialism, prettified view of William Morris.

Organizer, October 1994. Socialism on Trial: The Most Pedagogic Presentation to Date of the Principles of Marxism, the preface to the French edition of the account of the Minneapolis Trial of 1941.

New Interventions, October–November 1994. Chris Bailey, Ken Livingstone and Gerry Healy’s Ghost; Mike Jones, Memoirs of a German Communist, review of Isaac Abusch’s Erinnerungen und Gedanken eines oppositionellen Kommunisten.

Workers Press, 12 November 1994. Raymond Challinor, Stalinists Potential Victims of Stalinism, worries about supposed Trotskyists in the ranks of British Stalinism.

Socialist Organiser, 17 November 1994. Alan Johnson, Parliament and Revolutionaries, the early years of the Communist Party of Great Britain. See also Martin Thomas, More Than a Lever, in 3 November issue.

Socialist Outlook, 19 November 1994. Keith Sinclair, Quay Struggles: The Rise and Fall of the Dock Workers, review of Bill Hunter’s They Knew Why They Fought. Also reviewed by Al Richardson, A Wasted Opportunity, Workers News, February 1995; and by Harry Ratner, New Interventions, February 1995. See also Tom Cowan and Bill Hunter, Labourism and Trotskyism and the Dockers, Workers Press, 28 January 1995, and Keith Sinclair, Dockers’ History Vital for Trade Unionism, in 18 February issue.

Workers Press, 26 November 1994. James D. Young, A Preserver of the Libertarian Ideas of Marxism, the Scottish Socialist writer Lewis Grassoc Gibbon.

In Defense of Marxism, November 1994. Joseph Hansen, Cuba and the Theory of Permanent Revolution; Morris Lewitt, The Internal Functioning of a Revolutionary Party, from the US SWP’s Internal Bulletin, December 1944.

Against the Current, November–December 1994. Alan Wald, The End of “American Trotskyism”?, Part 1; Part 2 in January–February issue.

Workers News, November–December 1994. Barry Murphy, Twenty Years Since the Portuguese Revolution.

Independent, 1 December 1994. Stephen Ward, MI5 Held Cold War Files on 250,000 British “Communists”.

New York Review of Books, 1 December 1994. Bernard Knox, In Another Country, review of five books on the Spanish Civil War.

Guardian, 2 December 1994. Michael Meyer, Fighter With Pen and Fork, review of John and Mary Postgate’s A Stomach for Dissent: The Life of Raymond Postgate.

Socialist Worker, 3 December 1994. Hassan Mahamdale, Shapurji Saklatvala: The Black MP Londoners Loved.

Workers Press, 3 December 1994. Charlie Pottins, Local Internationalism, review of Mike Squires’ The Aid to Spain Movement in Battersea 1936–1939. Also reviewed by Andy Brooks, Solidarity From Spain, New Worker, 6 January 1995.

The Times, 8 December 1994. Mr Attlee in Spain, from 8 December 1937 issue, with God Save the King played for entertainment!

Workers Vanguard, 9 December 1994. Ted Crawford, Tony Cliff and the Korean War, a letter and a reply.

Socialist Worker, 10 December 1994. Charlie Kimber, Asturias: “We Rose Against Fascism”, the Asturian Rising of 1934.

Workers Press, 17 December 1994. Charlie Pottins, Worth Remembering, coming events around the centenary of Engels’ death.

Independent, 18 December 1994. Mick Imlah, Half Beserker, Half Babe, review of Fiona MacCarthy’s William Morris. Also reviewed by Claire Tomalin, Morris and the Chivalry of Flowers, Independent, 3 December; Frank McLynn, Doomed Marriage of a Creative Genius, Evening Standard, 14 November; William Feaver, Iceland Was So Bracing, Observer, 13 November; Waldemar Januszczak, Designs for Life, Sunday Times, same date.

Guardian, 31 December 1994. Christopher Andrew, Swallows and Bolsheviks, trying to link Arthur Ransome with Malcolm Muggeridge and Richard Gott. See also Paul Foot Cold War Gold Undermines Our Independence, in 2 January 1995 issue; and Andrew Rawsthorne, Ransome Was Not a Spy, Say Swallows Fans, Independent, 8 January, preposterous allegations.

News and Letters, December 1994. Andrew Kilman, Centennial of Neglected Capital , Volume Three; Raya Dunayevskaya, Ideology and the Cuban Revolution: A Study of What Happens After, interesting but marred by Third Worldism.

Socialist Outlook, December 1994. Charlie Mullet, A Bolshevik Century, on the Russian Revolution; Zhang Kai, Remove All False Allegations on the Chinese Trotskyists, abridged from October Review (Hong Kong), April 1994.

Workers Power, December. John McKee, Travels on the American Left, review of Tim Wohlforth’s The Prophet’s Children. Also reviewed by Fred Mazelis, The Odyssey of a Disillusioned Radical, International Worker, 22 October.

International Communist Review, 12/1994. Fascism and Anti-Fascism: The Real Lessons of the Nazi Seizure of Power in 1933; A Brief History of the Fractions of the International Communist Left; The Events in Spain: A Trotskyist Lesson, from 1938.

1917, 14/1994. Geoff White, Interview: Spartacist League: The Early Years, interview with Dale Reissner (1942–1994), a former Spartacist writer on the woman question.

In Defense of Marxism, December 1994–January 1995. The Labor Struggles of 1919: Interview With a Participant, an interview with Karl Skoglund; Jonah McAllister, The Great Strike of 1919: A Watershed in American History; George Saunders, The Seattle General Strike, February 1919.

Communist Action, Winter 1994–95. Len Holloway, Rosa Luxemburg and the Marxist Critique of Reformism; Ernst Thälmann, Letter from Prison (1944); SO, letter on Trotskyism and editorial reply.

The Times, 5 January 1995. Stephen Beller, Messing About with Marx, review of Mitchell Cohen’s The Wager of Lucien Goldmann; Anne McElvoy, Voices of Their Master, review of Stephen Koch’s Double Lives: Stalin, Willi Münzenberg and the Seduction of the Intellectuals. Koch’s book also reviewed by D.C. Watt, Liquidation of a Soviet Gull, Independent, 28 January.

Socialist Organiser, 12 January 1995. Max Shachtman, All My Preconceptions and Prejudices were Exploded out of my Mind, first part of his account of the start of US Trotskyism, from Socialist Appeal, 22 October 1938, second part, Trotskyism on Trial, is in 16 February issue.

Guardian, 16 January 1995. Reds Remembered, 50,000 demonstrate in Berlin in honour of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg.

Workers Press, 11 February 1995. Charlie Pottins, How it Was, the Socialist Labour League in the 1960s.

Observer, 12 February 1995. Fiona MacCarthy, Treading Softly on Over Dreams, review of Raphael Samuel’s Theatres of Memory. Also reviewed by Hugh Pearman, Living in Memory Lane, Sunday Times, same date; Jonathan Clark, History as the Art of Memory, The Times, 23 February.

Guardian, 14 February 1995. Eric Hobsbawm, Party Spirits, glowing review of fellow Stalinist Nina ‘Tactical Voting’ Fishman’s The British Communist Party and the Trade Unions, 1933–1945.

New York Review of Books, 16 February 1995. William Herrick, Lilian Gates and Bernard Knox, The Spanish Civil War: An Exchange.

Ethical Record, February 1995. Peter Brooks, Blatchford, The Clarion , God and My Neighbour; Peter Cadogan, E.P. Thompson: Heroic Pessimist.

New Interventions, February 1995. Rosa Luxemburg, Again the Masses and Leaders, newly-translated article from 1911; Sheila Cohen, Why We Should Recognise the Unions, Hal Draper’s writings on Marx on that subject; Paul Flewers, Socialism and the Intelligentsia: The Ideas of Jan Machajski in Historical Retrospect; Alistair Mitchell, review of Ernie Roberts’ Strike Back.

Socialist Campaign Group News, February 1995. Jim Mortimer, Gramsci’s Prison Writings, review of Frank Rosengarten’s edition of Letters From Prison.

Workers Liberty, February 1995. Ray Challinor, Class Struggle in the Blitz, rather disappointing; Ken Coates, Sheila Rowbotham, Stan Newens and Sean Matgamna, On the IS/SWP Tradition.

New York Review of Books, 2 March 1995. Peter Carroll, The Lincoln Brigade, whitewash of Stalinism during the Spanish Civil War.

Sunday Times, 12 March 1995. Oleg Gordievsky, Soviet Disunion, Bob Edwards was a KGB agent!

Trotskyist International, January–April 1995. Peter Manson, A Marxist Assimilates Religion, review of Enzo Traverso’s The Marxists and the Jewish Question; G.R. McColl, An American Odyssey, review of Tim Wohlforth’s The Prophet’s Children.

Workers Liberty, March 1995. Frederick Engels, Choose the Working Class or Sect Building; Jim Higgins, James D. Young and Mike McGrath, On the IS/SWP Tradition; Sean Matgamna, The Class Struggle is Decisive, includes a strange attack on this magazine.

International, March 1995. Cyril Smith, What is to be Done about Lenin?; Cliff Slaughter, The Revolutionary Party and the Working Class.

Workers Power, March 1995. Dave Stockton, A School for Socialism, first of a series of articles marking the Engels centenary.

International Review, First Quarter 1995. Gatto Mamone (Virgilio Verdaro) The Question of War in the First and Second Internationals, from Bilan, July–August 1936; Etsoem, The First Revolutionary Wave of the World Proletariat, the period 1917–23; ‘F.M.’, Twenty Years of the International Communist Current.

Jewish Socialist, Spring 1995. Charlie Pottins, Cosmopolitan Chartist, the life of Major Bartlomeij Beniovski, a Polish-Jewish leader of the Chartist movement.


The Times, 31 August 1994. Ernest Roberts, a good friend of the left. See also Ian Aitkin, Ernie Roberts, Guardian, same date; Frank Allaun, Ernest Roberts, Guardian, 10 September, a real appreciation; Al Richardson, Remembering Ernie Roberts, Socialist Organiser, 13 October; Charlie Pottins, Ernie Roberts, Workers Press, 10 September.

Socialist Action (USA), August 1994. Dorothy Breitman, Sarah Rebecca Lovell, 1922–1994, a veteran of the Socialist Workers Party who helped to edit Trotsky’s Writings. See also Sarah Lovell, Fighter for Trotskyism, Organizer, July–August.

Against the Current, September–October 1994. Randal Hepner, Sarah Lovell, 1922–1994; Bill Breihan, Lenore Molyon, 1947–1994, US Trotskyist veterans; Tariq Ali, Ralph Miliband, 1924–1994.

Socialist Action (USA), September 1994. Hayden Perry, Esther Waller Perry, a veteran of the US Socialist Workers Party.

Independent, 8 October 1994. James D. Young, Willie Tait, 1910–1994.

The Times, 29 September 1994. Andrew Rothstein. See also Andrew Rothstein, Daily Telegraph, 27 September; Kevin Morgan, The Man Who Stood by Stalin, Guardian, 3 October; Peter Fryer, Death of a Liar, Workers Press, 8 October.

Daily Telegraph, 22 November 1994. Julian Symons, famous crime writer who was a Trotskyist in his youth, and author of The General Strike. See also Julian Symons, The Times, same date; Julian Symons, Independent, 23 November; Tish Newland, Julian Symons, Sunday Times, 8 January 1995, Symon’s papers donated to the Marx Memorial Library.

The Times, 25 November 1994. Professor David Jones, the Welsh labour historian.

Guardian, 14 December 1994. John Spencer, Adam Westoby.

Independent, 21 December 1994. Michael Alpert, General Enrique Lister. See also General Enrique Lister, Daily Telegraph, 9 December; General Enrique Lister, The Times, 10 December.

International Viewpoint, December 1994. Livio Maitan, Raymond Molinier. See also Jean-Pierre Beauvais, Souvenirs de Raymond Molinier, Rouge, 10 November; Hommage à Raymond Molinier, Rouge, 22 December; Martin Thomas, Raymond Molinier and the Revolutionary Spirit, Socialist Organiser, 17 November.

Guardian, 5 January 1995. Tania Rose, Reporting the Revolution, Philip Foner, the US Communist historian.

Independent, 7 January 1995. Thomas Karis and Richard Dowden, Joe Slovo. See also Jonathan Steele, Prize of a Lifetime, Guardian; and Joe Slovo, The Times, same date.

Independent, 13 February 1995. Nicholas Walter, George Woodcock, the prominent Anarchist historian. See also Colin Ward, Good Old Anarchist, Guardian, 18 February.

Workers News, February 1995. Margaret Dewar, 1901–1995. See also Margaret Renn, Margaret Dewar, 1901–1995, Socialist Worker, 4 February; Richard Hanford, The Quiet Revolutionary, Workers Press, 11 February.

Fourth International, Winter–Spring 1994–95. Bill Brust (1919–1991): Fighter for Trotskyism; The Death of George Novak (1905–1991); Grace Carlson (1906–1992).