Vitåfors mine, Malmberget, Gällivare, Norrbotten County, Sweden (original) (raw)

Vitåfors mine, Malmberget, Gällivare, Norrbotten County, Swedeni

Regional Level Types
Vitåfors mine Mine
Malmberget Group of Mines
Gällivare Municipality
Norrbotten County County
Sweden Country

Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

67° 12' 13'' North , 20° 41' 40'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

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Mineral List

7 valid minerals.

Detailed Mineral List:

'Allanite Group'Formula: (A12+REE3+)(M13+M23+M32+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
'Apatite'Formula: Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
BorniteFormula: Cu5FeS4
CalciteFormula: CaCO3References: Lorin, T. & Sandström, F. (2014): Malmbergets geologi och mineralogi. Litofilen. 31 (4), 18-35
'Chabazite'References: specimen in collection
CopperFormula: CuDescription: First found in 1910 10 meter below the surface. The copper was found filling a fracture in metabasite dyke inside the iron ore. The copper appears as massive to skeletal crusts up to a few mm in thickness made of crystals up to 0,1 mm in size.References: C. G. Granström (1910) Om fynd af gedigen koppar i Gellivare Malmberg, Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 32:7, 1546-1548, DOI:10.1080/11035891009443117
'Hornblende Root Name Group'Formula: ◻Ca2(Z2+4Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
MagnetiteFormula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4
MalachiteFormula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
PyriteFormula: FeS2
'Stilbite Subgroup'Formula: M6-7[Al8-9Si27-28O72] · nH2O
TitaniteFormula: CaTi(SiO4)O

List of minerals for each chemical element

H Hydrogen
H Malachite Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
H Stilbite Subgroup M6-7[Al8-9Si27-28O72] · nH2O
H Hornblende Root Name Group ◻Ca2(Z42+Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
H Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
H Allanite Group (A12+REE3+)(M13+M23+M32+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
C Carbon
C Calcite CaCO3
C Malachite Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
O Oxygen
O Calcite CaCO3
O Magnetite Fe2+Fe23+O4
O Malachite Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
O Stilbite Subgroup M6-7[Al8-9Si27-28O72] · nH2O
O Titanite CaTi(SiO4)O
O Hornblende Root Name Group ◻Ca2(Z42+Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
O Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
O Allanite Group (A12+REE3+)(M13+M23+M32+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
F Fluorine
F Hornblende Root Name Group ◻Ca2(Z42+Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
F Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
Al Aluminium
Al Stilbite Subgroup M6-7[Al8-9Si27-28O72] · nH2O
Al Hornblende Root Name Group ◻Ca2(Z42+Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
Si Silicon
Si Stilbite Subgroup M6-7[Al8-9Si27-28O72] · nH2O
Si Titanite CaTi(SiO4)O
Si Hornblende Root Name Group ◻Ca2(Z42+Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
Si Allanite Group (A12+REE3+)(M13+M23+M32+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
P Phosphorus
P Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
S Sulfur
S Bornite Cu5FeS4
S Pyrite FeS2
Cl Chlorine
Cl Hornblende Root Name Group ◻Ca2(Z42+Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
Cl Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
Ca Calcium
Ca Calcite CaCO3
Ca Titanite CaTi(SiO4)O
Ca Hornblende Root Name Group ◻Ca2(Z42+Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
Ca Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
Ti Titanium
Ti Titanite CaTi(SiO4)O
Fe Iron
Fe Bornite Cu5FeS4
Fe Magnetite Fe2+Fe23+O4
Fe Pyrite FeS2
Cu Copper
Cu Bornite Cu5FeS4
Cu Copper Cu
Cu Malachite Cu2(CO3)(OH)2

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