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Candan, O., Koralay, O.E., Topuz, G., Oberhänsli, R., Fritz, H., Collins, A.S., Chen, F. (2016) Late Neoproterozoic gabbro emplacement followed by early Cambrian eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Menderes Massif (W. Turkey): Implications on the final assembly of Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 34. 158-173 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2015.02.015 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
geochronology samples; MMC—Makuti Metamorphic Complex; thick lines are political borders; thin lines...facies metamorphism in the Makuti Metamorphic Complex of northern Zimbabwe (MMC in Fig. 1) occurred before...therefore concluded that the Makuti Metamorphic Complex eclogites formed during the assembly of Rodinia...symplectites of low-Jd clinopyroxene (Jd10–30) 1 quartz 6 albite 6 diopside 6 amphibole. Phengite occurs as either...(1984) are 670 6 60 8C. Some kyanite crystals have albite rims, indicating a drop in pressure. The breakdown
Mitchell, Roger H. (1990) A review of the compositional variation of amphiboles in alkaline plutonic complexes. Lithos, 26 (1) 135-156 doi:10.1016/0024-4937(90)90044-2 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
composition of amphiboles may occur in a given complex. A subtrend found only In oversaturated complexes...they are associated with late veins of secondary albite and may replace preexisting feldspars as disseminated...variation of amphiboles from the Topsalls-St. Lawrence complex (Strong and Taylor, 1984) illustrated III (a) the...different sources for these granites. Cauro-Bastelica complex Amphiboles in the hypersolvus and fayalite-bearing...fayalite-bearing granites of the Cauro-Bastelica complex, Corsica (Giret et aI., 1980) exhibit a very limited range
Ring, Uwe, Kröner, Alfred, Buchwaldt, Robert, Toulkeridis, Theofilos, Layer, Paul W. (2002) Shear-zone patterns and eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Mozambique belt of northern Malawi, east-central Africa: implications for the assembly of Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 116 (1) 19-56 doi:10.1016/s0301-9268(01)00233-9 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
across the Mozambique belt of Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya into the period from 750 to 650 Ma and...of northern Malawi, eastern Zambia and southern Tanzania. Precambrian grey gneiss refers to ortho- and...has been obtained from the Mbozi gabbro (Fig. 3) of southwestern Tanzania (Brock, 1963). Abundant strongly...basement is unconformably overlain in southern Tanzania by the supposedly Early Cambrian Buanji sediments...deformation in northern Malawi and adjacent Zambia and Tanzania has been hampered by insufficient geochronologic
(2008) A Damara orogen perspective on the assembly of southwestern Gondwana. Special Publication, 294. Geological Society of London. 257-278 doi:10.1144/sp294.14 Report (chapter)
Gondwana is made of a mosaic of cratons linked by a complex set of Pan-African/Brasiliano fold belts (Fig....Pre-Cenozoic Correlations Across the South Atlantic Region. Geological Society, London, Special Publications...occur along the supercontinent margins. The map region shown in Figure 2 is outlined by the heavy-lined...Belt (Fig. 3) is the distinctive Ugab Zone with complex fold interference (Coward 1983; Porada et al. 1983;...north to south: a fold-thrust belt displaying complex fold interference, a granite-dominated inner-zone
Evans, D M (2011) Geodynamic setting of Neoproterozoic nickel sulphide deposits in eastern Africa. Applied Earth Science, 120 (4) 175-186 doi:10.1179/1743275812z.00000000025 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
(Malawi): 3; Murite (Mozambique); 4; Ntaka Hill (Tanzania). Abbreviations: Archaean cratonic blocks: A –...– Kaapvaal, SF – São Francisco (Brazil), T – Tanzania, Z – Zimbabwe; Proterozoic mobile belts: ir –...onto the Namuno block (The Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex -CDNC, after Viola et al., 2008). These exotic...(Tirschmann et al., 2010). Mafic rocks of the Xixano complex (Boyd et al., 2010) have a significant crustal...(represented by the western granulite belt of Tanzania and CDNC of northern Mozambique; Fig. 4) that
Allen, J. B., Charsley, T. J. (1968) Nepheline-Syenite and Phonolite. Institute of Geological Sciences, London. Book
Kingdom Ghana Kenya Malawi Rhodesia Sierra Leone Tanzania Uganda Zambia Canada India Australia New Zealand...and the potassium-free plagioclase feldspar, e.g. albite, is virtually unstained. Where coarseness of grain...Kalsilite, recalculated from an analysis of a complex phenocryst of kalsilite and nepheline lava of Baruta...crystallises in the hexagonal system and has a complex formula that represents essentially a hydrated...latter series constitutes the alkali feldspars. Albite, which has a theoretical composition SiO, 68-7
Zhang, Zeming, Dong, Xin, Liu, Feng, Lin, Yanhao, Yan, Rong, He, Zhenyu, Santosh, M. (2012) The making of Gondwana: Discovery of 650Ma HP granulites from the North Lhasa, Tibet. Precambrian Research, 212. 107-116 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.04.018 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Tibet region (modified after Zhu et al., 2011a), showing the...In addition, exsolved lamellae of amphibole and albite are found in the core of Fig. 2. Geological map...amphibole + plagioclase (Sym). Exsolved needles of albite occur within the core of clinopyroxene. (d) BSE...clinopyroxenes carry abundant exsolution needles of albite and amphibole. (e) BSE image, showing garnet partly...post-collision Dokhan volcanic suite of Kia-Malhak region, Sinai, Egypt. Gondwana Research 17, 26–43. Emmel
Hirayama, Eri, Tsunogae, Toshiaki, Malaviarachchi, Sanjeewa P. K., Takamura, Yusuke, Dharmapriya, Prasanna L., Tsutsumi, Yukiyasu (2020) Prolonged Neoproterozoic high‐grade metamorphism of the Wanni Complex, Sri Lanka: New insights from petrology, phase equilibria modelling, and zircon U–Pb geochronology of partially melted cordierite gneiss from Walpita. Geological Journal, 55 (9). 6147-6168 doi:10.1002/gj.3792 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Neoproterozoic high-grade metamorphism of the Wanni Complex, Sri Lanka: New insights from petrology, phase...prograde and near-peak metamorphisms of the Wanni Complex (WC) in Sri Lanka, and investigate the pressure–temperature–...Japan. Email: tsunogae@geol.tsukuba.ac.jp land Complex (HC). Grt-L occurs as thin layers parallel to the...John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 2 HIRAYAMA ET AL. complex subduction–collision processes possibly controlled...amphibo- facies metamorphism of the Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica, lite to granulite conditions
Kuribara, Yusuke, Tsunogae, Toshiaki, Takamura, Yusuke, Tsutsumi, Yukiyasu (2019) Petrology, geochemistry, and zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Zambezi Belt in Zimbabwe: Implications for terrane assembly in southern Africa. Geoscience Frontiers, 10 (6) 2021-2044 doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2018.05.019 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
slightly older metamorphic ages from the Highland Complex in Sri Lanka (w640 Ma; Takamura et al., 2015),...Ma; Koizumi et al., 2014), and the Lützow-Holm Complex in East Antarctica (650e580 Ma; Kawakami et al...Damara Belt, LA: Lufilian Belt, LHC: Lützow-Holm Complex, MB: Mozambique Belt, MP: Maud Province, PC: Palghat-Cauvery...Palghat-Cauvery Suture Zone, ZB: Zambezi Belt. region reported the peak metamorphic conditions of 650e700...granitoid batholith (Basal Ruchinga Intrusive Complex). Please cite this article in press as: Kuribara
APPEL, P., MÖLLER*, A., SCHENK, V. (1998) High‐pressure granulite facies metamorphism in the Pan‐African belt of eastern Tanzania: P–T–t evidence against granulite formation by continent collision. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 16 (4) 491-509 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.1998.00150.x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
metamorphism in the Pan-African belt of eastern Tanzania: P–T–t evidence against granulite formation by...belt in Tanzania, we have studied the P–T evolution of granulites from northern and eastern Tanzania representative...structures younger than those of E-W trend in the Tanzania Craton (Fig. 1), the presence of granulites in...orogenic belts around the Bangweulu Block and Tanzania Craton were initially interpreted as ensialic...formation of Pan-African granulites in the south (Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi). The collision model for
Hu, Jianmin, Ren, Minghua, Zhao, Yue, Liu, Xiaochun, Chen, Hong (2016) Source region analyses of the morainal detritus from the Grove Mountains: Evidence from the subglacial geology of the Ediacaran–Cambrian Prydz Belt of East Antarctica. Gondwana Research, 35. 164-179 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2015.04.010 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
    Source region analyses of the morainal detritus from the Grove Mountains: Evidence from...Minghua, Zhao, Yue, Liu, Xiaochun, Chen, Hong, Source region analyses of the morainal detritus from the Grove...the journal pertain. ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Source region analyses of the morainal detritus from the Grove...the timing of geological events in the Prydz Belt region, U-Pb zircon isotopic ages are compiled in Table...the Rauer Islands, an Archean tonalitic gneiss complex was emplaced in two stages at 3470-3270 and 2850-2800
ROMER, T., MEZGER, K., SCHMÄDICKE, E. (2009) Pan-African eclogite facies metamorphism of ultramafic rocks in the Shackleton Range, Antarctica. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27 (5) 335-347 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00820.x Journal (article/letter/editorial)
crystalline complex (unit 1), the Mount Wegener nappe (unit 2) and the northern crystalline complex (unit 3)...Pre-Cenozoic Correlations Across the South Atlantic Region, Special Publication 294 (eds Pankhurst, R.J.,...Shackleton Range. 1. The Shackleton Range metamorphic complex. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 51, 257–283...Rubidium-strontium dates from the Shackleton Range Metamorphic Complex in the Mount Provender area, Shackleton Range,...359–373. Holland, T. J. B., 1980. The reaction albite = jadeite + quartz determined experimentally in
Kröner, A., Willner, A.P., Hegner, E., Jaeckel, P., Nemchin, A. (2001) Single zircon ages, PT evolution and Nd isotopic systematics of high-grade gneisses in southern Malawi and their bearing on the evolution of the Mozambique belt in southeastern Africa. Precambrian Research, 109 (3) 257-291 doi:10.1016/s0301-9268(01)00150-4 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
collected around Lilongwe and farther south in the region around Blantyre and Zomba. The ages document three...1997), by granulites with ages around 640 Ma in Tanzania (Möller et al., 1998; Muhongo et al., 2001) and...African Orogen (Stern, 1994), from Kenya through Tanzania into Mozambique (Fig. 1) and led to models of... Kröner et al. (2000a). NC, Napier Complex; RC, Rajner Complex. 260 A. Kröner et al. / Precambrian...widely separated localites in the Zomba– Blantyre region. The above author had considerable difficulty to
Mitchell, R. H., Platt, R. G. (1982) Mineralogy and Petrology of Nepheline Syenites from the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Petrology, 23 (2) 186-214 doi:10.1093/petrology/23.2.186 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Nepheline Syenites from the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario, Canada by ROGER H. MITCHELL AND R. GARTH...syenites of Center 2 of the Coldwell alkaline complex exhibit rare wispy mafic-rich modal layering, extensive...Coldwell complex is located on the north shore of Lake Superior and is the largest alkaline complex in North...magmatic episodes were active in the formation of the complex. In Center 1, the earliest activity is represented...in revisedform 19 November 1981) THE COLDWELL COMPLEX, ONTARIO \ duorti syenite CENTER 3 / ^-—-*v
Dong, Xin, Zhang, Zeming, Niu, Yaoling, Tian, Zuolin, Zhang, Liangliang (2020) Reworked Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Lhasa terrane, southern Tibet: Zircon/titanite U–Pb geochronology, Hf isotope and geochemistry. Precambrian Research, 336. 105496 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105496 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
1866 Ma, 1343–1250 Ma and 824 Ma from the Bomi complex in the southeastern CLT. Chen et al. (2019) suggested...eastern segment (cf. Pan et al., 2004). The Nyingchi complex in the eastern SLT has been interpreted as the...indicated that most protoliths of the Nyingchi complex included both sedimentary and magmatic rocks of...metamorphic age of ~ 600 Ma from the Nyingchi complex in the eastern SLT, with a protolith age of ~ 1780...Moreover, the metasedimentary rocks from the Nyingchi complex in the SLT contain abundant ~1500 Ma detrital zircons
Pant, N.C., Kundu, A., D'Souza, M.J., Saikia, Ashima (2013) Petrology of the Neoproterozoic granulites from Central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica – Implications for southward extension of East African Orogen (EAO) Precambrian Research, 227. 389-408 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.06.013 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
domains, i.e. Dronning Maud Land and Prydz bay-Denman Region Glacier has been well demonstrated in east Antarctica...garnet and the biotite melting may have been more complex than (R3) in form of following reaction: Biotite...B: big, C: core, I: intermediate, M: matrix, A: albite, K: k-feldspar, L: lamillae, H: host. Biotite contains...between east and west Gondwana, shown as a shaded region in Fig. 12, provides the petrologic and geochronologic...of the Neoproterozoic Gagwe lavas and Mbozi Complex, Tanzania and the assembly of Gondwana. Precambrian
Macey, Paul, Harris, Chris (2006) Stable isotope and fluid inclusion evidence for the origin of the Brandberg West area Sn–W vein deposits, NW Namibia. Mineralium Deposita, 41 (7). 671-690 doi:10.1007/s00126-006-0079-1 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Springer-Verlag 2006 Abstract The Brandberg West region of NW Namibia is dominated by poly-deformed turbidites...Ugab oC 0 Domain 45 Lower Ugab Domain Brandberg complex q 12.8 ic nt la an At ce O q 10.8 0 kilometres...are from Goscombe et al. (2004). The Brandberg Complex is Mesozoic in age and is part of the Etendeka...pressure associated with contact metamorphism in the region of Brandberg West of 3.2± 1.0 kbar. North and south... The 25-km diameter Mesozoic 674 Brandberg Complex is situated at the southeastern margin of the Lower
Kuribara, Yusuke, Tsunogae, Toshiaki, Santosh, M., Takamura, Yusuke, Costa, Antônio Gilberto, Rosière, Carlos A. (2019) Eoarchean to Neoproterozoic crustal evolution of the Mantiqueira and the Juiz de Fora Complexes, SE Brazil: Petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopes. Precambrian Research, 323. 82-101 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2019.01.008 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
geochronology; Lu-Hf isotopes; Juiz de Fora Complex; Mantiqueira Complex; Kuunga Orogen 1. Introduction Recent...supercontinent is considered to have been formed by complex subduction and multiple collisional events between...geochronological data on orthogneisses of the Mantiqueira Complex indicate that their protoliths were formed by Neoarchean...al., 1998, 2010), and those of the Juiz de Fora Complex during Siderian (2427 Ma; e.g., Heilbron et al...available geochronological and isotopic data from this region, with a view to evaluate the tectonic evolution
Zhang, Z.M., Dong, X., Santosh, M., Zhao, G.C. (2014) Metamorphism and tectonic evolution of the Lhasa terrane, Central Tibet. Gondwana Research, 25 (1) 170-189 doi:10.1016/j.gr.2012.08.024 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
events reveal that the Lhasa terrane experienced a complex tectonic evolution from the Neoproterozoic to Cenozoic.... . . . . . . . 4.2. Late Permian to Triassic complex orogeny between the North and South Lhasa terranes...Harrison, 2000). This extraordinarily large and complex amalgamated belt is considered to have been built...in response to the multistage orogenesis in this region thus remains poorly constrained (Pan et al., 2012;...the Mesozoic and Cenozoic igneous rocks in this region, which form huge, multiple volcanic/plutonic arcs
Wang, Wei, Zeng, Min-Fang, Zhou, Mei-Fu, Zhao, Jun-Hong, Zheng, Jian-Ping, Lan, Zu-Fan (2018) Age, provenance and tectonic setting of Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic sequences in southeastern South China Block: Constraints on its linkage to western Australia-East Antarctica. Precambrian Research, 309. 290-308 doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2017.03.002 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
exposed in the region are Paleoproterozoic (1890-1830 Ma) granitoids and the Badu 97 Complex, which sporadically...components, as revealed by the ~1.9-1.8 Ga Badua Complex as well as 464 numerous detrital zircons of these...2000. Neoproterozoic deformation in the Radok Lake region of the northern Prince Charles Mountains, east...stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the Nanling region, Hunan Province, South China. International Geology...of the Neoproterozoic Gagwe lavas and Mbozi complex, Tanzania and the assembly of Gondwana. Precambrian
Giuliani, Gaston, Groat, Lee, Fallick, Anthony, Pignatelli, Isabella, Pardieu, Vincent (2020) Ruby Deposits: A Review and Geological Classification. Minerals, 10 (7) 597 doi:10.3390/min10070597 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
industry is very lucrative [5] but it is far more complex than many ore industries such as iron, silver,...weight or purity. The value depends on a much more complex quality, with grading systems including many artistic...Vatomandry; (2) Andriba; (Antsirabe-Antanifotsy region, Soamiakatra-Ambohimandroso; Ambohibary); (3) Zazafotsy;...Zazafotsy; Ankaratra (Antsirabe-Antanifotsy region, Soamiakatra-Ambohimandroso; Ambohibary); (3)IlakakaZazafotsy;...John Saul mine; Penny Lane; Aqua, Hard Rock). Tanzania: (10) Umba (9) Mangare (Rockland-formerly John
(1991) Magmatism in Extensional Structural Settings. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-73966-8 Book
volcanic regions (e.g. Rungwe in Southwestern Tanzania) are poorly known, hence the need to increase...Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatism in the Southwest Uganda Region of the African Rift: Implications from Experimental.... . . ... 3 The Crust Under the Canary Islands Region ............. 4 Network of Fractures and Identity...Identity of Vertical Movements in the Canary Islands Region ........................... 4.1 Transoceanic and......................... 5.1 The Thghouaji Ring-Complex ...................... 5.2 Conclusion ........
Sutherland, Frederick Lin, Zaw, Khin (2020) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Ruby. MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-03943-616-3 Book
the Australasian region. He works closely with his counterparts from the SE Asia region. He leads industry-CODES-funded...sapphirine in a highly calcic anorthosite-layered complex in Tamil Nadu, India [15]. Overall, a feature of...and isotopic determinations in small and more complex zircons and zirconolite crystals. In the study...phases, whereas Montepuez inclusions have more complex phases and show exsolution features. The tabled...pyrrhotite-pyrite composite among Mogok inclusions, while complex Montpuez inclusions contained chalcopyrite, pentlandite
(2003) Proterozoic East Gondwana: Supercontinent Assembly and Breakup. Special Publication Vol. 206. Geological Society of London Report (volume)
Orogeny to explain the evolution of the Prydz Bay region of East Antarctica, discarding the traditional...High-grade metamorphism and deformation in the Prydz Bay region, East Antarctica: terrains, events and regional...Orogen; K, Katangan Orogen; Nor, Norway; NET, NE Tanzania. Malaysia block includes Cambodia, Thailand and...Rosen 1994). Plate reconstructions in the Arctic region based on U-Pb zircon ages suggest that northern...1200 Ma Society Cliffs Formation in the Arctic region (Baffin Island) have a minimum ratio of c. 0.706
Chetty, T. R. K., Kehelpannala, Wilbert (2021) Atlas of deformed and metamorphosed rocks from proterozoic orogens. Elsevier. Book
Granulite Block Salem mafic-ultramafic complex Mettur shear zone 2.2.3 Cauvery suture...The Wanni Complex The Highland Complex The Vijayan Complex The Wanni _Complex_-Highland Complex Boundary...Boundary Shear Zone (WHBSZ) 3.6 The Highland Complex/Vijayan Complex Boundary Shear Zone References 185 187...Supracrustal belts 2.4.4 Chhotanagpur GraniteeGneiss Complex References Further reading Aravalli-Delhi Orogenic...Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt The Mahalapye Complex 4.4.1 The Mahalapye Granite 4.4.2 The Mokgware