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Helvacı, C. (1984) Occurrence of rare borate minerals: Veatchite-A, tunellite, teruggite and cahnite in the Emet borate deposits, Turkey. Mineralium Deposita, 19 (3) 217-226 doi:10.1007/bf00199788 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Teruggite and Cahnite in the Emet Borate Deposits, Turkey C. Helvao Dokuz Eyliil Universitesi, Miihendislik-Mimarhk...Jeoloji Miihendisli~i B61iimO, Bornova, ][zmir,Turkey Abstract. The Emet borate deposits were formed...deposits of Western Anatolia (Helvao 1977). The Emet district includes Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks intruded...mining methods in the northern basin (Espey and Killik deposits). Investigations have been carried out...chlorite-schist (Fig. 1). The sediments of the Emet district consist of the following, predominantly lacustrine
(2009) Richard Tayler Minerals List 109. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
--sg~lrT ;;n; 187 HOLLANDITE Mynydd Nodal, Arcnig District, Gwynedd, Wal, 350 PAL YGORSKITE Dcvon,England...£20_ 2x2 £40 Zcolitc 221 ■ HUBEITE Ezhou, Hubei Province, China brown micro crystals on small quartz crystals...Ix! £10 PbAI PO/4OH 43 HYDROBORACITE Killik Mine, Emel, Turkey 921 ■■ PREHNITE Krcimbach, Wolfstein ...Republic 911 Iii!;! TALNAldistrict .Krasnoyarsk Kray, Ru Yellow coatings on matrix...1cm £4 _ __ _ _ _ __ Pb Cn Al Si OH ½" £7 693 . MUSCOVITE Josephine Mine. Mariposa Co. Calif~~nia~uSA ·---
Detterman, R.L., Bickel, R.S., Grye, George (1963) Geology of the Chandler River region, Alaska. Professional Paper 303e. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp303e Report (issue)
______ Chandler formation_____________________ Killik tongue _________________'______ Grandstand for...system-Continued Glacial deposits_____________________________ Killik River _________ ~ __________ ~_______ Anaktuvuk...Coal__________________________________________ Killik River________________________________ Colville... Columnar sections of Grandstand formation and Killik tongue of Chandler formation. Columnar sections..._______________________________ Type locality, Killik tongue _________________ ,__---_-_-----------------------_-
(1979) Preliminary geologic, petrologic, and paleontologic results of the study of Nanushuk Group rocks, North Slope, Alaska. Circular 794. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/cir794 Report (issue)
test well 11-------------Description of core 49, Killik Tongue of Chandler Formation, Umiat test well 11--Description...Northern Foothills Section of the Arctic Foothills Province and the Nanushuk outcrop belt extend unbroken...Arctic Slope (fig. 3). Across this distance the province is characterized by generally east-west-trending...tributaries to the Colville in this area--the Kurupa, Killik, Chandler, and Anaktuvuk Rivers--all of which rise...flysch containing conspicuous amounts of detrital muscovite. The upper part of the Torok Formation grades
Pirajno, Franco, Ünlü, Taner, Dönmez, Cahit, Şahin, M. Bahadır - Eds. (2019) Mineral Resources of Turkey - Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences No. 16. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02950-0 Book
M. Bahadır Şahin Editors Mineral Resources of Turkey Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences Volume...M. Bahadır Şahin Editors Mineral Resources of Turkey Editors Franco Pirajno Centre for Exploration...Ankara, Turkey Taner Ünlü Department of Geological Engineering Ankara University Ankara, Turkey M. Bahadır...Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Ankara, Turkey Responsible Series Editor: F. Pirajno ISSN 1876-1682... a great leader and the founder of Republic of Turkey. A visit by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (4th from left;
(1985) Geology of the Nanushuk Group and related rocks, North Slope, Alaska. Bulletin Vol. 1614. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1614 Report (volume)
0 ....1 E LL. .::.! :I Lower part, Killik Tongue Killik Tongue of Chandler Formation ~ CJ) :I...:I .::.! :I c. (5 ctl ~ c: u Upper part, Killik Tongue (ij :I 0::: 0 (5 ~ CJ) 1- E LL. ...and in the subsurface of the northern foothills province of the Arctic Slope. The upper sequence, which...northern foothills part of the Arctic Foothills Province of northern Alaska; it is widespread in the subsurface...Arctic Slope (fig. 6). Across this distance the province is characterized by generally east-west-trending
(1987) Depositional environments of coal-bearing and associated formations of Cretaceous age in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Bulletin Vol. 1575. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b1575 Report (volume)
Photograph of a distributary channel sandstone in the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation on the Colville...upper delta plain depositional environment in the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation on the Colville...Crossbedded distributary channel sandstone in the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation on the Colville...Colville River 10 12. A splay sandstone in the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation on the Colville River...deposits of the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation. South bank of the Colville River at Killik Bend 85 km
(1930) Geology and mineral resources of northwestern Alaska. Bulletin Vol. 815. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/b815 Report (volume)
..........-...............^..... Brooks Range province.._____---_--_--__-_-___-------_-_--_-__ Arctic...Canyon and adjacent country; B, Mountains at head of Killik River....._._.__.___.__-_.__... 40 6. A, Mountains...Ikpikpuk River; B, Plateau region near junction of Killik and Colville Rivers. 40 8. A, Coast near Kilimantavi...ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE * 9. Aufeis deposits on Killik River: A, Ice practically uneroded, water flowing...aufeis deposits, Killik River; B, Anchor ice that had recently risen floating down Killik River.._______
(2007) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 104. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
--iLiii>io6ui-Eji~yd~i~~;-=r~;d;l~-N~~ey- golden muscovite/ mauve Lcpidolite. Attractive plate with two colours...3-~3-~l-~- - -- --- - --- - - ---- ---- -290 MUSCOVITE Alno Island Sweden 2-3mm square shaped areas,...MgAIBOSiOOH 1062 PYRITE Kristineberg, Skelleftea District Sweden Unusual distorted cube. Pulled out of their...Fe SiO OH 482 UVAROVITE Luikonlahti, Paakkila district Finland Deep green areas on Chrome Diopside and...- - ' - - - ■ HOLLANDITE Mynydd Nodol, Arenig District, Gwynedd, Wal, 267 MELANITE Loch Borrolan Scotland
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 100. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
-- ·- · ~~1 ~0/~ 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 1073 AMBL YGONITE Eitarama,Ruanda, Central...- -- - - - - -- - -- -- -- -- --455 COLEMANITE Turkey , no other details 93 CYLINDRITE Poopo, Oruro,...-San -- - - - -- - 63 COLEMANITE Espey mine, Emet,Turkey 1080 DANBURITE Luis Potosi, Mexico Pure grey fibrous...___ lx2 £2,.50 2x2£5 C 628 GRAPHITE Ratnapure District,Sri Lanka Pure grey foliated mass Ix! £2 lx2 £4...6mm £1.50 1cm £3 11 INYOITE Yakal Mine, Bigadic, Turkey 180 HETEROSITE Newry,Maine, USA Pure white tabular
(1979) A study of reservoir characteristics of the Nanushuk and Colville groups, Umiat test well 11, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Circular 820. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/cir820 Report (issue)
Grandstand Formations-----------------------------Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation---------------------Ninuluk...----------------------Grandstand Formation and Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation--------------...----------------14 9. Core 49 (723.6-729.4 m), Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation-----------------------------15...ft)------------------------------------28 Photomicrograph of Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation, 700.4 m (2298...ft)-------------------------28 Scanning electron micrograph of Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation, 700.4 m (2298
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 101. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
£6 BaCa .C0/3 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 975 ALTHAUSITE Modum, Buskerud,Norway...AsO/4 lxl" £4 CoAsS 63 COLEMANITE Espey mine, Emct,Turkey 93 CYLINDRITE Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia Pure grey fibrous...DANBURITE San Luis Potosi, Mexico 455 COLEMANITE Turkey, no other details 6mm terminated crystals on matrix...tabular platy mass ½" £2 lxl £4 Yakal Mine, Bigndic, Turkey FcTiO Ca BO OH H/20 1015 JACOBSITE Langban...Quarry Leicestershire ■ 116 HYDROBORACITE Killik Mine. Emet,Turkey fibrous mass with COLEMANITE, the latter
(2006) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 99. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
lx½£5 ZnAs0/4 2 AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi Rich mass ofblnck crystal sections ,on...£5 lx2 £10 Pb Fe Sn Sb S 1004 Espey mine, Emct,Turkey 2x2 £6 Fes.iOOH CRYOLITE lvigtut Arsuk Fjord...crystals on rock lx½£4 lxl £7 ·"" COLEMANITE Turkey, no other details pure mass, pale yellow fluorescence...cryst:il"cifGamet. lcm£1.5.0 · ·CnAI'SiO Ratnapure District,Sri Lanka 2x3 £12 1041 2x2 £18 PbCa,Cl AS/O...tabular platy mass ½ • £2 lxl £4 Yakal Mine, Bigadie Turkey ' Ca BO OH H/20 Newty,Maine, USA 1015 JACOBSITE
Brosge, W.P., Morris, R.H. (1966) Geology of the Umiat-Maybe Creek region, Alaska, with heavy-mineral studies of the Umiat-Maybe Creek region. Professional Paper 303h. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp303h Report (issue)
_________________ Chandler Formation. ___________________ Killik Tongue._____________________ Ninuluk Formation...coal-bearing nonmarine sandstone and shale of the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation. Fossiliferous...the Ninuluk Formation (Cenomanian) rest on the Killik Tongue and interfinger with coalbearing nonmarine...head of the Alr.tna River 1o the Killik River. From the mouth of the Killik, Smith and Lynt worked their...geosyncline were established. After descending the Killik River, L. A. Warner and C. E. Kirschner mapped
(2009) Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 108. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Bay, Skye, Scotland AEGIRINE Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi 17 2 Rich mass of black crystal sections...ALBERTITE near Dingwall Scotland ANATASE Cuiba district, Gouveia Minas Gerais. Brazil 28 Quite rich black...matrix Co As S K Mn O £5 I x ½ £6 ______ ______ Turkey , no other details CUPROADAMITE 455 COLEMANITE...8 0 2x2 £7 l x l £2 l x2 £4 COLEMANITE Bigad1c Turkey J 1 59 Colourless crystals on Colemanitc 2x2 £...near Ballycummisk, 4 57 ■■ HEMATITE Ratnapure District,Sri Lanka GRAPHITE 628 Rich lustrous black massive
(2002) Catalogue. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalogue 87. Richard Tayler Minerals Catalog/List
Quebec Ix! £ 1.10 ,Canada Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Ix½ £3 Malawi Nandan Meteroite, Lihu,Nandan 3mm...Green coating on matrix Turkey , no other details Espey mine, Emet,Turkey Ca BO H/20 455 COLEl\lANITE...•nite Franklin New Jersey U.S. A Coeur d'Alene District. ldnho. USA Ste Hilaire Qu bee Canad .Recently...COLEMANITE, the latter Killik Mine. Emct,Turkey is the coarser material Killik Mine, Emel, Turkey pure light brown...white tabular platy mass Yakal Mine. Bigadic. Turkey \I," £2 Monastry Mine. South Africa lx2 £4
(1979) The Alaskan Mineral Resource Assessment Program; guide to information contained in the folio of geologic and mineral resource maps of the Chandalar Quadrangle, Alaska. Circular 758. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/cir758 Report (issue)
provinces, the Arctic Mountains province, and the Northern Plateaus province (Wahrhaftig, 1965). The rugged...production from the deposits in the Koyukuk-Chandalar district (which extends west into the Wiseman, Survey Pass...of gold from placer deposits of the Chandalar district. Myrtle Creek Pribilof' Islands/ PACIFIC OCEAN...the biggest gold producers in the Koyukuk mining district (Mulligan, 1974, p. 6). Some small placer operations...and extended the mapping of the Chandalar mining district to essentially coincide with the present 3° quadrangle
Collins, F.R., Bergquist, H.R. (1959) Test wells, Square Lake and Wolf Creek areas, Alaska, with micropaleontology of Square Lake test well 1 and the Wolf Creek test wells, northern Alaska. Professional Paper 305h. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp305h Report (issue)
formation. _______ ___ __ _ _ Ninuluk formation.. ___ Killik tongue of the Chandler formation _______ Grandstand...(700-1,885 feet) ________ Ninuluk formation and Killik tongue of the Chandler formation (1,885-2,475 feet)______...3__________________ Ninuluk formation (30-510 feet)_________ Killik tongue of the Chandler formation (5101,400 feet)...drilled on 2 anticlines in the Arctic foothills province of northern Alaska. The wells were drilled in...northern foothills section of the Arctic foothills province of northern Alaska, north of the central part
Robinson, F.M., Bergquist, H.R. (1959) Test wells, Titaluk and Knifeblade areas, Alaska, with micropaleontologic study of test wells in the Titaluk and Knifeblade areas, northern Alaska. Professional Paper 305g. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp305g Report (issue)
______ Ninuluk formation,.____________________ Killik tongue of the Chandler formation_ _ Grandstand...D FORMATION Lt to O cc LU Q_ O. N1NULUK KILLIK TONGUE (O o O CC LU H ^ LU 0 CC -, OF THE...they are not nearly as common as in the underlying Killik tongue of the Chandler formation. The shallowest...the Chandler formation. KILLIK TONGUE OF THE CHANDLER FORMATION The Killik tongue of the Chandler formation...which may be indicative of nonmarine beds. The Killik tongue is composed of 85 percent of claystone and
Slack, J. F., Dumoulin, J. A., Schmidt, J. M., Young, L. E., Rombach, C. S. (2004) Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Red Dog Zn-Pb-Ag District and Vicinity, Western Brooks Range, Alaska: Provenance, Deposition, and Metallogenic Significance. Economic Geology, 99 (7) 1385-1414 doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.99.7.1385 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Red Dog Zn-Pb-Ag District and Vicinity, Western Brooks Range, Alaska: Provenance...surrounding the large Zn-Pb-Ag deposits of the Red Dog district. Data for major elements, trace elements, and...only in the Kuna Formation, which in the Red Dog district comprises siliceous black shale and black chert...fundamental role in Zn-Pb mineralization of the Red Dog district. In our model, deposition and early lithification...deposition of the huge quantities of Zn and Pb in the district. On the basis of this model, we propose that low
Karakaya, Muazzez Çelik, Karakaya, Necati, Küpeli, Şuayip, Yavuz, Fuat (2012) Mineralogy and geochemical behavior of trace elements of hydrothermal alteration types in the volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, NE Turkey. Ore Geology Reviews, 48. 197-224 doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2012.03.007 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in the volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, NE Turkey Muazzez Çelik Karakaya a,⁎, Necati Karakaya a,...Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Konya, 42079, Turkey İstanbul Teknik Universitesi Maden Fakültesi Jeoloji...Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ayazağa İstanbul, 34469, Turkey a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received...geochemistry Massive sulfide deposits Trace elements Turkey a b s t r a c t Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS)...(VMS) deposits of the Eastern Pontides, Turkey, are hosted by the Maastrichtian–Eocene dacite and rhyodacite
Nilsen, Tor Helge, Moore, Thomas E., Dutro, J.T., Brosge, W.P., Orchard, D.M. (1980) Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Kanayut Conglomerate and associated units, central and eastern Brooks Range, Alaska; report of 1978 field season. Open-File Report Vol. 1980 (80-888) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr80888 Report (issue)
presents results of work completed in 1978 between the Killik and Itkillik Rivers in the central Brooks Range...designated by initial letters: H, Howard Pass; K, Killik River; C, Chandler Lake; P, Philip Smith Mountains;...others, 1979a) and in the region westward to the Killik River valley as a result of field work done in...the authors and H. N. Reiser in the Arctic and Killik River quadrangles. Information on wells is from...Anaktuvuk drainage basin and between the Chandler and Killik River valleys. Fossils are present in thin coquinoid
Dumoulin, Julie A., Bradley, Dwight C., Harris, Anita G. (1998) Sedimentology, conodonts, structure, and correlation of Silurian and Devonian metasedimentary rocks in Denali National Park, Alaska: A section in Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1996. Professional Paper Vol. 1595. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/70180424 Report (volume)
significance of two foliated intrusions in the Fairbanks District, Alaska Rainer J. Newberry, Thomas K. Bundtzen...locally abundant sericite (hydrothermal-vein muscovite); these veins were traceable laterally for greater...numerous placer mines in the Flat area (the Iditarod district) have produced 48,560 kg of gold (1,561,524 oz)...for quartz-water (Clayton and others, 1972) and _muscovite_-water (Friedman and O'Neil, 1977); the hydrogen...using the equilibrium fractionation equation for _muscovite_-water (Suzuoki and Epstein, 1976). The 818O value
(1998) Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1996. Professional Paper 1595. US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/pp1595 Report (issue)
significance of two foliated intrusions in the Fairbanks District, Alaska Rainer J. Newberry, Thomas K. Bundtzen...locally abundant sericite (hydrothermal-vein muscovite); these veins were traceable laterally for greater...numerous placer mines in the Flat area (the Iditarod district) have produced 48,560 kg of gold (1,561,524 oz)...for quartz-water (Clayton and others, 1972) and _muscovite_-water (Friedman and O'Neil, 1977); the hydrogen...using the equilibrium fractionation equation for _muscovite_-water (Suzuoki and Epstein, 1976). The 818O value
Cobb, Edward Huntington, Mayfield, Charles F. (1981) Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Ambler River Quadrangle, Alaska: supplement to Open-file report 75-628: Part A, Summaries of data to January 1, 1981. Open-File Report Vol. 1981 (81-570) US Geological Survey doi:10.3133/ofr81570a Report (issue)
in Part A the name, U.S. Bureau of Mines mining district, reference that has the occurrence plotted on...appraisal of the areas traversed by the Kobuk, Killik, Alatna and John Rivers and the North Fork of the...Report 50-79, 16 p, A2 (Agnes Cr.) Gold Kiana district Ambler River (10.3, 3.9) approx. OF 78-1201, loc...Valley). (Ambler R., headwaters) Copper Kiana district Ambler River (16.3-16.7, 10.1-10.9) OF 78-1201...azurite and chalcopyrite. (Ambler Valley) Kiana district Gold Ambler River E 1/2 quad. Coarse gold reported