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Graeser, Stefan (1998) Alpine Minerals: A review of the Most Famous Localities of the Central Swiss Alps. Rocks & Minerals, 73 (1) 14-32 doi:10.1080/00357529809603057 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland and Mineralogical Institute of the University CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland Probably...excavations in GalloRoman sites in southern Switzerland (Canton Valais, Binn) several crystal treasures were discovered...in several large natural history museums in Switzerland and abroad were assembled (for example, the outstanding...feldspar minerals, such as orthoclase (adularia) or albite, and some micas and Be minerals (milarite, phenacite...of years. This mining activity, at least in Switzerland, came to an almost complete end after World War
(1977) Europe Issue. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 8 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Lengenbach Mineral Locality, Binna Valley, Valais, Switzerland............................................Imhof Famous Mineral Localities: Lengenbach, Switzerland 275 by Stefan Graeser Rare Earth Minerals in...Bochum-Querenburg, West Germany Eric Offermann Arlesheim, Switzerland photomicrography: Julius Weber Mamaroneck, New...g e n b a c h q u a rry , B in n a V a lle y , Valais, S w itz e rla n d (see a rtic le s in th is issue...KELLER-WILDI, W yhlenweg 40 CH 4 1 2 6 Bettingen, Switzerland ★ Cabinet specimens ★ Miniatures ★ Thumbnails
Gramaccioli, C. M. (1975) Minerali Alpini e Prealpini Vol. 1. Istituto Italiano Edizioni Atlas S.p.A, Bergamo. Book (volume)
L'Ossola ... .. .. . . . . .. Cap. XXXIII - La Val di Binn .. . .. . Cap. XXXIV - Zone del Grimsel e della...Go­ schener Alp nel cantone di U ri, la Valle di Binn e le zone del Grimsel e della Furka nell'alto Vallese...ancora oggi. esistono famiglie, quali gli Imhof di Binn, i Caveng di Sedrun e gli Indergand di Goschenen...veramente splendidi di epidoto, di adu laria, di albite, di a mianto di anfibolo e perfino di titanite...presenti, come ii la clorite e la calcite; ria, 1 'albite, 2) 1Vli11erali « guida •• e cioe manifesta ovunque
Gramaccioli, C. M. (1975) Minerali Alpini e Prealpini Vol. 2. Istituto Italiano Edizioni Atlas S.p.A, Bergamo. Book (volume)
L'Ossola .. . . .. ... . . . . Cap. XXXIII - La Val di Binn . .. . . . Cap. XXXIV - Zone del Grimsel e della...a cavallo >> tra la Val For­ mazza e la Valle di Binn. Questi esemplari sono caratteristici anche per...saccaroide bianca (2x). Ochsenfeld, a/ta Valle di Binn. rissimo di ferro e di alluminio. 11 colore e chia­...dolo­ mia nelle vicinanze del Sempione (Valle di Binn). Nel Tirolo austriaco, della bella tremolite si...(lavori idroelettrici dell 'Oberaar), la Val di Binn, qualche cava dell'Ossola (Croveo, Vil­ ladossola
Parker, R. L., Stalder, H. A., de Quervain, F., Niggli, E., Graeser, St. (1973) Die Mineralfunde Der Schweiz (2nd ed.) Verlag Wepf & Co., Basel. Book (edition)
3-85977-002-0 Copyright by Wepf & Co., Basel Printed in Switzerland Buchdruckcrci Birkhauser AG, Basel inTIWNRI...Luzern; Jos. (t) und Anton Imhof, Ried b. Brig und Binn; P. Indergand, Goschenen; A. und 0. Jochum, Poschiavo;... . . . . . . . . Fundgebiet 5 : Baltschiedertal-_Goms_-Urserental (H. A. Stalder) Fundortgruppen 5 a bis...ist aus den Daten von MELGEREI nicht abzulesen. Albite sind weitverbreitete Mineralieri vieler Fundortgruppen...Oligoklas aufzufassen. WEIBEL (1958) hat einige Albite a nalysiert und festgestellt, da8 sie sehr rein
Bernard, Jan, Hyršl, Jaroslav (2004) Minerals and their Localities (1st ed.) Granit, Prague. Book (edition)
oligoclase, labradorite, bytownite (series end-members albite and anorthite). These transitional members largely...common terms are not abbreviated, e.g. canton (Switzerland), vilayet (Turkey), region (Chile), kray and...metamorphic hornfelses, with epidote, chlorite, albite, titanite, etc. In rich masses at Pelham, Hampshire...SwitzerlandItaly, overlooking Binntal, Valais canton, Switzerland, also crystals in Obersulzbachtal Valley...Kaltenberg mine, Turtmanntal Valley, Valais canton, Switzerland. In individual crystals to 1 mat Djida
Gaines, Richard V., Skinner, H. Catherine W., Foord, Eugene E., Mason, Brian, Rosenzweig, Abraham, King, Vandall T. (1997) Dana's New Mineralogy (8th ed.) Wiley-Interscience. p.1872 Book (edition)
Hans A. Stalder: Natural History Museum, Bern, Switzerland. Hugo Strunz: Institute of Mineralogy, Technical...Grasshopper Mt., Tulameen, BC, Canada; Kaltenberg, Valais, Switzerland; Bogota, near Canala, New Caledonia; Mt....intrusion, NWT, Canada; Selva, near Poschiavo, Switzerland; Oko, near Koti, Japan; Red Hills, Wairaw R....France; pic. Ste.-Marie-aux-Mines, Alsace, bach, Binn, SwitzerBlack Forest, and Marienberg, Saxony, Germany;...(1893-1973), professor of mineralogy, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland. Mon C2/m. a=11.066, b = 8.085, c = 7.965, B
Nickel, Ernest H., Nichols, Monte C. (1991) Mineral Reference Manual. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Book
Bauditz, Vejby, Denmark; Pierre Perroud, Geneve, Switzerland; Jiri Just, Perth, Australia; Richard Thomssen...60(1975), 161 (Abst.). Ivanitskii et ah, 1973. Albite, NaAlSigOg, 0 Trie. Vitreous/pearly white, bluish...Translucent yellow. Cherbadung, Binntal, Valais (Wallis), Switzerland. H= 6.5-7, Djj4=3.70, Dg=3.71, VIID...reflected light. Lengenbach quarry, Binntal, Valais (Wallis), Switzerland. H= 3, Djjj= 5.329, Dc= 5.340, HD 05b...(Kabelstollen Gerstenegg-Grimsel I), Grimsel, Bern, Switzerland. H=?, Djjj=2.06, D(.= 2.04, VbC 04. Walenta,
(1994) July - August 1994. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 25 (4) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Heidelberg, W. Germany Eric Offermann Arlesheim, Switzerland Jeffrey A. Scovil Phoenix, AZ Harold and Erica...Antleitung zum Bestimmen der Miner alien. 8th edition, Giessen. GAHN, J. G. (1820) Uber das Lothrohr, Auszug einer...with special emphasis on Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Monthly information for the Dana collector,...the Mt. Edwards Basalt is typically actinolite-_albite_-quartz-epidote-biotite, and this has been altered...both from Lengenbach and from the nearby area o f Turtschi. N ew species described in­ clude baum hauerite-2a