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Williams, Albert Jr. (1888) Useful Minerals of the United States. United States Geological Survey. Book (edition)
Kern, Inyo, Mono, and San Bernardino counties. Ulexite . • Wolfram Remarks. Tangstate of iron COLORADO-Mined...county ; associated with chalcocite ; Rocky Hill quarry, Hartford county; in veins of quartz in trap-rock...in mica schist; Winchester, Litch field county: Windsor, Hartford county, in slate; other lo calities,...Willimantic, Windham county. Topaz Middletown feldspar quarry. Middlesex county; Willimantic, Pitchblende Windham...clay . . Limestone Churchman's quarry on Christiana creek ; Clyde's quarry on Brandywine creek; Quarryville
Murdoch, Joseph, Webb, Robert Wallace (1966) Minerals of California - Centennial Volume (1866-1866) Bulletin 187. California State Mining Bureau Report (issue)
housing developments. Another is the famous Crestmore quarry, where the cement production has almost destroyed...16 [Bull. 189 5f O 0> o o 2 O 0) 20 «! CO o O Q O d'^- .o i2 cd-S 'c3-t-''o «-Q0 cr CL... o tn 4; to .o .S o CO UJ $5 ^ Oh c/> CL 0) 1- \ > C CpegS o...the University of California at Santa Barbara and _co_-author of this Centennial Volume, is one of the justly...represented in the Searles Lake deposits, except ulexite, ably the greater number which is reported to
Murdoch, Joseph, Webb, Robert W. (1956, December) Minerals of California. Bulletin 173. California State Mining Bureau Report (issue)
Division of Mines C. many and his entire staff of _co_-workers. Financial support for the project was received...Natron Trona Northupite Tychite Pirssonite Ulexite CRESTMORE The more than 100 minerals from the...interest in the mine was rightfully as a marble quarry due to himself, but Alvarado refused to give him...Priceitc Paigeite Hulsite Tincalconite Probertite Ulexite Veatchite Colenianite Borax Hydroboracite AVitherite...Inyoite Howlite Bakerite Teepleite Szaibelyite = ulexite = Paigeite Camsellite = Szaibelyite Bechilite
(1885) For the year ending May 15, 1885. Fifth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist. California State Mining Bureau Report (issue)
Bureau, San Francisco, and sent by Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, or by railroad or steamship lines as...Lorenzo Paper Mills. Pump Steam Wrecking by Harrison & Co., of San Francisco. This, discharging, as it did...collected, and the usual apathy prevailed. Booth Co. intended to send a ten-stamp quartz mill, but the...had to be dug very deep, at a heavy cost; and the quarry work required very considerable labor. To sum up...committee agreed to become responsible. Wells, Fargo & Co., and the railroad and steamship companies, generously
(1964, November) The Desert Magazine Vol. 27 (11) The Desert Publishing Co. Journal (issue)
western Christmas verse in addition o the greeting Canada residents remit in U. S. dol lar value . Colorado...Technical Publication Dept. D M Denver Equipment Co. 1400 - 17th St., Dunver, Colorado 80217 CALIFORNIA...all Australian Gemstones. AUSTRALIAN GEM TRADING CO. 294 Little Collins Street MELBOURNE, C.I. AUSTRALIA...Columbus marsh, even then a modest producer of ulexite, and Teel's Marsh, glistening like beds of snow...hardtop, 2 or 4 door. Prompt shipment. SIDLES MFG. CO., Box 3537D, Temple, Texas. TREASURE FINDERS Supersensitive
(1958, November) The Desert Magazine Vol. 21 (11) The Desert Publishing Co. Journal (issue)
road from Hinkley, improved about 1947 to a pumice quarry. But we left it almost immediately, since the road...west from it just north of where we came in. This quarry road from Hinkley is the best and most direct route...paying quantities. It is legendary that Tiffany & Co., New York, mined gem opal in Black Canyon. A 1954...perfume was heady, and as a sV Old American Opal Co. Dugout -"Scout's Cove" iloVICTORVtLLE 20 breeze...follow the old road across Harper Dry Lake to Black's Ranch ruins. There had been heavy rain and runoffs
Bristow, Henry William (1861) A Glossary of Mineralogy. Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, London. Book
IiONDOlT PEINTED BT SPOTTISWOODE AND NEW-STEEET SQUABE CO. : aiOSSAEY OP imERALOaY. / BY HENEY WILLIAM...Thomson, 2 vols., 1836. Reports on the Geology of Canada, by Sir William Logan. Montreal. Quarterly Journal...Yellow Ochre. Carrollite. Bright White Cobalt, _Co_- Safflorite. Blakeite. Halotrichite. Halotrichine...Magnesium . . Peroxide of Cerium Mg^ •e-e CI . Co . . Chlorine Cobalt . . . . Magnesia Manganese.... . . Peroxide of Manga- . Oxide of Chrome Co Cr . er . . . . . . . nese xlv Mo Mo
James, Noel P., Dalrymple, Robert W. - Eds. (2010) Facies Models 4 - GEOtext No. 6. Geological Association of Canada. Book
Sedimenωl吨Y 搓搓 RESEAROI GROUP 命 library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Facies Models I editors:...of Canada IV. Series: GEOtext ; 6 QE651.F26 2010 551.7 @2010 Geologica l Association of Canada AII...rights reserved Publisher Geological Association of Canada c/o Department of Earth 8ciences Memorial University...ofNewfoundland 8 t. John's , Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada AIB 3X5 Phone (709) 864-7660; Fax (7 09) 864-2532...巳nts , is granted by the Geological Association of Canada for libraries and other users provided that they