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(2003) Mexico [II]. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 34 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
Mexico ineralogical Record September-October 2003 ❖ Volume 34 Number 5 ❖ $20 Wayne & Dona Leicht,...Van Pelt, Los Angles Mexico Special Issue II The Ojuela Mine Preface to _Mexico_-II1............................................................... 24 Mapimí District Geology ................................ from the 1981 find in the San Judas chimney, Level 6, of the Ojuela mine. Houston Museum of Natural...headframes and processing facilities of the Ojuela mine ca. 1900. The famous suspension bridge designed
(2005) The Italian Island of Elba. extraLapis English 8. Lapis International LLC Report (issue)
with quartz and a/bite from the Rosina pegmatite in San Piero di Campo Collection Federico Pezzotta Photo...high fi-om the Vallone workings in the Rio Marina mine Collection Walter Giannini Photo Franco Valoti ... Renato Pagano Gloria Staebler, and Tom Wilson San Piero: A Mineralogical Paradise Several of Elba's...are not far from the tiny picturesque village of San Piero in Campo. Situated on the southeastern edge...with quartz and a/bite; 6 cm high Grotta d'Oggi, San Piero in Campo, Elba, Tuscany, Italy Collection Dave
(1985) Tourmaline. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 16 (5) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
albite and lepidolite, mined recently at the Himalaya mine, Pala, California. William Larson collection; photo...of the Himalaya mine (by D. Eidahl) [1977, vol. 8, no. 6, p. 475.]* The best of San Diego County (by...298-299.] * More on rubellite from the Itatiaia mine, Brazil (by P. C. Keller) [1979, vol. 10, no. 1...33-34.]* Famous mineral localities: the Cruzeiro mine [Minas Gerais, Brazil] (by J. P. and J. O. Cassedanne...Mineralogical Research Co., 15840 E. Alta Vista Way San Jose, CA 95127. A list of other dealers in back issues
Panczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
"'<' ~/ BOUNDARIES U A Mo<'« u~ o V :¾ MEXICO r - ·•-.. ·-··-··-··-·· < •• ....... V S TATES...org/details/mineralsofmexico0000panc MINERALS OF MEXICO • ERALS OF ~XICO M ______ William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy-Collectors and collecting-Mexico. 2. Mines and mineral...mineral resources-Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This boo i...i.. is deJicated tu the people of Mexico and to the three people who directly affected me and this project
(2021, November) Elba Tourmaline. The Mineralogical Record Vol. 52 (6) The Mineralogical Record, Inc. Journal (issue)
of the first issue in the "Mines and Minerals of Mexico" series, this one devoted entirely to the minerals...appointed Resident Geologist at the Copper Queen mine for three years, including the responsibility for...at Bisbee in 1975 he transferred toAjo as General Mine Foreman. He finally left the employ of Phelps Dodge... New Mexico and Nome, Alaska, as well as of a coal mine in Utah and a copper mine in New Mexico for Gold...two: in 1980 he was snowed in at Silver City, New Mexico, and in 1994 (when he was show chairman!) he was
Panczner, William D. (1987) Minerals of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5848-1 Book
anc MINERALS OF MEXICO 7 | : = Pras #0 AaprTTARE ; MINERALS OF MEXICO William D. Panczner...1938Minerals of Mexico. Bibliography: p. 1. Mineralogy— Collectors and collecting— Mexico. 2. Mines and...and mineral resources— Mexico. I. Title. QE377.M6P36 1987 549.972 86-13325 ISBN 0-442-27285-5 This book...Jalisco; D. Santiago Ramirez’s La Riqueza Minera de Mexico, and his translation of Dana’s Tratado de Mineralogia...a. ie = Maes Lie Auadado = ae MINERALS OF MEXICO Vv Oona tA. IMPORTANT MINING DISTRICTS
Clopton, E. L., Wilson, W. E. (1996) The Mineralogical Record Index - Volumes I - XXV 1970 - 1994. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
On a spectacular find of crocoite in the Adelaide mine, Dundas, Tasmania (by A. H. Chapman) 3:111-113 ADOLFSSON...AJO Famous mineral localities: the New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Arizona (by W. J. Thomas & R. B. Gibbs) 14:283-298...ALLEN, GEORGE B. --and W. Hunt: The Tonopah-Belmont mine, Maricopa County, Arizona 19:139-144 ALLGOOD, GENNE...Allgood, C. Williams: Ramsdellite from the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALLGOOD, ROBERT W. -with G...the Mistake mine [Arizona] 14:333-335 ALMA Famous mineral localities: the Home Sweet Home mine, [near Alma
Moore, T.P. (2016) Moore's Compendium of Mineral Discoveries 1960 - 2015 Vol. 2. Mineralogical Record Inc. Book
Springfield show ( 1995: 582). Madawaska [Faraday] mine near Bow Lake, Hastings County. Some of the world's...property of, the old Madawaska uranium mine (called the Faraday mine before 1964). The mineral assemblage...magnetite, anatase, biotite, microcline and minor fluorapatite (Robinson and Chamberlain, 1982), with ilmenite...Cowgill, 1977). LATINAMERICA BRAZIL Jacupiranga mine, Sao Paulo. Among the crystallized minerals in the...during the 1970s (see this entry for Actinolite, Fluorapatite, Prehnite, Pumpellyite). Ilmenite was found
Ertl, A., Kolitsch, U., Dyar, M. D., Hughes, J. M., Rossman, G. R., Pieczka, A., Henry, D. J., Pezzotta, F., Prowatke, S., Lengauer, C. L., Korner, W., Brandstatter, F., Francis, C. A., Prem, M., Tillmanns, E. (2012) Limitations of Fe2+ and Mn2+ site occupancy in tourmaline: Evidence from Fe2+- and Mn2+-rich tourmaline. American Mineralogist, 97 (8) 1402-1416 doi:10.2138/am.2012.4028 Journal (article/letter/editorial)
in 1994–1995 in the Fosso dei Forcioni, near San Ilario (Sant’Ilario) in Campo, on Elba, Italy (Orlandi...comparison with structural data of buergerite from Mexico see Barton 1969; Grice and Ercit 1993; updated...Hughes, J.M. (2004b) Mn-rich tourmaline and fluorapatite in a Variscan pegmatite from Eibenstein an der...Tourmaline of the elbaite-schorl series from the Himalaya Mine, Mesa Grande, California, U.S.A.: A detailed investigation...tungsten-bearing vein at Copper Mountain, Taos County, New Mexico. Canadian Mineralogist, 37, 1431–1438. Fuchs, G
(2002) Tourmaline. extraLapis English 3. Lapis International LLC Report (issue)
elbaite crystals with lepidolite from the Golconda Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil by Eberhard Equit, 1993...1910 view of the old mine portal on the north side of the Himalaya Mine in San Diego County, CA. D. Sterrett...w·orld-class pink tourmaline was found in the pegmatites of San Diego County, California. The Advent of Chemical...from an altered rhyolite at Mexquitic in San Luis Potosf, Mexico. nomically feasible, the discovery in...An 11 cm tall elbaite group from the Pederneira Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The bottom of the group
Sinkankas, John (1989) Emerald and other Beryls. Geoscience Press, Prescott, AZ. Book
Morocco), Morocco 463 Uganda, (Nyasaland), 480 Mexico, 480 Mongolian 507 Sudan, 508 456 Italy, 456...intertwined with that of mankind. John Sinkankas San Diego, California October, XIV 1981 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...of of those years by Dr. a of persons and San by the main Diego library. The in many the text...Paris, Museum (Natural Chatham, British France; San Francisco, Campagne measure les Phoenix, Lakewood...north of Thebes. No emeralds exist the emerald mine through stones. Qift as as other mineral,